Cheney was not licensed
From correspondents in Dallas, Texas
15feb06US Vice-President Dick Cheney’s office sent a $US7 ($9.50[AUS]) cheque to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department after it emerged he was hunting illegally when he accidentally shot a fellow hunter.
Both Mr Cheney and the man he shot in the face, neck and chest, Texan lawyer Harry Whittington, 78, had been hunting quail without the $US7 game bird stamps on their licences.
The two men, who had valid hunting licences, were issued warning citations, but there will be no fine or other penalty.
Laws obviously only apply to the “little people.”
More, most of which you’ve already heard, at:,5936,18149420%255E401,00.html
I can’t imagine how many VPs we would’ve gone through if it were a Dem administration that had done what this one has.
Letterman had a Top 10 list of Cheney excuses for this. #1 or so was Until the Democrats get serious about SS reform, we’re going to have some tough choices to make on the elderly. That’s plain cold-hearted, but accurate.
Somewhere in there was Excuse? I hit him, didn’t I?
You don’t need a $7 “tag” to hunt humans. As he’s proven many times over.