Crossposted from MY LEFT WING
The last time I spoke with John Gibson on his radio programme, I was just settling into my hotel room, preparing myself for what turned out to be the extraordinary and unique experience that was Yearly Kos.
I remember being taken aback by his first “question” — something about how “depressed” we all were at YKos because Zarqawi had been killed that day — because it was rife with cognitive dissonance. Not only was no one at YKos “depressed” about anything, Zarqawi’s death barely registered on most people’s radars that day. If anything, we were collectively circumspect, wondering if it really made that much of a difference. But certainly, no one felt anything remotely like disappointment or chagrin at the death of a known terrorist.
(Tonight I’ll be appearing on Gibson’s radio broadcast for what I believe is the 9th time this year; if you want to catch up, the appearances have been chronicled by intrepid MLWers on the My Left Wing Podcast)
I don’t know what the topic(s) will be tonight, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he wants my take on the 31 Democrats who voted against the Kerry-Feingold Resolution. Not that it’s that difficult to guess my take on them — they’re cowardly fucking douchebags for not standing up with the 13 who DID vote for it. Period.
Self-promotion aside, I’d like to give you a few impressions of my experience at Yearly Kos…
As I said, it was extraordinary and unique. To find oneself surrounded at any given time by hundreds of fellow liberal or Democratic bloggers — and sometimes both! — is to know, finally, that one is NOT alone in this seemingly endless and utterly depressing struggle to restore this nation, indeed, this world, to its rightful order.
My experience was also unique because I had a camera following me almost everywhere I went; for reasons which frankly escape me, the blogger known as Shockwave is producing a documentary about me. He hired my husband to operate the camera, which worked out well for me AND him, because I got to have my spousal unit with me in Vegas — and because I couldn’t intimidate Adam the way I probably could have anyone else… Suffice to say there is some footage of me I’d rather not have been shot.
So I met a great many people, too many to name. I was overwhelmed with the camaraderie, the intimacy, the instant recognition and bonding; it was as if, having known each other for so long online, meeting in person was merely the final step in the forging of friendships destined to flower forever.
Certainly, there were surprises both pleasant and not so pleasant… Of the hundreds of people I met, there were a few odd ducks here and there. I had two markedly distasteful experiences with individuals who WILL remain nameless — most notably because I didn’t know them to begin with and don’t care to know them further. But they were glaring exceptions to the rule.
On the whole, I was astonished to encounter so many engaging, personable, wildly intelligent and entertaining people. Some, of course, were to be expected — after all, we all know a few people online whose personalities are so powerful that meeting them in person and finding them dissimilar to their Internet personae would be a painful shock.
Such was the case with numerous bloggers whose introductions produced in me the sort of squealing delight ordinarily witnessed in teenaged girls proferred handshakes by Johnny Depp. Again, I will not go into the list of names — there were far too many marvelous people, and I just know if I started going down that list, I’d never publish this.
Shockwave and I teamed up with Booman and Jerome to give a KICK ASS party (which, unfortunately, competed with Mark Warner’s snazzy shindig, resulting in my absence at the latter and inability to comment thereon). It started at 7:30 — by 7:45 there were some 250-300 people milling through the 3 rooms. Thank gawd Shockwave got that extra room across the hall from our connected suite — as it was, the throngs spilled into the hallways and onto the fire escape. I made quite the ass of myself trying to corral everyone into the rooms, worried security would come and kick us all out.
At about the time Warner’s party was to begin, some 200 people disappeared, leaving the rest of the evening with a comfortable mix of a dozen to a few dozen bloggers, who came and went with regularity. Some 19 bottles of red wine and 13 of white lay empty by night’s end — god only knows how many beers and sodas. Well, god and housekeeping…
Our last guest left at 2:55am, and the next day it was agreed upon by most that the MLW/Booman/EuroTrib party had been THE event of the convention. But of course, we WOULD say that, wouldn’t we?
: )
I didn’t attend many of the panels. There was so much to do, so many events from which to choose; honestly, I was just happy to connect with people and move about in a near-constant haze of schmooziness. I did see Markos’s keynote, of course, and Barbara Boxer, and Harry Reid, Mark Warner’s speech. I missed Dean — that was the morning after the party, and try as I might to get out of bed, my poor broken down body refused. That is my one deep regret, missing Dean — but I’ll see him next year, I’m sure.
