Karl Rove’s Truthiness Squad Rides Again

Hesiod (formerly of Counterspin) has the latest on a new Republican astroturf propaganda outfit called Midwest Heroes who are running ads in Minnesota claiming “our enemy in Iraq is Al Quaida” that “American troops are making real progress” and that “We want to fight [terrorists] and destroy them in Iraq. Here’s an excerpt from Hesiod’s diary at Daily Kos with the more details behind this new front in the propaganda wars:

The head of the group is Robert Stephenson. He’s also a leader of the Minnesota chapter of Families United for our troops. Clearly a public relations organization.

He’s also, apparently, a rightwing nutcase, who signed a petition for an organization called “Alliance for Seperation of School and State.” […]

The ads and the group are being bankrolled by the Progress for America Voter Fund. A front group for Pro-Bush administration propaganda.

These were the scumbags behind the infamous “Ashley” ad. [NOTE: The “Ashley ad” was the one which pictured President Bush comforting 16-year-old Ashley Faulkner, whose mother died on 9/11. It’s subtext: Bush is our National Father and will protect us from the evildoers]


PFA aslo supported Dubyah’s Social Security privatization scheme, and both John Roberts and Sam Alito. In fact, they are so far in the tank for Bush, they even did a full court press in support of Harriet Miers! So, this isn’t merely a conservative organization. Or even a Republican one. It is a fully funded arm of the Bush White House propaganda operation — set up by Tony Feather, the Bush/Cheney 2000 political director.

In fact, Fetaher’s DCI consulting firm was instrumental in the Swift Boat Liars for Bush campaign as well.

Go and watch the ads at the Midwest Heroes site. I think you’ll be appalled at the number of outright lies and misleading statements they contain. Hesiod thinks we ought to get Paul Reickoff, of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, to counter these ads with some that tell the real truth about Iraq, not this half baked amalgam of Rovian b**s***. I agree with him.

It never stops, so we can’t stop either. This is all part of the Architect’s master plan for the 2006 elections. The progressive blogosphere needs to get behind a rapid response to this. Contact any organizations you belong to, like Moveon.org, and let them know that you want them to respond to this blatant use of the BIG LIE technique with their own ad campaign, or as part of a coordinated response by progressive and antiwar groups.

Gonna be a long year folks, and its never too early to start fighting the good fight. What else you gonna do?

Update [2006-2-10 15:32:10 by Steven D]: Per Susan here’s the Link to donate to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. And here is some further contact info for them:

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
770 Broadway, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003
p: 212-982-9699
f: 212-982-8645
E-mail: info@IAVA.org

Author: Steven D

Father of 2 children. Faithful Husband. Loves my country, but not the GOP.