Froggy Bottom Lounge
This is an unhosted lounge, but don’t let that stop you!
Newcomers welcome, your first drink is on us!
Please be considerate and use the ashtrays provided.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Anyone around? Pass the pretzels, will ya?
FB it seems we’re the only ones here. I got your pretzels and beer is on the way.
I guess everyone else is engrossed in the Olympics. Actually I’ve got a sweet tooth tonight, pretzels just won’t cut it.
How about chocolate covered pretzels? I love the chocolate/salt combo.
Me too. Whoever invented the chocolate/salt combo is a genius in my book.
As a kid, I dunked french fries in my chocolate shake. I still love that taste, but I have since learned that fast food is evil.
They make a high-class version of your invention. Chocolate covered potato chips!
To a chocolate/salt addict, that sounds like crack.
See?…your fries in the chocolate shake was the gateway drug.
I can hear Nancy Reagan now, “Just say No to salt and chocolate.”
what a prude
We could try maryb’s chocloate concoction from last night.
Chocolate Cocktails
Thank you, they look tempting.
Are you cured from neck/shoulder ache thing you had?
If not, I should send you an email and drone on about my experiences with very similar stuff. I did actually come up with some things that seemed to help.
It still hurts, and though I’ve gotten 2 backrubs from the Nature boys, it feels like it’s not getting any better. I’d love to hear what you did that helped.
I’ve never tried one by my younger sister is a great believer in chiropractors.
I went to one many years ago in an attempt to rid myself of migraines, but I’m such a control freak I wouldn’t let him crack my neck. So he called it doing an adjustment, but to me it was cracking my neck and I was afraid I’d be paralyzed.
SN I get horrible migraines and I was told by someone to try that. I’ve been pretty hesitant about it though.
There’s nothing scarier than laying on a table with your head in some stranger’s hands and he says ‘don’t worry, this won’t hurt a bit…’
My biggest laugh is going to a dentist and they say after the dental procedure it will be a little sensitive. Hell they mean PAIN. I think they have that word sensitive stamped on their brain when they start dental school.
I have to admit that the whole things seems a bit flakey to me but she thinks the world of the guy she goes to.
I’m definitely going to try a massage therapist. AFTER I lose some weight. I imagine most of the people who get massages are very lean and fit…right?
Seifukujitsu Massage – I pasted so no typos 🙂 The masage that lasts for… days because it hurts so good.
My Judo/Jujitsu Sensei also was a massage therapist and he gave great massages. They help you GET IN SHAPE, too. Big motivator to get healthy, too.
He’d do a gentler massage with peppermint oil for the face and other oils for different parts of the body. I’d come out like a limp noodle.
Had to be in a g-string… but he was my Sensei I trusted him completely. But it took me a long time and lots of running before I got on the table LOL Plus he kept me covered. Each area was covered and then just a portion uncoverd for the massage.
DO IT SECOND 🙂 It makes you feel super sensual and happy which I believe burns more calories than vacuuming or doing strenuous labor 🙂
Now I’m really intimidated! Sounds fun but…yikes!
But… if you want to know who the good massage therapists in your area are… go to the local martial arts dudes and ask them : )
Sounds Californy but if I am still and silent I can sometimes see the aura (for lack of a better name) of the areas that are hurting. I know right where to rub. My hands take over. My Sensei said it was a gift.
But it’s not so. It just means that everyone wants you to massage them LOL
Ack me too!! Me too! I won’t let anyone crack or “adjust” my bones like that. My buddy goes to a chiro.. but damn… not me 🙂
I’m a big weanie.
Chiros rule if you get a good one!!!!
I’ll try to get an email off later tonight. Later for me means 1am to 5am. It’s likely to be a tad too long and rambling for the FBC.
I’ll look forward to it. Thanks.
Great sign for the cafe. Have a pretzel and a beer.
Dip that pretzel in chocolate and you’re on.
Hi you two. I’m watching skating and catching up on comments. I’m finally over my chocolate cravings and have moved on to salty stuff, so pretzels look good to me.
Sounds like you’re about two weeks behind me. Hey, you think if we hang out online long enough our cycles will merge?
In real life, all the women at the office have ended up pretty close to the same cycle. Did you read the book The Red Tent?
I loved that book. I keep telling my daughter to read it but with her ADD she can’t get past the first paragraph.
I loved the idea that once a month you got to go to the Red Tent and weren’t expected to work (for men or children) but just hung out with other women.
