Howard Dean:
“Karl Rove says that the Republicans are going to win on the issue of defense. I submit to you that if the issue is defense, the Republicans will lose because this is the weakest Administration on defense that we’ve seen in many, many years. What I mean is this. For five years this President has been in the White House. For five years North Korea continues to possess nuclear weapons. For five years this Administration has been in the White House, Iran moves closer every day to producing nuclear weapons. For four years, Osama Bin Laden has been on the loose and remains so. And today we see the specter, as reported in the Jerusalem post- of a company that is about to take over American ports, which actively continues today to boycott Israel.
“The Democrats have a better idea. First we will conclude the negotiations with the Chinese and the North Koreans to disarm North Korea. Secondly, under no circumstances will a Democratic Administration ever allow Iran to become a nuclear power. Three, we will kill or capture Osama bin Laden and four, the authority and the control of the ports of the United States must be retained by American companies.
“We are not simply speaking about the United Arab Emirates — we are also speaking about the western ports which are controlled by companies controlled by the Chinese government. Foreign governments of any kind ought not to be controlling American ports, especially when the Coast Guard already recommended that they could not guarantee the security of the ports.”
Sure enough, he doesn’t get specific about Iraq. Here are more excerpts from his remarks yesterday at the Annual Conference of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs:
“We will defend America.”
“Republicans have been in power long enough to show that they can’t be trusted with your money, your defense or power. The truth is today, 34% of the American people think that the President is doing a good job. So, we’re not talking about a fifty-fifty country- we’re simply talking about a country that wants competence and honesty in their leadership again”
“While the Republicans have done a good job winning elections the. . .way they win elections is the root cause for why they’ve done such a terrible job governing America. . .
“If you divide people in order to win elections, you can’t govern. . .The president has to understand that they are the President of all people, not just 50.1%.”
Together, America Can Do Better – A Positive Democratic Agenda
“So our strategy is very simple- we want to make it clear to the American people what the Republicans are about and what their discrepancies are between what they say and what they do. We also want to make sure the American people understand what we are going to do differently.
“One- we will pass ethics legislation within the first 100 days of our re-ascension to power, and eliminate the scandals and the corruption that the Republicans have brought to power. We want honest and open government in America again.
“Two- we want a strong national defense which begins with telling the truth to our citizens and our soldiers and our allies before we send troops abroad.
“Three- we want American jobs that will stay in America by creating a new energy independence industry, creating thousands of manufacturing jobs and construction jobs to retrofit our homes and businesses.
“Four- we want a health care system which works for everyone, just like 36 other countries in the world have.
“And five- we want a strong public education system so we can have opportunity and optimism back in America again. . .”
-from the DNC.
So are the elected Dems planning on getting backbones? Is the party going to quit attacking grassroots candidates who might have won elections and actually had some spirit in office? I still vote democrat and support candidates but have a hard time believing anything that comes out of the DNC, DCC, or Dean’s office.
and I hope that just because they didn’t say it themselves, Dems can get still behind this simple three point solution.
Barry Welsh Indiana 6th District Democratic Congressional Candidate
It seems to me that there is a lot of “If it’s not my idea, it can’t be a good one”, that goes on, and it shouldn’t be that way.
Barry Welsh Indiana 6th District Congressional Candidate
I don’t want to be in charge but I do want the ones that are to live up to being democrats. We haven’t seen much of that lately. This middle of the road stance so many have taken is making it easier for the repugnants to stay in office.
“Together America can do better” is still a lousy slogan.
So is “Bush is a lousy hawk, I’m hawkier.”
Amerika doesn’t need defending, it doesn’t need to be strong… it needs to be disarmed and leave the rest of the planet alone. It is not North Korea, Sadaam Hussien, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro or even Bin Laden who is a real threat to world peace it’s the United States of America.
America needs to be disarmed of it’s nuclear weapons it is a greater threat and a “growing meance” to mankind than North Korea or Iran.
To hell with the Dumbocrats and they’re bullshit about Bush is weak on defense. Quit talking about defense …which is really to say we need to be more offensive, start more wars, bomb different targets, invade the areas of Pakistan where Bin Laden is hiding, bomb North Korea and IRan.
They are simply trying to appeal to the defense industry and Republican voters with this crap about being strong and defending Amerika.
This language is wrong. It’s not defense the United States needs, it’s clarity, peace, and common fucking sense.
To: The Democratic Party.
From: Reality.
Memo: You tried the “we’ll do the same thing as Bush, but do it right!” line last election. It didn’t work out so hot for you, did it? Care to guess why? Maybe because what Bush is doing is wrong. I don’t care how much kos thinks you’re the Right People and can do no wrong. How, exactly, do you plan to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power should they decide they want to be one? The army’s broken, or did you miss that memo? How, exactly, do you plan to “conclude negotiations”? As for capturing and killing OBL… Good luck with that. Hope you manage it in under two years, or you’re going to get slaughtered at the polls.
Howard should know better!
Perfect. Thank you.
Also, we need to recognize that Howard’s real job these days – whether “in power” or not – is to protect the Democratic Party’s war profiteers, like Dianne Feinstein’s hubby. The mush-mouthed rhetoric makes sense from that perspective.
to have their candidates selected by They Who Write the Checks to Diebold – AND to appeal to the US voting class is to convincingly position themselves as tougher on “terror” than the Republicans.
And with new “revelations” like cutting peoples’ penises in Morocco, that is really a challenge.
It’s hard to be tougher on terror than cutting penises and making sure Cat Stevens is kept out of the country.
It’s not enough anymore to just rewrite Pentagon press releases about how dangerous Iran is. By the time the “election” rolls around, the crusade will have been in full swing for over two years.
The Democrats must bite the bullet and promise to invade and occupy France.
And In Competence, And Ohhh So Many Other Area’s
Iraq War Increased Terrorism Threat, 35-Nation BBC Poll Shows
While I’m pleased that Dean wants to put defense front and center, but not sure he sure his “we’ll accomplish their goals better than they will” message is going to be convincing. Perhaps he has some polling data to indicate otherwise. But I have to agree that “we can do better” ain’t very good either, and it was the result of much time and money.
not in force of arms, but in diplomacy. A diplomatic relationship with all nations is healthy. Healthy diplomatic relationships foster alliances of purpose. Nations that are aligned in purpose can check, control, and prevent rogue operators such as terrorists, drug thugs, and illegal traffickers in people.
Howard Dean is the epitome of what’s wrong with the Democratic Party – and he articulates it so well.