…History proves a better world is possible when committed people work hard enough for it. It’s how slavery was ended; workers won the right to organize and bargain collectively; women gained equal suffrage to men, control of their own bodies, and more rights and status in the work force; blacks and other minorities won important civil rights; and politicians once enacted important social legislation if only out of fear of what might happen if they didn’t…

Click Here for More Related Commentary

Note: This is the last of a five-part series.

A Needed Solution to a Huge Problem

From the information presented above, it’s clear that the Federal Reserve System was established through stealth and deceit by a handful of corrupted politicians in service to their powerful banking and Wall Street allies.  They did it to defraud the public and without them being any the wiser about what, in fact, had been done or how harmful it was to be to their welfare and interests.  Those in the Congress and President Wilson (a man trained in the law, one-time practicing attorney, former esteemed academic and president of Princeton University) either knew or should have known that the act he and they approved establishing the Fed was in direct violation of the Constitution they were sworn to uphold. They didn’t, they broke the law, and the public paid dearly for their crime ever since to this day.

So what recourse is left, and can people be mobilized to pursue it.  There’s only one sensible and just solution to undo the damage done to so many for so long – abolish the Federal Reserve System and restore the power it now has to the federal government working for the public welfare.  Take it back from the powerful banking cartel working against it and never allow it to be in its hands again.  That alone is the only way.  The great German poet and playwright Bertolt Brecht would have agreed and once said it was “easier to rob by setting up a bank than by holding up (one).” 

Freeing us from the these powerful “Money Changers” would have enormous benefits for everyone.  It would establish a prudent policy of money creation that would minimize our most unfair tax – inflation which is caused by private for-profit bankers manipulating the nation’s money supply to enhance their profits.  It would stabilize the economy and smooth out the extremes in the business cycle exacerbated by the cartel working for its benefit and against ours.  It would lower the cost of money for borrowers because it would end the monopoly power the cartel now has to set the rates it chooses by opening the market to more competition.  It would reduce the growing and oppressive national debt freed eventually from the extra money supply growth needed to pay it off.  It would lower the public’s tax burden as less revenue would be needed for debt service.  It would be a momentous step toward reducing and hopefully one day eliminating the overwhelming power of all predatory corporate giants preying on us so they can grow and prosper.  It might even discourage wars which are only fought for wealth and power – never for glory or to make the world safe for democracy or other false motives.  Without a powerful corporate banking cartel and other industry giants that feed on the human misery they create, there would be less of a reason to pursue any.  Try to imagine that kind of world and a government working for the public welfare instead of harming it as it now must do in service to capital. That world is possible, and responsible people need to work for it as the one we now have has failed and must be changed before it’s too late.

A View of the World Created by the Interests of Capital and Our Government That Supports It 

It’s the ugly, corrupted world of neoliberal “free market” capitalism controlled by giant corporations; that benefits the privileged few alone causing great human misery and despair; a despotic world that can’t endure nor must we allow it to much longer; one with endless wars for power and profit; where people are commodities to be used as needed and discarded like trash when they’re not; with no concern for preserving an ecology able to sustain us and won’t much longer because we’re destroying it and ourselves for profit; where essential human needs don’t matter under an economic model only valuing private gain; where democracy is incompatible with predatory capitalism; one no one should want to live in or ever have to; one we must change or perish.  In the language of capital, that’s the bottom line.  Only a mass movement of committed people can change that world.  It must or we all will. 

Unless we can move from our failed economic model to a better alternative, it will end on its own one day by one means or other.  But it may be a denouement no one would wish for – it’s own self-destruction taking all else with it either by nuclear holocaust or an environment so inhospitable it won’t support our ability to live in it.  Our only chance is to work for change while there’s still time.

A Vision of A Different Kind of World

History proves a better world is possible when committed people work hard enough for it.  It’s how slavery was ended; workers won the right to organize and bargain collectively; women gained equal suffrage to men, control of their own bodies, and more rights and status in the work force; blacks and other minorities won important civil rights; and politicians once enacted important social legislation if only out of fear of what might happen if they didn’t.  

Thomas Jefferson explained the “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.”  It’s also the price to keep our hard won social gains.  For the past generation those gains have eroded while we weren’t paying attention and only mass people action can regain them.  The goal should be for a world of caring and sharing; where peoples’ lives improve because we all work together for it; one at peace and not with endless wars to benefit the rich and powerful at our expense; where all essential human needs are met because governments work for the common good to assure it; with real participatory democracy where the public and elected officials work together to keep it strong and vibrant; with no oppressive corporate giants or banking cartels because the law won’t allow any; where ecological nurturing and preservation are central; with clean air, water and soil and food that’s fit and safe to eat; a much simpler world, more locally based than today’s where notions like globalization aren’t even in the vocabulary; one based on social equity and justice for all with government, law enforcement and the courts working to assure it stays that way; one we all want to live in and hope some day we can; one we want to pass on to future generations; one we can’t afford not to have because the alternative may be no world at all. 

We may now be at a key watershed moment where our fate hangs in the balance.  We can either work together for a better, sustainable world or likely become the first species in it ever to destroy itself.  If it happens, we’ll likely take most others with us and not leave much behind for the few hearty ones that remain.  We no longer have the luxury of debate for the kind of world we need to survive.  The giant banks and corporations  won’t give it to us nor will a hostile government allied with them.  It’s up to us to go for it or likely perish if we fail.  A good beginning would be by driving the Federal Reserve “money changers” out of our temple and the corporate giants with them.  A better world is possible if we remember and live by political theorist Antonio Gramsci’s inspirational words about “the optimism of the will.”  With it, organized people can find a way to beat organized money.

Written by Stephen Lendman, (email – lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net) who lives in Chicago. Stephen maintains a blog at http://sjlendman.blogspot.com, and writes a regular column at www.populistamerica.com