We are looking for some talented dissident writers with a unique and strong voice… who would like to be part of the Empire Burlesque editorial team.

No, we can’t pay at this time – our site currently operates at a loss. All we can offer is the opportunity to become an integral and internal part of the site as well as offer a byline at Empire Burlesque – and Googlenews – when and if your work passes the editorial eye of Floyd.

We are looking for anyone with a keen eye for the high crimes and low comedy that flies below the radar of the mainstream media. And for people who have a good understanding of journalistic principles. Those who wish to specialize in tracking specific areas would be particularly welcome, especially subjects that are greatly neglected in the public eye — such as Africa, Latin America, India, China, poverty in the United States, "following the money" behind Congressional legislation and government contracts to dig out fat-cat cronies and beneficiaries of our corporate welfare state, the struggle of women for equality around the world, the Israel/Palestine, human rights and other legal and constitutional issues, tracking the religious right — anything that you have a passion for exploring. Generalists are welcome too, of course.

But we are looking for news, hard facts, not simply opinion — although certainly your beliefs in equality, social justice, tempering power with the rule of law and other ideals will and should inform your writing.

If you are interested in becoming a contributor to Empire Burlesque please email the webmaster Richard Kastelein at expatforums@gmail.com

Not Chris Floyd … no – the other guy.

So far Paul William Roberts and Mike Whitney have signed on. As well as a few other writers.

From 1998 to 2000, Floyd, an American expat from Tennessee, was the editor of Science & Spirit, an Oxford quarterly journal dealing with the contentious relationship between science and religion. His work there included interviews with such thinkers as Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Steven Pinker, Frans de Waal, V.S. Ramachandran and others. He also worked with contributors from around the world – Islamic scientists, Jewish theologians, militant atheists, Nobel Prize-winning physicists, and authors such as Freeman Dyson, Paul Davies, Lisa Jardine, A.N. Wilson, John Polkinghorne and others.