Here are some of the ways you can make a difference. You can get involved in a campaign. You can blog until your fingers ache.  You can give money and time.

Well, here is once use of your time I think is important to anyone who really wants to start seeing some changes in the Democratic Party.  Attend your precinct convention on Election Day.  Put your name in the hat as a delegate for the county convention. Help draft proposals for the county convention.  

Next step is attending your county convention and running as a delegate to the state convention.  Help draft proposals to strengthen the party or defeat proposals you think weaken the party.  

Your next step will be attend your State convention and do the same thing.  Attend committee meetings. Propose resolutions and work to get stupid ones thrown out.  Get involved in the process of getting a State Party Chairperson who will actually work to get Democrats elected.

Do not depend on the people who have always done things to get anything done.  We have all seen what has happened to the Democratic Party in the past few years.  Now is the time for some new blood and some new ideas to make the Democratic Party vital again.  Time to let the party know that the middle of the road course they have been using is a bunch of crap.  The Party of the People needs to be strong in their defense of civil rights, health care, education and  quit sucking up to corporate America or the Repugnant Party.

The rules for this are probably different in each state.  Please check with your county or state party and get involved.