i just dont have that much important stuff to say…and this is probably a mistate writing this one.
can you imagine going 6 days with no news, no internet, no radio, no tv, absolutely no knowledge of whats going on in the world?
can you imagine being in so much pain that the liquid oxycontin…the stuff they give cancer patients to handle break out pain when the morphine stops working, isnt doing a darn thing to take away the pain?
can you imagine getting pics of a giant red tumor looking thing sent to you by your surgeon and knowing they just pulled that alien thing out of your body?
can you imagine working thru the pain and the nausea and ther lack of cholocate or any other solid food fior 6 days ans nothing liquid either besides flat diet creme soda and that wont stay down….but getting up anyway to catch up on a tiny bit of news at the frog pond where i dont have to slog thru narcissistic diaries and breaking headlines that arent and armondo sucks rants….and instead finding yet another flame war and a pond empty of some of my favorite people….again.
i counted on you people to hold down the fort and be here now with action suggerstions and hope and insights i wont get anywhere else.
now i fel even sicker than i did 5 minutes ago.
Anna it’s good to see you and I’m glad you came through your surgery OK. I do hope you get to feeling better.
so you can be back on your back (and other positions) soon… 😉
Sorry about the flame wars…I blame either the recent heat or blog PMS…
BUMMER! Glad it’s behind you, and wishing you as fast a recovery as possible, anna.
i just dont have that much important stuff to say
Either do I!
Glad to see you have kept a sense of humor through your terrible ordeal.
Best wishes for the speediest recovery possible.
It is good to hear that you are on the road to recovery. I’m sorry for your pain and for the flame wars. Tomorrow is another day, though.
I’m very very sorry that any and all of this happened. Was not my intent at all.
I do hope you recover fully and I send warm, bubbily thoughts your way.
anna, I’m glad that you’re okay. There’s difficulty only because we were without your stabilizing influence 😉 Come back soon!
Oh my dear Anna, I just wish you the best of the kind of recovery you can have. Do what is best for you, and do get better fast. I care about you and your health. Am so glad they got that cancer out of you so you can begin to heal. Lots of hugs and best wishes for a full and complete recovery.
Anna, you are one of those people that I always look for and miss when you are not here.
Please don’t let the flame wars get you down. They are unfortunately one of those things that are inevitable in blogdom.
I, too, hope those who got riled up rethink things and stick around.
Take extra good care of yourself and heal whole!
Agreed Kama and hugs to Anna, hope you get well soon.
My personal position on the er disagreements is that I will not let anyone these things push me off the side, perhaps more lurker mode but perhaps not…Hi Kama BTW, I miss you.
Anna, you are one of the people who make this place what it is. Thanks for reminding us of what’s important.
And I’m very distressed that you are going through this – been there too, and so have some feeling for the irritation with the contrast between what you’re facing at this moment and the fighting amongst ourselves here.
Hope you’ve got good folks taking care of you right now. We need your voice back, well!
I’m sorry you are having to go through all this. Have some good vibes from me for a quick and easier recovery.
You’re one of my favorite froggies;-)
Damn, I’m sorry to hear that you’re hurtin’. We’re sending you light and blessings.
I’ve only been away from the pond since yesterday and didn’t know there’d been more trouble until now.
Anna, I hope that the pain disappears quickly and you’re back in action soon.
BTW, what flame wars? I’ve been otherwise occupied the last few days… can anyone give me a quick pointer to where I should (or shouldn’t) look?
I looked for the diary with the biggest comments list and WHAMMO…
It crashes my browser and that’s weird cause I can open 300 comment threads elsewhere. So I decided something truly wicked was in there and I was better off not knowing what it was. I guess I’ll realize who stomped off eventually by their extended absence…
Anna – as crappy as you feel, I am so glad surgery exists and is available to you to remove the red alien thing from your body.
Sorry the pain killers are not working – maybe you can get a discount from your bill?
While you were away, nothing magical happened – people are still people.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery – the body and mind are amazing – primed for healing.
Anna, do your damndest to get well and don’t mind about us for a while. I don’t know what we’re supposed to be flaming about anyway. Suppose I have to go read that diary talked about above.
Here’s for you and your recovery!
a rough patch at the moment. We are all seeing nasty stuff going on. Wars are becoming the theme of this administration. We are all forced to listen to some really weird stuff when Bush and Condi talk. One is tempted to draw parellels between your tumor and Bush (heh heh). Maybe when we finally get to the recovery stage we can all eat chocolate together.
As one poster said to another on another blog “Oh honey, just have you a cup of tea and read a magazine or something!” Will they let you have herbal tea?
Anna, I hope you make a full recovery. It seems I keep missing these things that you wrote about: my motherboard fried two weeks ago and I am finally back online. Flame wars????
Well, glad I missed another one, the last I missed was Amando in May when I had no internet, came in on the tale end of that one and looks like I missed another.
What’s really important, though, is that you get better.
Hang in there girl, we’re rooting for ya!
I missed this yesterday, but I do hope you are feeling better today. Hang in there and feel the love from the pond.
Forgive my twisted sense of humor, but it sounds like you are nauseated enough that you don’t have to worry about what edible panties taste like.
Take care.
Anna,I missed this yesterday, but I hope you start feeling better soon.
And I wish everyone could stop fighting with each other too. I’m tired of friends telling each other to eff off.
Oh, and just for you: Armando sucks. 🙂
Receive the Green Ray of Healing I’m sending your way and recover speedily. Focus on positive energy, ignore the rest.
coming your way. I send you healing thoughts and get well rapidly too.
As to the flame wars? It is really sad to see that happening at a place one loves so much isn’t it?
Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery!
And as far as the flame war, I was working and didn’t even realize it had happened until I found your diary. But then, that always happens to me, LOL.
That kind of pain I’d only wish on members of the current administration.
I can’t imagine pain beyond the relief of liquid oxycontin. I wish you a speedy recovery.
May I recommend a daily dose of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert? Just hold those stiches in.
Sending healing energy and wishes for a quick and successful recovery!
Pay no mind to the rudeness that occasionally erupts, it too, shall pass. Come back soon, we need some “adult” supervision…:{)
Adding my own to the pile on of get well soon wishes.
Thank goodness that alien thing is out of your body. Get well soon!
Apparently I missed the flame war as well. Can’t say I’m really sorry about that.
It’s too hot for flame wars, so concentrate on healing.
(((anna))) We’re all nuts – just in different ways at different times. Don’t let it get to you.
Take care of yourself sister.
peace –
Leave it to someone in a hospital bed to clue me in on flame wars! Most days the pond is a marvelous place. You are one of the reasons it is what it is. Take care of yourself, listen to the Doctor(s), don’t hassle the nurses, and I hope the pain leaves real soon. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. Drop by the cafe in the evenings for some light hearted talk. Generally Olivia has some wonderful pictures to look at. Thinking about you.
One of the (many) downsides to my way-too-busy life is not even having a clue that my friend was going through this. So sorry for your troubles, Ah-Nah, and hoping for a speedy and complication-free recovery. If there is anything — anything — I can do, just let me know.
PS — One of the (many) upsides to my way-too-busy life is not even having a clue there even was a flame war.