We’ve all been frustrated by the seemingly endless litany of scandal and abuse that has come out week after week after week with the Bush administration and the Republican controlled Congress. So many scandals that no single one ever seems to gain traction for very long. Just think about them all:
Our Broken Military
Abramoff (a whole universe of scandals in itself)
Duke Cunningham
The Downing Street Memos
Tom DeLay
The NSA’s Warrantless Eavesdropping
Mining Disasters
Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (both how it was passed and how it is being implemented)
Payola for Pundits
Payola for Iraqi Journalists
Lies about Iraq’s WMD
Election Fraud
The Swift Boat Liars
Spying on Antiwar Activists
Intimidation of Government Employees Free Speech Rights
Cindy Sheehan’s Arrest at The State of the Union
Witch Hunts Against Whistleblowers
Cheney’s Quail Hunt Coverup
The UAE Ports Deal
I know I’ve left more than a few out, but these will do for now. The point is that no one scandal stands out. If you campaign on one, you ignore all the others, and you never know which one, by itself, will resonate with the most voters.
So what should Dems do on the campaign trail? How can they condense this mass of scandal and Republican overreach into one, easy to remember slogan that encompasses all these abuses of power?
It’s very simple, really. One word ought to do it:
Impeach Bush, Impeach Cheney. And how do we get there? By throwing the Republican bums in Congress who have enabled these abuses out on their ear this fall.
Think about it? If you were a Republican facing re-election with the President’s poll numbers IN FREE FALL, with all the array of abuses we know about (and the suspicion of many more that we don’t) what would put you on the defensive the quickest? Well, if it was me, I sure wouldn’t want to answer the question of:
“Why hasn’t Congress initiated an impeachment investigation?”
No matter how your republican opponent answers that question, it’s a winner for Democrats. It puts the focus on all that the Republican Party has done to screw up this country. It requires the Republicans to defend Bush’s record (and to talk about it), for, if they don’t, they make their base angry. If they hem and haw in the least little bit, any Democrat has an opening to attack them for hypocrisy and collusion with corruption.
Either way, it keeps the focus on all of the crap that has gone down in the last 6 years: all the lies, all the deceit, all the bribes, all the earmarks and no-bid contracts, all the abuses of power, all the shit that has happened on their party’s — the Republican Party’s — watch.
But putting the Republicans on the defensive is only one reason to use impeachment as the primary issue this fall. For it also makes Democrats look like fighters again. It makes them look like they stand for more than just “we’d be more competent” or “America, you can do better.” Let’s face it. Those are wimpy losers as far as slogans go. The American people like a party that fights, not one that cowers in the corner and whines about the “good old days under Clinton, when we ran things so much better.”
C’mon Dems. It’s an easy word to spell, an easy word to pronounce, an easy way into talking about all the Republican failures while in charge of our Nation’s government. Take a chance on fighting back for a change, and demand the impeachment of President Bush and his Sith Lord Master Vice President Cheney. Indeed, don’t just demand it. MAKE IT THE CENTERPIECE OF YOUR CAMPAIGN THIS FALL.
Try it. You’ll like it.
You have nothing to lose, but your own losing ways.
Cross-posted at that Orange place.
also, why is Donald Rumsfeld still there? How many times and how many ways can you be wrong and still keep your job?
why did Condi get a promotion instead of getting replaced. How many bold-face lies can she get caught in and still keep her job?
And Dick Chency, Mr. 18% When is he getting replaced for being wrong and lying?
If some people are uneasy about impeachment, no one worries about the king’s servants.
and don’t forget the top prize for being a super dick: the Presidential Medal of Freedom or whatever
And who was Gannon/Guckert sleeping with in the White House?
Libby Indictment, Karl Rove under investigation. I know that is part of Plamegate but I believe we need to keep those high level administration pig’s names up there.
And it fits!
I is for Iraq — the lies, the denial of what’s really happening over there, the leaving our fighting men and women out to dry
M is for Mismanagement; the debacle that was/is Katrina recovery, the studies that now show the air around Ground Zero wasn’t as safe as BushCo would like us to believe
P is for Plame, and the issue of intelligence — the failures in getting accurate intelligence about the actions of Al Qaeda and the ignoring of intelligence that doesn’t fit into Bush’s agenda
E is for Election Fraud — or if you’re one of those “reality-based” folks who think it doesn’t exist, E can be for Environment, and the rape of same.
