The mighty fall:

Former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed conceded defeat about 9:50 p.m. in Georgia’s Republican primary for lieutenant governor. “Tonight my candidacy for lieutenant governor comes to an end,” he said.

The former head of the Christian Coalition, Ralph Reed, will not be the next lieutenant governor of Georgia. The poor fellow didn’t even make it out of the Republican primary. Try not to gloat too much. It wouldn’t be the Christian thing to do. Ralph, from his high and holy position as a completely corrupt and very slick Republican political operative masquerading as a man concerned with morality, would surely advise that you never take comfort in another person’s failure.

Atrios writes:

He was a political operative from the beginning, yet I remember him back in the old days being treated with reverence as he’d make the talk show rounds. I’m not sure how important it is in the grand scheme of things, but it’ll be nice to see golden boy go down.

In a rational world, the Reed phenomenon never would have happened and he would have been laughed off the stage a decade ago. In a rational world, Reed would be finished. He’s not. He’ll be back. Whether it’s in the guise of an honest man who had his reputation unfairly tarnished by accusations of corruption, or a man made whole and pure by accepting his sins, remains to be seen, but he’ll be back. Stomp and stamp and spray and scream all you like, but the reputation of a cockroach good Christian like Ralph Reed can’t ever sink far enough into the depths of hell to make him unpalatable to the respectable political media in this country. Savour and enjoy!