Froggy Bottom Heat Wave
Happy Hour
Happy Hour
George Is Your Bartender ~ FM Is Sitting Under the AC.
Newcomers/Lurkers welcome and join the fun.
Your first very cold drink is on us!
Your first very cold drink is on us!
Don’t forget the sun screen.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
The 4’s are always with you in the cafe
Experiencing a little bit of a heat wave here, 101 F/38.3 C. The humidity is thankfully only 28%.
So for those of you not lucky enough to be in such glorious settings and for those that are, here’s your first mug of beer.
Or maybe you’d prefer a boot of beer.
Along with that, a naturally cooled Ice Castle.
Come on in and get out of those cubihells or out of the heat. The beer is free and there is plenty of room to relax.
I want that house. Besides being easy to keep cool, you could never complain about having no ice for drinks.
Endless ice cubes. Just chop of a piece of your chair.
Excellent for slacking. 🙂
I’m melting! The backyard thermometer says 97 but it feels like it’s hotter.
That ice house looks awfully good, FM.
Yeah, the ice house does look good about now…do you think they could add a pool? 🙂
Maybe not, but a rink for sure. 🙂
Hellooooooo SN. Get right under that AC.
Today is not a good day for man or beast to venture out.
Has MT already left, or are ya’ll still visiting?
It’s awful – remind me again why I live down here?
They left a little while ago. Why, were your ears burning? 🙂
At this moment in time and with this heat, I can’t give you a good reason.
Nope, no buring ears. Just glad ya’ll got to get together.
Did you all have a good time?
We had a nice time! It’s weird – between feeling like I already knew her from the blog and the fact that she looked so much like my sister that I kept forgetting she wasn’t, it was like I’d known her for years.
Her boy is the cutest thing ever. I almost didn’t let him leave.
You had a visit from a frog? (Sorry for being a day late and a dollar short on the news.)
Yes, Military Tracy and her son came by here on her way back home from Cabin Girl’s house. It was great!
How wonderful!
I’ll keep hoping your book tour gets expanded to include Quail Ridge books. 🙂
Hi Kansas. Wonderful did you say? I wish I had room here so if they ever came by I could show them the wonders of where I live.
Pine tree and limerock, more pine tree and finally more pine trees. I don’t understand why we aren’t a destination vacation place. 🙂
I kept reading that wrong and wondering what you meant by limerick…there once was a girl from Nantucket…
I think Mr Military was missing them…he called here a little bit ago asking if I knew where they were.
I’m glad you all had a good time. 🙂
It’s freaky, CG, how much she looked like my sister. I had to keep reminding myself not Karen, TRACY!
We’re supposed to hit 106 today, and stay there through the weekend. I think I’ve come to the conclusion that every degree over about 95 temporarily shaves about 5 points off my IQ.
Hi Spit. In my case it would have to be every degree over 85 and every degree under 84. I’ve found I can only function at 84.5 degrees. 🙂
but with time, rather than temperature.
Every morning, it takes me until about 11:00 to feel awake. Soon, I eat lunch and need a siesta. Then it’s late afternoon and I’m sleepy, and then I drink some beers and eat dinner — which leads to more sleepiness.
So basically, I’m only functional between 11:00 and noon.
The exception is when it’s this hot — because it’s too hot to sleep at night (we don’t have AC), so I get a weird hyperactivity thing around midnight when it finally cools the hell down a little.
OMG, how do you sleep with no AC? I remember growing up without it and having a spray bottle next to my bed. I’d wet myself (yeah, yeah, don’t laugh) and lie there in my underwear trying not to let any part of my body touch any other part. Then I’d hurry and try to fall asleep before the spray dried off.
we have a ceiling fan in our room, so if I put a wet towel on my chest and let the fan cool it off, it helps.
But there’s a limit — at some point of heat at night, sleep just becomes impossible.
At least in this house we have screens on the windows. In one of our apartments, we didn’t — so we had to choose between having air flow but thousands of mosquitos, or having no airflow but not waking up with 20 new itchy welts every morning.
I agree with SN, how do you live without AC.
I used to always skip lunch because everytime I ate lunch, I was useless for the rest of the day.
Lately it appears I’ve been on a year long after lunch break. 🙂
places in the downtown Sacramento area have AC, unless it’s just one of those little window boxes here and there. They’re generally older buildings down here, most have only partially been renovated, and the population is very class mixed, mostly renting.
