Marmotdude says “Yeah I don’t like them damn shadows ’cause you are blocking my rays. So would you just move, man and while you’re up, bring me some sunscreen. Oh yeah and Happy Marmot’s Day.”
Thanks for Thursday dog blogging. Everybody recommend it so we can look at dogs, cats and other cute critters all day when we’re sick of Marmotdude or, more likely, sick of whatever else we are doing.
Is it Groundhog Day? Well, then I’m glad I didn’t know that, because I wouldn’t have wanted to steal the limelite from our Dude. Who’s looking exceptionally dudish today.
You’d sure think that around here this week. Going to be sixtyish today, then drop “all the way down” into the forties for a few days. Gosh, get out the winter woolies, Maude, it may almost freeze.
I’m actually starting to get back on central time. I also had hot tea waiting for me this morning. Earl Gray. So, yay. I won’t stay too long since I’m working against a couple of deadlines, but it’s nice to actually get here before noon. I don’t suppose anyone’s going to World Con in LA this year and already registered?
Hope y’all are doing splendiferously this morning.
I’m naturally a night person, so I do real with time changes going west, and not so much coming east. If I didn’t have to live more or less on a morning schedule here, no problem. But Laura teaches eight o’clock classes and goes to bed early, so I adjust to spend time with her.
What was that? She’s behind me now? (turns around very slowly-sounds of feet scampering in background) Where? Still behind me. Not again. (shrugs) All right, I surrender. (mumbling) It’s not like I’m armed with wit in the morning anyway.
You just wait. In four or five hours when I’m fully awake I’ll have a snappy comeback. Then you’ll be sorry. (The cat in his lap says something scathing about even her being more awake than he is) (sighs-pretends to go back to work in hopes of escaping with some dignity intact)
Hee hee. And anyway, if it’s any comfort, any cafe with the Marmotdude on the beach has already relinquished all pretense of dignity. Which is as things should be.
that when Marmotdude saw his shadow, it meant six more weeks of snark…
Good morning — trying to get myself stirring today. Spouse did an early load of laundry, so I’ll have that to put away, then later heading up to help mom-in-law with email and other computer stuff; when the spouse gets off work we’ll go to the hospital and see dad-in-law.
Spouse heading out the door for work…that’s my cue to get my ass in gear too… 🙂
‘Morning. Err, just saw the clock. Ouch! Good afternoon(at least here in EDTzone.
Not being usually here but at work at this hour, the ‘Tude pic got me. No sun here – as usual. Four nights of almost no sleep to meet a deadline and I crashed this am, having no class and no meetings (!) today, stayed home to not think about work or politics or anything subustantive.
Then found Cat#1 had barfed on NYT photo of Bush giving STOU speech. Great cat! Of course, now the recyling bin must be scrubbed out, but I can’t get too mad at such a smart animal.
Err, sorry to mention barfing at the cafe. . . .bad girl! But I’m tired of being a good girl, so just for today (my apologies to Katiebird).
Now we need a couple of pictures of the Dude appropriate for this weekend, one in full Seahawks regalia (complete with the Hawk logo on his face) and one decked out like a typical Steelers fan, as depicted by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Rob Rogers:
You’re close. You’re very very close. Actually, though I’ve never met her and the age is wrong, I suspect Horsey used Susan’s daughter Darcy for his model. 🙂
Elliot Bay is a great bookstore. I haven’t been in far too long — I don’t make it downtown much these days. And once you get there, unless they’ve moved since I last visited there are a bunch of antiquarian and used booksellers in the neighboorhood. Drop by and check them out as well.
Just dropping by to wish everyone a Blessed Imbolc – the festival of lights and the time of fertility and the end of winter. Moving on to spring. Since I’m home with the flu – the cat and I are going back to sleep. Heck of a way to start the celebration of the end of winter!
Hi everyone, I’m on my way out to a commemoration ceremony to join my Xicano brothers and sisters for Segundo de Febrero, our birthday as a bi-cultural people.
Also, I wanted to say hello and remind MarmotDude that he better flip over every half-hour to avoid getting a sunburn.
Nothing to do with this, but no wonder you are a lawyer. I loved the precise way you worked your way through the dog blogging diary making judicious comments.
(I will not be tempted to delurk again, I will not be tempted by Andi to delurk again, I will not be tempted by that damn Andi to delurk again … oh hell)
Hmm, sounds like a challenge — I wonder what would happen if I offered Dunkie, wearing only a speedo with a well-placed rip, making a quick delivery in her basement and …
You’ll have to trust me that you don’t want the detailed explanation. The short version is that I’m tempting Maryb with a lure of healthily deviant behavior.
Puget4 at her new desk built of a sheet of thin white-surfaced material sitting on plywood, resting on two small file cabinets with loads of needed storage. Gooserock’s seat is at top left.
The princess is on lunchtime nap as Ed Schultz rails away softly in the utility room.
I’m just sure that it was my inspiration over at E4T which caused you to write.
Very clever haiku but I can’t pay it suitable attention because I’m too distracted by trying to suss out the psychological, sociogical, political, and economic implications of the misplaced heh, heh.
