As I am sitting here counting down to the time when my Iraqi friend Diva leaves Iraq, (Sunday) to come here for her Fullbright Scholarship assignment, all hell breaks loose in the Middle East, or should I call it the Middle Earth…
Anyway, I am just sick with worry, not to mention that her mother is headed for Syria to wait for Diva to complete her time in the US. Poor Diva’s mom maybe be heading out of the frying pan right into the fire…How unlucky can you get I wonder. Diva and her mother, indeed all the people in that area have endured so many years of war and hardship, how I wonder do they keep on going, have any positive thoughts at all….It is a mystery!
I hope all you who have a mind to will join me in sending positive thoughts and if so inclined, add your prayers, that Diva can make it out of there.
Just a couple more days is all she needs, please powers of the Universe let that be accomplished.
This just in from the universe. . . .”Okay”
Just hold the highest and best thoughts possible and keep your believer set on positives.
Thanks Shirl, I sure am trying hard to hold onto that, being positive, that is.
Hugs to you too Shirl,
Baghdad is extremely dangerous to travel. As you know, the road to Baghdad International Airport is prime target for “insurgent suicide attacks” and risky U.S. road blocks. Will Diva travel from Baghdad Airport or does she need to travel by road to Amman, Jordan?
For her mom to choose Syria – Neocon’s Axis of Evil – is not the place to be. Nevertheless, Israeli Air Force targets individuals or military infrastructure. I’m sure she will have chosen a safe place with friends or relatives in a tranquil space, perhaps the countryside. Syria has better security than present U.S. occupied Iraq or the areas occupied by our ally Israel’s IDF on the West Bank or Gaza..
Greetings Diane101, our thoughts and prayers will be with Diva, her Mom and all other survivors in the Middle East.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Hi Oui and so glad to see your words here. Yes I know about the airport road and that is my worry.
About Syria, I would suspect that Syria may have been the only place she had to go as far as relatives and visa’sare concerned..It’s not easy to get visa to go whereever you wish, I know she had relatives in Kuwait, but may not have been possible to get a Visa..
Well I will know more when she gets here and I so look forward to that.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers and I too extend mine to all in the middle east.
Oui I should have said earlier that she is leaving through airport, the US Embassy is handling all of the arrangements and they all go as a group, of about 13 I think.
Hi diane, I got your email. If you get a chance, can you send me another message with more info on Diva and her correspondence with you? It’ll be helpful to know alittle bit more about her so I can provide the warmest Tucsonan welcome when she arrives. paz
Hi Manny, got your email and I will send you some info this weekend….thanks!!!!!!!!!! Manee, so glad you can do this, it will mean so much to her. Nice thing too is that I have actually met you in person.
Just don’t fall in love, she is very beautiful!
Oh but Diane, just think how stunningly beautiful their children would be. . . .[grins]
Sounds like you’d better start making some space in your apartment, Manny. 😉
You are so right as a matter of fact and I think they would be a good pair actually, I was thinking of the fact that she has to go back, but if he marries her then she could stay,(maybe) so I think we have it all worked out now…Oh wait, she will be in Kansas so that will be hard for a romance, oh dear!!!
Well I guess we shall have to let nature take it’s own course. (grin from the other matchmaker)
it must’ve been from all those cupid arrows whisking past my ears. 🙂
Actually Manee, I think I will have to give the same warning to Diva, I think she will fall for you too.
BTW she loves country music, do you?
I can only imagine and scratch the surface of the awkwardness brewing before my eyes 🙂
Country music – eh, I don’t mind it but it’s not something I listen to regularly.
in the event that you require a best man…..give me a holler! ;o)
you’re not opposed to wearing a mariachi traje
No… but innocent members of the wedding party might be ;o)
Somehow, call it a hunch, I doubt there’d be that many innocent members of the wedding party from this bunch.
Nice traje, Manny. Are you a musician?
but I play one on the blogs 🙂
I actually play the alto saxophone but not with any groups. I’m trying to learn guitar, it was one of my New Year’s resolutions for 2006.
As long as it’s “past” and not “between” —
finally someone who has learned the art of making sure they read every word I type, which are usually deliberate 😉
<sigh> Went from dealing with corporate lawyers and IRS agents to reading politics and playing journalist…
And I’m fond of words myself…
My empathies, Diane. I’ve had a knot of dread in my stomach, too, since the bombing of the airport in Lebanon. One of my wonderful labfolk has been waiting the arrival of her brother-in-law to go to college here.