It has its perks, honestly. Our electric bill is much, much smaller without it. Also, it has created an awesome downtown tradition here — in the evening, when everybody’s home from work, and it’s cooler outside finally than it is inside, everybody comes out to lounge on front porches all over the city. Play music, drink beer, watch the sunset and whine about the mosquitoes.
Sounds wonderful Spit. The biggest thing I remember of Sacramento is rafting down the American River. Had a lot of fun times there.
The rivers are a godsend around here. They make summer bearable — no matter how hot it is, the American is still nice and chilly for wading or swimming, and rafting it is a good time. I keep meaning to get myself a little inflatable raft and get somebody to drop me off upstream a ways so I can just drift back home with a couple of beers.
Seriously, if we didn’t have the rivers, Sacramento would probably be Fresno with more politicians.
Sorry, but it’s 67 degrees over here in Seattle. Direct evidence of global warming — usually it only gets up to 65 in June.
Rub it in why don’t cha.
In the next 100 years I wonder if Seattle will be under water?
I won’t mention that it’s a balmy 91 degrees here in Tucson with overcast skies. 😛
Just another reason why I don’t live in Arizona.
The beach is where you should be.
After the big earthquake and the global warming Tucson just might be the beach.
telling me that the patience I am sorely lacking with pay off someday? hmmmm
All will come to he who waits. Especially if you’re waiting for your ship to come in, in the middle of Arizona.
Oh, I wouldn’t be surprised, but Seattle is a very hilly place. If the ocean rises 20 feet in the next century it’s entirely possible that parts of the city will be inundated, but not the part I’ll be living in.
Yeah . . . as if I’ll be living anywhere in a century.
the right threat to mention — he should be talking about what will happen to Seattle when Mt. Rainier erupts.
I’m just glad I don’t live in Tacoma. I’ve seen the maps of potential lahar flow from Rainier. Twenty minutes after the mountain blows the lava will be spilling into Commencement Bay.
It’s not something I’m worried about. In truth, I’m more concerned about the 8.0 earthquake that’s supposed to happen every 800 to 1100 years around here. The last one was, oh, about 800 years ago.
and daily (or more) thunderstorms.
Giddy (the malamutt) keeps trying to figure out how she got transferred to the hot part of the Arctic (her fur can be pulled out by the handsful).
Now she’s a Malamelt.
I think about getting her shaved but I’m afraid if I did I’d discover that there really isn’t a dog under all that fur.
There’s probably a dog under there, but if you shave her you might find out it’s a chihuahua.
There’s a Samoyed or Husky, I’m not sure which, who lives next door to us and has this beautiful white coat of fur. I wonder how she can stand it when it gets hot (and yes, it does occasionally get hot around here).
in getting her shaved just to find out how much of her 75 lbs. is fur.
Keep the fur when you do, there’s a good chance you can sell 70 lb. of fur to a charity that produces wigs for dogs suffering through chemotherapy.
I almost sent you a pic of lightning over Jacobs Field during the Cubs-Indians game last night. Sadly, even the electrical magic show couldn’t help the Indians.
Never fear — the all-star break is coming.
How many more times do the Indians play the Cubs?
I’m not sure about interleague play. I think the series in Cleveland is over but I’m not sure they play in Chicago this year at all.
Where’s canberra boy – congratulations to the aussies. Australia came from behind to draw 2-2 against Croatia and continue the fairy tale in World Cup Soccer in Germany.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
is it wrong that I find it horribly, terribly amusing and wonderful that Ghana beat our asses?
Well, I was hoping the US might continue on but if they can only muster one goal in the first round they don’t deserve to move on.
Now I don’t know about anyone else but I think I might just start watching the Ghanians to see how well they do in the rest of the Cup. Them and maybe the Aussies. I haven’t watched enough to know who to root for, except that as much fun as it is to watch the Brazilians play, I can’t make myself hope they’ll win. It’s like rooting for the Yankees. I got to see the fourth goal they scored against Japan today while I was at lunch. Geez, the guy looked like he just walked that ball through traffic in the box and put it into the goal like it was the most natural thing in the world. How do you compete against that?
Oh yeah, I know we nominally scored two goals in the first round but one of them was an own goal scored by the Italians so it doesn’t count.
is amazing to watch.
I actually don’t often have teams that I root for anyway, because I just want to see some really good playing — which can happen at different times, for different teams. For the most part, who actually wins the game is a little irrelevant to me.
I completely agree, too, that the US team has just generally played like crap through this entire thing, and deserved to have their asses handed to them by Ghana — which seems to have a couple of very impressive players, at any rate.
