Johnny will be KING for a week starting Monday, write the bountiful bloggers at The National Review:
That’s what the corrupt, dysfunctional UN must feel like it’s been hit with this month, as U.S. Ambassador John Bolton takes his turn as Chairman of the Security Council. The NYTimes reports this morning: “Mr. Bolton, president of the Security Council this month, set meetings next week on what the United Nations has been doing about charges of sexual exploitation by peacekeepers and an audit on waste approaching $300 million in the peacekeeping purchasing department.”
Naturally, the UN General Assembly is upset — not at the waste, fraud and corruption but at the fact that Bolton cannot be dissuaded from shining a light on it.
Go, go Johnny go, go!
(Image from 1950s game show, “Queen For a Day.”) OPEN THREAD!
Who are we kidding here? Johnny boy is not anything but a bolster of the WH and what THEY want. It has always been that why for any WH, but for this WH it is so very dangerous. My question is, do you think Johnny boy will get through the month without creating WW3?
In other words, 3-4% of the money that disappeared without a trace during our occupation of Iraq. Good luck with cracking down on that horrible waste.
If I were in charge of a security council nation’s delegation, I would do everything possible to organize a 14-nation boycott during Bolton’s month and not even have another meeting of the Security Council until his turn was over.
Monkey in the wrench-works
You are so naughty. I love it.
(Gorgeous monkey.)
Wouldn’t it be great if the other ambassadors to the Security Council just didn’t show up for any of the meetings while Bolton is the Master of Ceremonies?
Then, maybe we could get unprepared and ineffectual Democrats to stop showing up on the talking head shows and further damaging the Democratic Party.
Brilliant perspectives, guys… You’re right. Why doesn’t the most important committee at the UN, the one entity responsible for international security matters, just not show up out of spite for Bolton. That way, we can let the Harriri investigation drop, allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, and just let Sudan just play it’s self out…
Read some of the articles that have been written about the morning briefings. You’ll hear about Ambassadors jogging past the reporters to make it to the meetings on time. Why? Because they know these briefings are important, and they don’t want their home countries hearing about their unexplained absences.