A is for Abramoff, and the entire culture of corruption.
C is for Cheney — the secrecy that’s been evident throughout the past 5+ years. Not just the quail hunting trip…what other trips has he gone on, and with whom? And let’s not forget his meetings with his pals in the energy industry, that we know squat about what was discussed.
H is for Halliburton, and the privileged class that can get away with murder (figuratively and literally), leaving ordinary American taxpayers and their children and grandchildren stuck with the bills.
I can imagine a series of ads based on the theme…if the Democrats get the cojones, at least…
Steven dear…heck, I haven’t even had my breakfast yet! (And I usually don’t think clearly on an empty stomach…)
That’s really good!
repeated the post over there and gave you a “recommend” so the diary doesn’t drop off into the Ether(net).
Noticed you’ve already got one nay-sayer…and it’s not even DHinMI…
I expect naysayers. Dems are afraid to talk about impeachment for some reason. Hell, Specter talked about it more than most Dems do.
My fellow Seattle blogger, Mollie Bradley-Martin The (liberal) Girl Next Door, said it best: “Impeach the Bastard Already!”
T is for torture of prisoners in US custody.
O is for Ohio, stolen elections.
My friend Chris Owens, though he is not making it his main talking point, has come out strongly in favor of impeachment. From his website:
If you like the idea of impeachment, we need to get Chris Owens elected.
Dems need to pick up a word, or better yet a catchy phrase, that describes Bush’s character and run with it. The republicans are masters of it.
A president that cannot cope with disasters is ‘unfit for office.’
A president that cannot balance the budget is ‘unfit for ofice (hits on conservative values and issues)
A president that recklessly endangers our nation and it’s citizens by waging needless war and by carelessly frighting it’s populace is ‘unfit for office.’
Just go on and on and keep hitting this same message over and over again with real and verifiable proof and soon Bush couldn’t win office for dogcatcher. It’s just no one seems ready to play for real with the dirty tricks players.
Personally I’d throw in the refusal to reduce mercury emissions from power plants until 2025, not to mention depleted uranium. Politicians may all be corrupt, but who is really poison?
Republicans promote a culture of death and suffering. Robber barons are selling our future for profit. This truth is way too harsh for our delicate offend-nobody leaders. They just want a piece of it, and want us extremists to back off.
If we don’t impeach the Fubar administration now, the election is not going to save us.
dunno if Daddy war-bucks Cheney can be impeached. Indicted maybe. Just hoping there’s indeed a tape as Editor & Publisher, via Rawstory, provides this link
“Did Bob Woodward Record Key Plame Conversation?”
As with Watergate, a tape will do you in every time. Yes, every time.
I’m anxious to see Libby’s firewall for Daddy war-bucks in cinders.
will call on San Franciscans to recall the supervisors, just like he invited Al Qaeda to attack SF after the voters passed the gun ban.
But with Nancy Pelosi being the representative for San Francisco, as well as being Minority Leader, perhaps she’d better listen closely to the supervisors’ request…
That’s what Impeach PAC is all about. And one of Impeach PAC’s endorsed candidates is my friend Chris Owens who makes a good, rational case for impeachment based largely on illegal wiretapping. Help out Chris if you want the House to be more likely to impeach after 2006.
arguing the case over at the Orange Empire…the fear and dread of, “Oh, the Republicans will use it against us!” makes me queasy.
We’re Indiana Jones stuck in the middle of the marauding hordes on the narrow suspension bridge (in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom); it’s time for us to take the sword, cut the bridge and take our chances. We’ve got nothing to lose — for if we surrender to the “safe” tactics, we’ll truly be the wimps the Republicans say we are, and we might as well get ready for a few decades of Republican rule, watching our rights, our freedoms, and our personal security go down the drain…
Creating any interest in this current congress for impeaching George W. for acts that have directly led to the present critical endangerment of the nation, including substantative knowledge of certain criminal activities committed by members of his administration; would be harder than pouring out 60 weight oil at 10 degrees below zero! Impeachment can only become a possibility with a different congressional majority, which can only start in the 2006 elections, so to this end I offer the following slogan that Democratic candidates should use in their “get out the vote” campaigns. Here it is…