I could probably keep writing forever; as I try to bring this to a close, my mind insistently alights on memories:
Shaking hands with Wesley Clark and Joe Wilson; Clark has the softest hands I’ve ever touched in my life — and that includes my son in his infancy. Absolutely velvety…
Meeting Ariana Huffington and being amazed and slightly nonplussed to discover she knew who I was…
Reflecting on Warner’s speech, its merits and faults, his undeniable charisma clashing dissonantly with my disapproval of so many of his positions…
The bizarre push and pull of my own ego, torn between discomfort at the level of attention I got — and indignant not to be getting MORE… Yes. Yes, I am that pitiful.
And oh, so many people. So many wonderful, beautiful people. And how many I didn’t get to meet, simply because our paths didn’t cross. Ah, well… There’s always next year.
And I simply cannot do it justice.
And, alas, I have nothing controversial for the more obstreperous among us. I had a lot of fun, and I was pretty much uncritical — well, that’s not true, but my criticisms were far overshadowed by the sheer joy of the experience on the whole.
You know, you are really getting on my last fucking nerve. What is your problem? So far as I can see, you’re just going into any thread that is even peripherally about dKos and being obnoxious for no good reason or purpose. Please stop.
Susan W posted the definition of “obstreperous” at MyLeftWing on this diary. Nobody thought anything of it there.
I did the same here.
And who are you, exactly, to tell me when and where to post and not to post comments, or to attempt to control their content?
That gets on my nerves, Izzy.
It was that combined with the “sigh” and the downrating. What exactly is your point?
What’s the point of the diary?
It seems to me her point is to give us her impressions of yearly kos and tell about a party that involved this blog.
It seems to me your point is to be a prick.
I don’t know where you’re getting all that from a sigh, Izzy.
Bit over-the-top reaction, I’d say.
Since you’ve decided to start name-calling, I’m going to stop discussing things with you now.
Thank you for taking time to comment.
No, I don’t think I was either over-the-top or calling names. Describing your behavior as “prickish” is a commonly accepted term on this blog.
I don’t think asking you what is meant by your behavior — both the “sigh” and the downrating of the diarist, is an over-the-top reaction in light of the fact that you’ve been a major participant of late in several nasty fights that have driven off a valued diarist and a front-pager.
So I ask again, what is your point in the disdainful comment and the downrating? Do you hope to achieve anything? Are you trying to communicate something? Are you expressing an idea of some sort or trying to open up a dialogue?
Because so far, trying to interpret what you’re point is with what little I have to work with, it just looks like you’re being, yes, a prick. If I’m missing something, do tell.
you’ve been a major participant of late in several nasty fights that have driven off a valued diarist and a front-pager.
Oh? Are you saying 1) he wasn’t involved; 2) the fights weren’t nasty; or 3) the two writers didn’t leave? Which part is outrageous?
Have you read that diary lately?
I am saying that your ‘valued diarist and front pager’ behaved like a, as you put it, prick, complete with redbaiting. Respected by who? I didn’t respect spoon because he obviously didn’t respect us. And, may I add, I wrote a long post which, had he genuinely been interested in ‘burying the hatchet’ he would have at least responded to as would you have had you been interested in mediating. Instead he built straw man after straw man, invented an ‘authoritarian left’ and believes to this day that the disagreement was and is about pornography.
I’m really, really annoyed that you would be blaming MWAC for this and presenting spoon as a victim.
I don’t know about ‘two writers’ or what you’re talking about there.
I am not blaming MWAC. I am saying he was involved. Also, I realize you’re perhaps upset, but you are misreading what I wrote. I said a “valued diarist” and a frontpager.
I am not presenting Spoon as a victim. What I’m saying is that the behavior of certain commenters in that thread was nothing to be proud of. I’ll say again — two wrongs do not make a right.
If you think someone’s being an asshole, it doesn’t give you the right to be one too. Although it may be an understandable reaction, it still doesn’t make it right. There was more than one asshole in that thread, imo. It was pretty disgusting.
Also, I realize you’re perhaps upset, but you are misreading what I wrote. I said a “valued diarist” and a frontpager.
I’m not particularly upset or, rather, my personal mild upset is more due to having been taken to task yesterday by both you and Boo before that diary went south for suggesting that the diarist wasn’t arguing in good faith. Rather than ask why I believed that I was asked to please be respectful. It seemed to me than and even more now that it was your ‘respected diarist and front pager’ who could and (because he was a fPager) should have set a tone of respect rather than the fairly overt baiting he had been engaged in for about a week.
