This article, from Knight Ridder, is direct enough to burn a hole through anybody’s Saturday morning hangover

WASHINGTON – The revelation that President Bush authorized former White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby to divulge classified information about Iraq fits a pattern of selective leaks of secret intelligence to further the administration’s political agenda.

Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and other top officials have reacted angrily at unauthorized leaks, such as the exposure of a domestic wiretapping program and a network of secret CIA prisons, both of which are now the subject of far-reaching investigations.

But secret information that supports their policies, particularly about the Iraq war, has surfaced everywhere from the U.N. Security Council to major newspapers and magazines. Much of the information that the administration leaked or declassified, however, has proved to be incomplete, exaggerated, incorrect or fabricated.

You don’t say? My only real problem with the above, is the contention that anything, at this point, is the subject of a far-reaching investigation. When the “powerful” and “independent” head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Arlen Specter, refuses to swear in witnesses while investigating warrentless wiretapping by the NSA, “far-reaching” isn’t the first term that comes to mind.

And what of the “incomplete, exaggerated, incorrect or fabricated” leaks? You certainly don’t need me to tell you what those leaks have gotten us. While much of America spends its Saturday shopping for lawn care equipment, car bras and duct tape, some will not be so lucky. Still others will scream that “there is no failure here sweetheart,” as if saying it makes it so. I’ll let you find those power tools on your own, because I have a train to catch.

(Via some guy you’ve never heard of)