You’re testing out some sort of psychological torture plotline for your new book, right? You’re trying to see how long I can go before I crack under the strain of trying to figure out if the heh, heh is for the above comment, some other comment I made, a comment you made, a comment made by someone else, a comment that hasn’t even been made yet, a comment about life, the universe and everything, a comm
Newbies, lurkers, visitors always welcome! Jump in and tell us about yourselves.
Please recomend.
Must Have Coffee. Back in a sec.
Marmotdude says “Yeah I don’t like them damn shadows ’cause you are blocking my rays. So would you just move, man and while you’re up, bring me some sunscreen. Oh yeah and Happy Marmot’s Day.”
(chocking snort)
That is adorable! We need a poster of that in the Cafe. And don’t think I didn’t notice the advertising, either, thank you very much. (TYVM)
I hope you can see that it is also the special version of the book with the ‘Dude on the cover. I had to shrink it down a lot to get it to fit 🙁
lol! I didn’t see that! I’ve got to learn to examine your masterpieces really closely.
Hey, looks like me two weeks ago, though I’ve got a bit less hair on top and the book I was reading wasn’t as good.
(cough, cough, choking on coffee)
I promised myself I was going to do no more than lurk during business hours today. Damn you Andi !
That is priceless. I love the words on the signs.
Cloaking device reactivated.
Well thank you so much — especially for noticing the signs. I have to admit I’m pretty fond of them myself.
oops (quick delurk)
Thanks for Thursday dog blogging. Everybody recommend it so we can look at dogs, cats and other cute critters all day when we’re sick of Marmotdude or, more likely, sick of whatever else we are doing.
that is was missing again, he said we needed to put a diary so you wouldn’t have to go through another week of denial.
And if you haven’t seen the puppy pics yet, you need to pause your billable hours and get over there.
Fabulous, Andi. Thank you! Lord, what a hunk.
Can’t ‘hang out’ at all today, myself — on the run. Just stopped by to express my thorough appreciation for the ‘paparazzi’ 😉
Cheers, all. Enjoy the day!
Is it Groundhog Day? Well, then I’m glad I didn’t know that, because I wouldn’t have wanted to steal the limelite from our Dude. Who’s looking exceptionally dudish today.
I sure hope DamnitJanet stops by because Marmotdude insisted on having that bottom sign just for her.
6 more weeks of spring?
lol, she said sadly.
You’d sure think that around here this week. Going to be sixtyish today, then drop “all the way down” into the forties for a few days. Gosh, get out the winter woolies, Maude, it may almost freeze.
I think it’s actually a question of will there be six weeks of winter.
That’s chilling, which may be about the only chill we get.
I’m actually starting to get back on central time. I also had hot tea waiting for me this morning. Earl Gray. So, yay. I won’t stay too long since I’m working against a couple of deadlines, but it’s nice to actually get here before noon. I don’t suppose anyone’s going to World Con in LA this year and already registered?
Hope y’all are doing splendiferously this morning.
I have never seen anyone take so long to recuperate from Hawaii! 🙂 You must have really boogied on that board.
I’m naturally a night person, so I do real with time changes going west, and not so much coming east. If I didn’t have to live more or less on a morning schedule here, no problem. But Laura teaches eight o’clock classes and goes to bed early, so I adjust to spend time with her.
Sure, sure. 🙂
Hey! No fair picking on the groggy person.
What was that? She’s behind me now? (turns around very slowly-sounds of feet scampering in background) Where? Still behind me. Not again. (shrugs) All right, I surrender. (mumbling) It’s not like I’m armed with wit in the morning anyway.
You just wait. In four or five hours when I’m fully awake I’ll have a snappy comeback. Then you’ll be sorry. (The cat in his lap says something scathing about even her being more awake than he is) (sighs-pretends to go back to work in hopes of escaping with some dignity intact)
Hee hee. And anyway, if it’s any comfort, any cafe with the Marmotdude on the beach has already relinquished all pretense of dignity. Which is as things should be.
that when Marmotdude saw his shadow, it meant six more weeks of snark…
Good morning — trying to get myself stirring today. Spouse did an early load of laundry, so I’ll have that to put away, then later heading up to help mom-in-law with email and other computer stuff; when the spouse gets off work we’ll go to the hospital and see dad-in-law.
Spouse heading out the door for work…that’s my cue to get my ass in gear too… 🙂
So, what you’re saying is that every day at the cafe is a shadow filled groundhog day?
‘Morning. Err, just saw the clock. Ouch! Good afternoon(at least here in EDTzone.
Not being usually here but at work at this hour, the ‘Tude pic got me. No sun here – as usual. Four nights of almost no sleep to meet a deadline and I crashed this am, having no class and no meetings (!) today, stayed home to not think about work or politics or anything subustantive.
Then found Cat#1 had barfed on NYT photo of Bush giving STOU speech. Great cat! Of course, now the recyling bin must be scrubbed out, but I can’t get too mad at such a smart animal.