My sense was that had I been respected y’all would have asked why I said that in the first place. Likewise I spent a fair amount of time and thought writing a reply to him which, as I knew he would not, he did not bother to reply to. Perhaps y’all should have been taking him to task early on. I tried. Got shut down.
It seems to me your point is to be a prick.
I’m as certain that’s not true as I am that spoon’s intention yesterday was to be a prick (and, my, didn’t he indulge himself, the red baiting was something I had not seen since usenet)
Rather than attack in this uncharacteristically harsh manner, why not just ask ‘why the sigh?’
I think I may have misinterpreted the sigh when I rated it a 4. But the pressing question to me is, why the down-rating? It’s such an unusual thing to see around here, MWAC. MSOC used to be a front-pager here, and even though she doesn’t come over much, she’s still a friend to the site. Seems like a really rude greeting to a friend who just dropped by to say hi, and tell us how it was for her. I’m hoping your finger slipped.
Kansas, it was not a slip.
I thought MSOC was rude with the “obstreperous” remark. It was snide and unnecessary and not an accident on her part.
Okay, I can see why you might think that. Thanks for explaining. But I would still like to put in a discouraging word for down-rating except in rare instances.
I’m simply aware of a certain faction of people who wish to continue arguing and debating and generally making negative noises about YKos — and am not among them, nor have I any “red meat” for them in that regard.
To deny that this faction exists is disingenuous. They do. And I happen to LIKE the word “obstreperous.”
Thanks for hijacking this discussion. Might classy.
Thanks for being snide and insulting. And they lecture ME for bad manners? Hm.
Thank you for taking time to comment.
I’m hoping your finger slipped.
I certainly haven’t intended to down rate anyone in this thread. I’m answering this from the comments but will go check and rectify if I did. In my memory I’ve given out one ‘4’ in this thread. Apologies in advance if I inadvertently down rated anyone and thanks for letting me know.
Sorry, Colleen, I misled you by posting my comment under yours. My question for was MWAC, which he answered.
Thank you, Kansas, for explaining in a much more reasonable manner that I’m capable of at the moment.
And thanks, also, Other Colleen for recognizing that my harshness is uncharactaristic. By way of explanation, I have just really had with all this. It seems to me unneccessary and destructive. I also do not share your certainty in either case you mention.
And thanks, also, Other Colleen for recognizing that my harshness is uncharactaristic. By way of explanation, I have just really had with all this. It seems to me unneccessary and destructive.
Quite so. And I can tell that your patience has run out. My biases are that I love truth tellers and spin deconstructors like MWAC because I believe that we, as a culture, are drowning in lies and manipulations and, as MWAC is quite new here, I wish to make him welcome.
I also do not share your certainty in either case you mention.
This is certainly something I would be pleased to discuss with you with an open mind and spirit.
Kansas, I did the misinterpretation thing also. I can be sooo obtuse sometimes.
I’ll bet I was more obtuse than you, were. π I thought it was a sigh of envy or admiration, lol!
That’s exactly what I thought. Great minds think alike. π
Sigh of exasperation at reading a puff piece on Yearly Kos/advertisement for MSOC’s latest radio appearance, with the “obstreperous” insult bomb rudely thrown in at the end as she ran from the room. If it hadn’t been for the “obstreperous” remark, I’d have not engaged on this diary at all.
That kind of sigh. I sigh a lot these days, over a lot of things. Deep, exasperated sighs.
I had no idea that a simple onomatopoeiac expression like “sigh” would provoke such controversy, truly. I do think that Izzy was wrong to attack me so vociferously, but I can’t tell Izzy what to think, feel, or to do.
Those dems that did not vote for the Kerry /Finegold ammendment are the “real” cut and run democrats !!
Glad to have met you there!
“Clark has the softest hands I’ve ever touched in my life — and that includes my son in his infancy. Absolutely velvety…”
So does the Devil, Maryscott.
So does the Devil.
P.S. Greys, too.
I apologize for derailing your thread. I’m glad you had a nice time in Vegas.
what purpose did that comment serve?
