Wanted to share a couple of thoughts with my friends on the pond.  I’ll try to keep it short.  And as most of you know by now, from me that is a solemn commitment to keep my word count below 5,000.

Couple of very cool things from the peace train depot in Lansing.

First, the easy one.  You remember Petals for Peace (the June installment).  Of course you remember it.  You helped make it happen.  You delivered flowers.  I got some of them handed to me as I sat in Mike Rogers’ (R-Michigan) lobby writing him a note.  You were great.  And, your efforts paid off.  To some extent.  The Lansing State Journal, our major daily newspaper, published my 500 word guest op-ed in the Sunday edition.  They are technically LTEs, but they’re longer and show cased and published with approval of the editorial staff.  And here is mine based on our Petals for Peace efforts.
Second, I thought I’d tell you about a speaking engagement from this weekend.  It was an author event at a local bookstore.  Peace authors and artists.  I read from my Anti-War Diaries, first posted here at the Booman Tribune.  And response was tremendous.  I can’t help but choke up reading some of it.  And I got a pretty good charge out of a small audience gathered on the streets.  Preaching the fire and brimstone of the peace movement.  I thought of you all.  I wrote those words for you.  And now they are out in the wide world.  Hopefully encouraging a few more people to oppose this war.

As the op-ed indicates, we are gearing up for another round of Petals for Peace on July 7.  Since I’ve floated this idea to the entire Lansing community, I think it is imperative that we lay a boatload of flowers on our good friend.  And I’ve got some ideas for expanding Petals for Peace.  You know that feeling when you are riding a motorcycle, and it is time to shift gears.  I’ve got that feeling.  It is time for Petals for Peace to take it up a gear.  So I hope you might consider joining me.

I’ll be in touch.  Peace.