Err, sorry to mention barfing at the cafe. . . .bad girl! But I’m tired of being a good girl, so just for today (my apologies to Katiebird).
* snicker *
Too funny, Omir!
You’re too kind. 🙂
Now we need a couple of pictures of the Dude appropriate for this weekend, one in full Seahawks regalia (complete with the Hawk logo on his face) and one decked out like a typical Steelers fan, as depicted by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Rob Rogers:
Click here for Seattle Post-Intelligencer cartoonist David Horsey’s depiction of a representative Seahawks supporter.
that is hilarious. the seattle fan, I mean.
It’s even funnier if you live here.
Looks just how I pictured her… 😉
Love the Elliott Bay Books bag…that’s on my list of “must stops” (then ship the purchases to the folks to hold onto till we get home…)
You’re close. You’re very very close. Actually, though I’ve never met her and the age is wrong, I suspect Horsey used Susan’s daughter Darcy for his model. 🙂
Elliot Bay is a great bookstore. I haven’t been in far too long — I don’t make it downtown much these days. And once you get there, unless they’ve moved since I last visited there are a bunch of antiquarian and used booksellers in the neighboorhood. Drop by and check them out as well.
Just dropping by to wish everyone a Blessed Imbolc – the festival of lights and the time of fertility and the end of winter. Moving on to spring. Since I’m home with the flu – the cat and I are going back to sleep. Heck of a way to start the celebration of the end of winter!
Blessed Be!
Get plenty of rest and lots of fluids…find a good classical station and veg out for a bit. 🙂
Be well, SallyCat. We’ll be thinking of you in purrfect health.
I want to reach in and kiss that kitty’s nose!
Sorry about the flu and hope you feel better soon. And if the cat won’t snuggle, Marmotdude is available.
Hi everyone, I’m on my way out to a commemoration ceremony to join my Xicano brothers and sisters for Segundo de Febrero, our birthday as a bi-cultural people.
Also, I wanted to say hello and remind MarmotDude that he better flip over every half-hour to avoid getting a sunburn.
Feliz Cumpleaños a la gente Xicana!
Host Off Duty
Gone to Lunch at Marmot Crossing
Back Soon
Can you rephrase that in the form of a haiku?
Host is off duty
Lunching at Marmot Crossing
Be back in a bit
Hey mister Omir
You done pretty good at that
You got more haiku(s)
So you want haikus?
I got em’ by the truckload.
What kind do you want?
omir has stories
but poems will not stay till
he can unload them
A speedo haiku
For mary two thousand four
On Bode Miller
banana hammocks
on portly, hairy old men
can only be bad
Thanks! You’re giving Atrios a run for his money. (Not implying that he pays me or anything).
Nothing to do with this, but no wonder you are a lawyer. I loved the precise way you worked your way through the dog blogging diary making judicious comments.
(I will not be tempted to delurk again, I will not be tempted by Andi to delurk again, I will not be tempted by that damn Andi to delurk again … oh hell)
Thanks, I guess.
Hmm, sounds like a challenge — I wonder what would happen if I offered Dunkie, wearing only a speedo with a well-placed rip, making a quick delivery in her basement and …
xBachelor Norwegian Farmer needs translation
You’ll have to trust me that you don’t want the detailed explanation. The short version is that I’m tempting Maryb with a lure of healthily deviant behavior.
I wish I could explain to you why I find that so hilarious…
Given my prurient interests, I’m sure I wish you could as well.
The quick smart Dunkie
Jumps over Mary Oh Four
To get to kansas.
If that didn’t get her to delurk, nothing I can tempt her with will.
I heart NDD
Puget4 just got off the phone with the WA state taxation dept. re: paying our annual business tax, which was due Tues 1/31.
The system in WA seems too complicated by our Ohio experience, but she was very nicely & helpfully walked through the website filing.
It must be those Democratic female senators and governors!
Well, happy as one can be when working!
Puget4 at her new desk built of a sheet of thin white-surfaced material sitting on plywood, resting on two small file cabinets with loads of needed storage. Gooserock’s seat is at top left.
The princess is on lunchtime nap as Ed Schultz rails away softly in the utility room.
Host back from lunch now.
Leaving again to walk dog.
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.
I would like to register a complaint with the host. I posted a “heh heh” under an AndiF comment and it showed up under the wrong one.
I Have Written Today. My favorite six syllables.
Haiku in Too Many Syllables
I have written today.
Yesterday was no past perfect.
How tense will tomorrow be?
I’m just sure that it was my inspiration over at E4T which caused you to write.
Very clever haiku but I can’t pay it suitable attention because I’m too distracted by trying to suss out the psychological, sociogical, political, and economic implications of the misplaced heh, heh.
You’re testing out some sort of psychological torture plotline for your new book, right? You’re trying to see how long I can go before I crack under the strain of trying to figure out if the heh, heh is for the above comment, some other comment I made, a comment you made, a comment made by someone else, a comment that hasn’t even been made yet, a comment about life, the universe and everything, a comm
Alas, poor Andi. We knew her well.
There’s a new cafe open, right at oceanside.