Chris Matthews: Katty Kay– BBC, Joe Klein– TIME MAGAZINE, Andrea Mitchell– NBC NEWS, Clarence Page– CHICAGO TRIBUNE
George Stephanopoulos: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-Calif., Senator John Kerry, D-Mass., Actress Gloria Reuben on the character Condoleezza Rice.
Meet the Press: Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-MA, on Iraq, Iran, Immigration and more. Plus, a political roundtable on the White House staff changes with Tony Blankley, David Broder, Ron Brownstein & Dee Dee Myers.
Wolf Blitzer: Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania: Judiciary Committee chairman, Sen. Carl Levin, D-Michigan: Armed Services Committee and Homeland Security Committee member, Fouad Siniora: Lebanese prime minister, Thomas Friedman: New York Times columnist and author of “The World is Flat”
Fox News: • Reps. Peter Hoekstra and Jane Harman on Iran’s nuclear ambition
• Former Chiefs of Staff Leon Panetta and Ken Dubertsein on White House shake-up
• Washington Wizards’ star Gilbert Arenas
Face the Nation: Gen. John Batiste, ex-White House Chiefs of Staff John Podesta and Pat Buchanan.
I never have understood the value of reporters sitting around arguing with each other. It seems to demean the process even more than it already is. And, since every reporter seems to have their own specialty, the conversations leap to being inane pretty quickly.
But that is just my opinion. They probably enjoy it immensely.
I just heard Thomas Friedman on CNN say that the American people and the world will never support a US invasion of Iran as long as Rumsfeld is in charge. Well, all of the sudden I find myself supporting Bush in keeping him around. How ironic is that!!
an invasion of Iran. He’s been Bush’s greatest enabler in the invasion of Iraq. Friedman’s liberal credentials gave Bush tremendous cover in the runup to the invasion and the first years of the occupation.
Fuck him.
Speaking of GOP shills, I’m still laughing at this gaffe in the Guardian:
Here’s the as yet uncorrected article in question:,,1756276,00.html
I bet Mark Steyn didn’t see that one coming.