Bark, Bark! I want to tell you about this excellent candidate running for Congress in OH-3! She is a Doctor, my Doctor, Dr. Stephanie Studebaker. My caretaker takes me to her all the time for my check-ups, hotspots, and shots. You see, she is a Veterinarian, a GREAT one! She is a wife, mother, and small business owner who’s Peace of Mind Veterinarian Relief Service covers the entire state of Ohio. She is also the guardian of 2 of my friends, Mac, a black Labrador and Beau, a yeller Lab, plus 2 piranhas named Bush and Cheney (no friends of mine). “Doc” Studebaker is the mother of 2 wonderful little girls, and her husband, a school teacher, is a pretty nice guy, too. Steph is a kind, compassionate, caring human. I know this personally because my innate sense of humans that we K-9s have developed tells me so. Plus, Mac and Beau checked out a lot of humans and families before they threw in with the Studebakers. In short, she passes the sniff test for us. Steph is an athlete and also a fighter. As a kid she fought to play Little League baseball with the boys and earned an athletic scholarship to Ohio State University. There she earned her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine and started her career tending to us critters.
“Doc” Studebaker’s reason for getting involved in politics is her grave concern for your families, your children, Ohio, and your Country’s futures. Her concerns are indeed grounded in reality. Whenever I fetch the paper I read the headlines about the loss of jobs in Ohio, the culture of corruption and cronyism in Washington, and the quagmire in Iraq. Being retired from the military K-9 Corps, it is the last that really sends me into a newspaper shredding frenzy! She realized it was time to get active in politics before the opportunities that she enjoyed from this great country were lost for future generations. She started with Gov. Dean as his Ohio Communications Director and continued her activism by supporting Sen. Kerry and working tirelessly for the Reform Ohio Now amendments. Now she wants to be your Congresshuman in the U. S. House of Representatives to fight for job creation in three vital sectors of Ohio’s economy; high-tech manufacturing, farming, and research. She is sick of corrupt, career politicians. She believes in taking a page from your founding fathers, stepping out of her career to become a citizen-legislator for several terms and then returning to family and profession. Who better to go to D. C. and treat some of the rabid critters there than a veterinarian? She will push for meaningful lobbying reform, treating all the congressional lapdogs of corporations and this administration for their addiction to money.
So help Dr. Stephanie Studebaker neuter the LYIN’ KING by retiring Mike Turner from Congress. To contribute to Doc’s campaign, go to: She doesn’t need dog bones!
Bark! Bark!