Geez, MWAC.
i was really struck by this bit:
that seems to me, Maryscott, to demonstrate one of the hazards of becoming respectable. you’ve got to be circumspect even about things which are obvious.
to be circumspect in this instance is to fall a bit under the whole psy-op that was/is Zarqawi (fortunately it didn’t take but a day to learn the name of his alleged successor). the obstreperous among us are free to see right through that one and just say: will Zarqawi’s death make much difference? of course not.
again and again lately i’ve been coming back to some lines a friend of mine wrote concerning “that elusive, transformative event whereby we cease to merely to exist and actually begin to BE!”:
the danger in becoming a very important blogger (if not quite important enough), or a very important blogosphere (if not quite important enough), lies in the way that status and respectability tend to disrupt that elusive, transformative, process of dual nurturance. the John Fucking Gibsons of the world ask, “Aren’t you a raving, liberal lunatic?” and in fairness to yourself you respond, “Oh, no, John, I’m circumspect.”
“Aren’t you hoping for failure in Iraq?”
“Oh, no, John, I support our troops.”
What a curse it is to become respectable to the contemptible. nothing personal, Maryscott… just musing… working out a thought.
I say, No. But I AM far left.
I do not respond that I am circumspect. My only response to his assertion that YKossacks were “depressed” was to imply that he was delusional. Then we moved on.
As to the charge of being respectable to the contemptible… I haven’t a clue which contemptible people you think find me respectable, but Gibson isn’t among them. Nor, certainly, are the fuckwits at LGF, or Redstate, or any of a number of far right sites, which continue to pillory me on a semi-regular basis…
thanks for that word, Maryscott. it makes me laugh… and i’d been getting a little tired of using fucktard.
yeah, i didn’t mean that post quite so personally as you took it. the part about ‘circumspect’ related specifically to your story. it grew more general is it went along. as i wrote, just working out an idea.
to me, this is little fight is the all too predictable result of spoon’s diary. the other coleen and mwac, you were trolled … trolled real bad. i’m convinced that was the purpose or spoon’s diary … i mean, what other conclusion could you draw after he misrepresented the pie fight as a porn issue and then the ugly red-baiting. he HAD to know what he was doing. the result is that a nasty fight broke out and both sides have pie one their faces. and it sucks.
Thanks, snappy, and thanks colleen.
Thereisnospoon is a beloved frontpager at My Left Wing and a “semi-celebrity” blogger. But I did not appreciate him saying that the Democratic Party receives “plenty of votes from Communists” and from “authoritarian lefties”, by which he means Stalinists (as he later explained). The real kerfuffle was that I demanded that thereisnospoon provide facts and figures to support his claim that the Democratic Party is rife with Commies and he refused to do it–because it’s a bullshit charge, one that could have been taken straight off Rush Limbaugh’s radio program.
Hard feelings? No, not at the time–but now? Yeah, getting attacked merely for sighing and being accused by MSOC of “hijacking” this thread when I typed one damned word is wrong. It was Izzy who hijacked the thread and he apologized to MSOC for it.
I gather that what MSOC wanted in this diary was 100% positive comments. She would have gotten it, too, if she had just resisted that mean-spirited “obstreperous” remark, which she bragged about making on HER site. The “obstreperous” remark was NOT included in her MyLeftWing version, so I guess it’s just people at Booman Tribune who are “troublemakers”. Talk about a rude guest…
But she’s definitely won this one. I promise I won’t ever comment on anything she writes here, or there, or anywhere. Not even a sigh.
that you and I were at odds before this diary.
I like the word, it means what I wanted to say, I used it. I didn’t BRAG about it, I merely try to make sure that any relevant comments I make at one site get re-posted at my site, the better to remain open.
I have nothing against you or against Booman or, frankly, anyone AT Booman. I simply am aware that there ARE some obstreperous people here, especially as regards YKos. I didn’t mean it to be snide or judgemental or rude in the least. Just an acknowledgement of reality.
Honestly, I don’t know why you’re so incredibly hostile to me, but let me assure you, it isn’t in response to any hostility on my part toward you.
Of course, NOW I’m defensive. But I can let it go.
I simply am aware that there ARE some obstreperous people here, especially as regards YKos.
Name one.
To the best of my knowledge (and I read most threads here) there are no people posting here whose attitudes towards the YK gathering are negative unless relative indifference is an attitude you consider ‘obstreperous’. It’s like communists within the Democratic party. This is yet another strawman.
I apologise, I retract it all.