How could it be Monday again already?
I was slung-lo and
So gung-ho
For anything to get me a start
I had my rock
I had my roll
But I couldn’t find a spark
So gung-ho
For anything to get me a start
I had my rock
I had my roll
But I couldn’t find a spark
A flip of the hi-fi
A glimpse of the good life
And the clouds began to fade
I’m turning this B-side
Around to a de-light
Blue skies are here to stay
“She was so down, look at her now
She’s never been so high!
Everyone knows, give it some time
The clouds’ll clear the sky!”
-Erin McKeown
Peter Benchley dead at 65: Yahoo/AP
His legacy will live on in the minds of swimmers everywhere…
Shark frenzy in Australia AP/Yahoo
Seems fishy to me…
It’s a man’s world at the top: San Jose Mercury
Wonder what they have to say about the makeup of the Supreme Court of the United States?
Look, Rummy’s making friends: NYT
Who says he doesn’t play well with others?
From Women’s eNews
A new method is being tested to help prevent the transmission of the HIV virus. The full article details the testing and its goals but also discusses other matters such as concerns about testing being done primarily on poor women in Africa and India and about testing being done on young women.
We were talking about that at PP last month. I’m forwarding your link to my crew-thanks!
Week in Review from bayprairie: Our Word
Dubai – growing fast
Well, they’re definitely in a better financial position than the US, aren’t they? But of course, they aren’t spending money they don’t have on a war they didn’t need to fight, are they?
“..they aren’t spending money they don’t have..”
That is the essence, most of what they ae doing is financed through equity.
“BOOM” may be right if you consider their neighbors.
Saddam creates uproar in forced court appearance
Not that long ago, “oral arguments” used to mean something quite different in the queer community, but now we all know it means a court challenge involving our equal rights and we are, collectively, just as enthusiastic about these kinds of oral arguments as we’ve always been about the other kinds.
New Jersey has a decent domestic partnership law that doesn’t seem to be under serious threat from any direction. NJ itself is arguing for the status quo, to keep the domestic partnership law as is; gays, of course, are arguing for full equality. In light of that, the precise nature of the debate in Jersey at this point has kinda become, “Hey look, if it’s cool to give gay people some rights, then why, exactly, are we not giving them the same rights as straight people again?” Which is a question that I’ve asked people who were opposed to my equality on numerous occasions, and it almost always exposes their anti-gay bigotry right away, even when they were unaware that they had such bigotry.
The simple truth is that, in a secular democratic republic, there is no legitimate argument to deny queer people any right that is extended to straight people, and there is no legitimate reason to treat queer and non-queer people as though we were two radically different classes of people.
I know that NJ is more reliably ‘democratic’ than PA in terms of passing pro-choice/FP/rape counseling legislation. Doesn’t surprise me that they would be open to pro-gay marriage legislation too. As they should be.
You recall that Ohio coin scandal involving prominet rethuglican Tom Noe?
Today he got a Valentine coin package of 53 felonies indictment and potential 175 years in a 5 star rebar hotel.
via thinkprogess here
Now if only IF ‘please sir can we have some more’?
We thought it was bad in Florida or Ohio?
from a 2004 article:
& from John Maxwell’s Haiti Elections: The ‘Pottery Barn Rules’:
Im glad you posted these Arcturus.
INTERVIEW-U.N. seeks $680 mln in aid for Congo
CodePink are terrorists
“The Hit List
Below is a list of enemies that pose a considerable threat to the American people. They hate the fact that America is the greatest country in the world and they stand against everything that made America the greatest country in the world. They fight and work alongside terrorists. They actively and openly support those that are trying to cause the destruction of the United States from within. This used to be known as “Treason” and “Sedition” and it used to be punished as such.”
What an ugly site, in all respects!
I sent it on to CodePink.
They are “targeting” liberals they say. They don’t speak of violence … but have “targets” and photos of several of us from all over. But those could be snatched from the net…
But they do advocate “punishing” us as traitors and terrorists.
Very scary. My husband will shit a brick if he sees this site. He’s already nervous about the Intl Womans Day coming up.
The wording used on the site was quite disturbing.
But they are truly pathetic – just follow the link to the so-called “Hate mail”. Thoughtful, well reasoned letters are considered hate mail.
Maybe these suckers should just be ignored, the site counter only had 4,550 clicks and some of the documents posted are dated last summer. Not exactly high traffic.
I noted the “threat” by the word “punish”…
Also they updated their “target” of CodePink 2/2/06
Jim Talent and stem cell research are in the sights of Bob Novak.
Novak describes the breach in the Republican party over stem cell research as a dispute between the country club Republicans and the religious conservatives and that’s probably as good a way to describe it as any.
Bob, being Bob, makes the whole column about himself. He claims that Talent made his hurried decision to flip flop because Bob and his reporters were getting ready to break the news that Talent was going to flip flop. (Yeah, whatever).
But Bob does have good sources on where some of the pressure may be coming from:
And I like the way Bob finishes:
I’m hopeful that the Show Me state Democrats will be able to show Democrats in other states how to pick a wedge issue that favors the Democrats. So far, its looking good.
Those are not my words. Read on.
GOPs are not happy campers, maybe running scared they’ll lose control of Senate and House at mid-term ’06. The in fighting has begun.
Not looking pretty. For those who missed it CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) met over the weekend. Looks like the party is breaking out in more than just fists fights. Don’t call the fire department just yet.
Here are some samplings:
“Bush is spending money like a pimp with a week to live” – Jonah Goldberg Is that you Jonah? Can’t believe my lying eyes.
“Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy” – a soon to be released book by Bruce Bartlett, ex Reagan domestic-policy adviser
Gov. Rick Perry of TX, yea that one, chided Bush ‘for failing to secure the borders.’ You’re sporting.
Rove called Rep. Tom Tancredo a “traitor”? True to form Karl.
Bob Barr said Bush is wrong to conduct warrantless spying of Americans. Some booed but on this side we all agree. Would you like to manage the impeachment Bob..erm like you did for Bill?
go read the rest here
Ya think the next poll will have his numbers at 40% approval?