Dunno. I’m not really a team sports person — equestrian stuff is my weakness — but I enjoy soccer so much more than any of the standard US sports that I watch it on occasion anyway.
Well, I can’t argue with you that Brazil is amazing to watch. They are very, very good. I love watching the closeup shots of the footwork their forwards are capable of. I’m afraid that I just find it hard to not root for somebody. The curse of the American male, I guess.
here in the foothills…64º in the ctyd. very lt. breeze, mostly cloudy and overcast…even had a bit of rain last night.
Gotta head out on errands, but I’ll be baak…keep one, or two, cold for me.
Stay cool,
We just had some here, too.
(shot through the window in back of my computer)
It’s Bambi and his mom!
and it showed just how hot it is because Giddy was about 25 feet away under the porch and she didn’t budge.
I’ve got to venture out under the sun running errads.
Be back in a minute.
That picture of the sun was what it felt like on my bike ride today. I drank 72 oz of water and stopped for a DQ Blizzard to lower my core body temp, it was purely medicinal, and still lost 5 lbs of water.
Hi Jim. How many miles did you bike today?
50 miles and too many hills.
On that note I think I’ll take the boy out for Mexican food. Nothing like spicy food when it’s approaching 100 outside. The place we’re going is next door to the Bikram Hot Yoga place. I wonder if they’ll be doing it out in the parking lot instead.
1 miles with to many hills are enough for me.
Heck you’ve got an entire summer. I say cross country.
but he’s aiming for a total of 2000 miles before school starts in mid-August.
Less than 1,300 to go.
I say small steps. My walk around the world has added up to about 100 yards so far.
A question, appropos of nothing in particular. What does this mean when you see it after a comment?
[none / 1]
How can one person have rated, but there be no rating? I clicked one of those and the person had given a 4. Were they not a trusted user, maybe?
Thanks. Just scratching my head on that one.
Hi Lisa. I hate to come in and say I don’t know, but I don’t know.
it shows up that way until the comment receives another rating. Not sure why, but I recall it being a similar setup at the other Scoop sites (DKos, MyDD, DemBloggers, etc) – one of those mysteries of the blogiverse!
Your explanation sounds way more coherent than mine does. I guess that’s why you get the big bucks.
Hey I said I didn’t know. Isn’t that worth anything. 🙂
on this salary I may have enough to get a decent meal at one of the Sonoran Style Hot Dog stands that are in abundance around here. 🙂
What the heck is a Sonoran Hot Dog?? 😉 Does it wear a sombrero?
I don’t think it really counts unless more than one person rates a comment. That’s helpful if you have one guy who for some reason hates you and troll rates you – he can’t make your comment disappear all by himself.
The “none” represents an average of your ratings, so it can’t show anything until more than one person has rated you. The second number is the number of ratings being averaged. I think.
Sounds good to me.
Wasn’t sure I’d make it to your cafe today … 🙂
Hi Olivia. I’ve pretty much been in and out of the cafe today myself.
You’re out of FCH now and you can relax in the cafe. 🙂
Cooling down at all there FM?
Not really. I’ve had the AC cranked down all day and I’ve still felt warm inside the house.
We need a good rain around here to cool things off.
I was thinking the other day about, what do Canadians do after hockey is over for the season. I think this is a very important question, but I didn’t see it in An American’s Guide to Canada.
Seems like quite the quandary … 🙂
Well, we’re still talking about it … the NHL Entry Draft is this w/e, and the NHL awards is tonight.
Not over yet … we’re still squeezing it out.
How ya doing Indy?
I’m a huge geek, is what I am. I’m tired, bleh. How are you? Are you finally through with that horrible project at work?
Not yet. 🙁
You always know how to make me feel good!
Would it be rude if I used my tongue instead of the strawberry?
Heh, no. Tongue use is encouraged. And just for future reference, you never have to ask me that question. ;p
I’ll remember that … 🙂
innuendo or can anyone join in?
double entendre turns into a menage a trois…this should be fun…:{)
Are you going to join in … 😉
maybe I’ll remember it this time…:{)
Hi Andi … 🙂
I see FM has shut down this joint. We can go trash the new one.
I’m in the mood to trash … 🙂
That makes sense – thanks!
I going to run, no walk or maybe just think another cafe opened.
Be back in a minute.
just started the fire for dinner, opened a cold one and officially slackin’…
Great to see yer snarky self Indy, hope this means yer on the mend…:{)
Thanks {{dada}}, you’re a groovy peach. Hope you have a terrific summer evening. 🙂
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour II Here