I loved that too, as well as the value the author gave to basically ignored biblical women.
Do they get to hang out in the blue tent, watch “enlightening” movies, smoke cigars, drink tequila, etc, until their female companions return?
THey get to be men. Everyday is the blue tent.
The world is the men’s blue tent.
for a local art show!!
women friends. Does it have somthing to do with fairymoans.
Those look divine. One time my friend up north gave me this gigantic chocolate covered apple that weighed, seriously, like 5 lbs. You had to cut it with a hatchet and way way way on the inside there actually was an apple.
Those look yummy! I am soo looking forward to break next week. I plan on doing a little cooking and a little baking.
It’s not spring break already is it?
My district manages a break next week and one the week after Easter. The Break around Christmas is short, but we always have to make room for Eid.
My kids have early dismissal (11AM) on Friday and then have a four day weekend. We’re going to paint a bedroom – hopefully.
I love early dismissal, especially if I’m not stuck in some boring meeting.
Hugs and Smooches! See you tomorrow! xoxox
Give the little Damnits a hug for me.
((((Second Nature))))) when we meet one day – I’ll give you a really nice back rubbin, Scorpy style.
Scorpy? Sounds interesting, of course, any backrub that doesn’t end in sex is okay in my book.
There’s a product I love. It’s by Kama Sutra called Sweet Almond Massage Oil. It makes you smell like a christmas cookie 🙂
I’m gone – but back. Waiting for the dog to eat so I can take her out so that I can then shower up afterwards.
Is that Scorpy from Farscape?
As in Scorpio 😉 Like how Spiderman had “Spidey senses”
Oh well, I thought I’d found another Farscape fan.
I’m lovin the skiing tonight.
I liked the American figure skater. He had style.
I liked the interview with him where he said “I think I think subconsciously that I’m the next best hope for an American medal.” Uh — “I think” means you are conscious.
I tune out all the interviews and backstory stuff; it’s the tv equivalent of cotten candy.
I did like sheila young hiding behind the sign for the start of her daughter’s race, though.
I never got to see curling. I went all the way upstairs, but by the time I figured out how to work the star trek style wall mounted controls to get sattelite — I was paged and had to go back to my office.
WOW Bode ! Oh no.
curling is on again tomorrow same time but U.S. men’s — so more incentive since you’ll get men sweeping.
LOL!!! are their uniforms as tight as the speed skaters?
Stick with speed skating — with figure skating as a backup.
LOL and gymnastics, swimming and diving for the summer games.
I like the summer games precisely for that reason. Not the speedos mind you, but what’s above.
I don’t mind the speedos. At least they have the bodies for them. LOL
I guess I can admit to being a dirty old woman – I like the part right above the speedo. mmm.
LOL Okay if I keep on I will be banned.
Ok, we’ll just imagine together and then neither of us will be banned.
That guy’s music made me sad and now the look on his face is SO sad.
Lawrence O’Donnell just said on Scarborough that maybe the reason Cheney didn’t want to talk to authorities right away is because he couldn’t pass a breathalyzer!
and this surprise you? LOL I have been saying that all along. I know hunters. I grew up in the south and most of them drink.
There’s never a hunting season goes by without at least one story about a hunter who was so drunk he fell off of his tree stand.
can you see getting cyborg cheney into a tree stand. LOL They would have to bring in a lift and everything else.
It surprised me that he had the balls to say it.
I’m in the south now – where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in North Carolina and ;lived there till I was 30 or so. I live in Texas now but have lived in Pa. Or,Ca,and az as an adult
I’m in NC.
I grew up in Eastern NC. Tarboro to be exact. It is between Ricky Mount & Greenville. The last 7 years I was there I lived in Raliegh.
We live in North Raleigh, above the beltline. Nice climate, but pretty church-y.
out past crabtree? LOL I know Raliegh pretty well, I know it has grown a lot since I left many years ago. Remember you are in the bible belt but their are liberal churches also and lots of dem groups or were when I was there.
Crabtree and I are on intimate terms. I do love to go there and people watch. Plus, there’s a place in the food court that has the best hummus.
many many years ago I worked as a stock bot at the jc penneys there. LOL
You and David Sedaris. I read that he used to work there. You could be in worse company, he’s one of my favorite authors.
But I can never decide if I really like slalom.
Good night everyone. Have a pleasant night.
I am still recouping from flu and a few other things and my body has decided it is time to shut down. I am really happy I checked out the cafe the other day and look forward to getting to know everyone better.
All night lounge now open.