There’s no bondage or discipline (that’s for sure) going on with me and Psi. And I’m not sadistic. Just unsympathetic. I have no idea if he’s masochistic. I’ll ask him. Let me remove the gag first …
There’s no BDSM going on. It’s just the typical thing.
Men always say that they want to meet a nice girl who loves them and will make them happy. But … it’s the girls who are mean to them who keep them coming back for more. If a man is lucky, the bitch dumps him and leaves him with a broken heart but an unruined life ahead of him. If he is unlucky, he wakes up 10 years later, with 2 or 3 kids, stuck in a marriage with a woman who makes him miserable and will never make him anything but miserable.
Trust me, I’m doing this for Psi’s own good. So that next year at YearlyKos, when we set him up with a nice liberal girl, he’ll appreciate her and not be running around after one of the so-called “snarky” ones.
And of course this works in reverse too. Women say they want a nice guy but it’s the jerks who get their blood flowing. What’s a poor accountant or mechanical engineer to do?
at least for me, I always fall for the jerks because at the beginning they are so much less work than the nice guys. They tell you exactly what they think. Nice guys are too busy being nice and you never know what they think and its all so … exhausting.
I’ve been good. Especially because I’ve been spending lots of time out in the boonies, looking at the stars and listening to the coyotes howling.
However, dialup had deteriorated from 31.2K to 24 and even 19 one night, and I was getting dropped alot. So I finally complained to the phone company, and now it’s back to 31.2 again pretty consistently.
Not great, but I was about to pull the plug on them. Made it hard to load BT especially.
So far I’ve replaced a 4’X 11′ deck off the 2nd story with a 8’X 11′ cedar deck, prior to June 11 BBQ, 50 people.
Then new back steps prior to two sets of relatives visiting the area.
Now I’ve just finished the north side of the roof of the “bunkhouse”, about a 16’X 16′ story and a half.
The building was built some 95 years back and used by my grandfather at the farm just 1/2 mile south of here. (It was moved over here a few decades back with the neighbor’s haystack mover.)
Is the bunkhouse where we stay when we come to visit?
You’ve been very, very busy! I’m impressed by all of this. I feel like a slacker compared to everything you’ve been doing — since everyone can see the tangible result of your work.
I spent 10 days up in Minnesota at the end of July. Fortunately I was way up at the top of the state where the weather was lovely. It was hot as hades in the twin cities and it was 103 in Duluth. I assume you were hot too?
No big musical events this summer. I seem to do it more in the fall and winter.
Eventually we hope the bunkhouse will be available for the visitor overflow from the house. There’s still considerable work left on the building prior to that however, new double-hung windows, new siding, etc. So maybe by next fall it will be ready for visitors.
[Oh, a little tangential side story: I found a spot where my two cousins Ann and Jean wrote their names on the inside of the bunkhouse roof boards, dated Aug 7, 1945. I took digital shots of it and will send it to them soon, as they’re both still kickin’. Ain’t that somthing?]
Yeah, one of the pleasures of that type of 3d, physical work is seeing the results.
This summer was definitely the heat from hell. It just went on and on and on. We’ve had some rain recently, and now the grass looks like it normaly does in the spring. From about mid June through the end of Aug it had not just been brown, but more like crunchy white. The only thing growing in the yard during that time was Canadian Thistle and native prairie “weeds”.
My hairdresser/(barber) says she’ll never complain about winter again, ha! I’ll reminder her if she does.
I haven’t checked the midwest thread for quite a while. And up until recently I was still leaning towards going… but then my chainsaw died, new # 290 Stihl plus acc = 480. Then took my old Chevy in for a tuneup, and ended up with auto tran servicing, front disc brakes pads, front shocks, steering linkage parts, repack grease in front wheel bearing, etc.
Then when they call to say it’s ready they can’t get the key out of the ignition to shut it off. Accckkk! New key tumbler mechanism and labor another 75, so now we’re up to 620. (Sidenote: this is a very reliable mechanic I’ve done business with for decades, so I have no doubt all the work was necessary.)
Anyway, travelling funds are a tad pinched at the moment, but… I never say never either… although it is looking somewhat doubtful at this point. 🙁
um … it might have been cheaper to buy another car?
I’ll continue to keep my fingers crossed. But I understand that money doesn’t grow on trees. It’s a shame southwest doesn’t fly north — because then you could just come in for the day.
I can’t believe that you’ve been separated from your favorite coffee shop for so long. Will you go back to tbe city in the fall?
That’s a hard topic for me because I don’t see much of the youth, except for some of my friends kids.
And I’m not sure what you mean by youth — how old before you don’t count as youth? I don’t see young people at my office until they’ve been out of college at least a year and have a year of law school under their belts — and even they are rare. Usually we have 2nd year clerks — so they’re all about 24. And by the time they start full time they are at least 25.
They seem hardworking — but of course, they’re all overachievers or they wouldn’t have gone to law school. They don’t seem at all interested in politics, which I find somewhat disturbing. For a while I wondered if they just didn’t want to express an opinion to me because I was a partner — so I stared to ask questions. I think they just aren’t very politically active.
It certainly is a problem. Most of my close friends are not into politics. Sure, there’s a general antipathy towards Bush and his policies, but nothing too specific. It’s a problem that needs to be fixed somehow.
But since you’re not around us young folk much, are older Americans any better?
Actually yes, older Americans are better if we are talking only about the small demographic that is my office. A group of mostly male, highly educated Americans aged 25-80ish. In general, the older people are better informed and will talk about politics. That doesn’t mean that they have rational opinions or that they get off their asses to do anything political. But I can have a political discussion or argument with the older men (they’re almost all men) but not with the younguns.
Granted, this is a small demographic, but I find it disturbing that someone who has been through law school is uninterested in expressing opinions about those person who make the laws.
In addition, though, I don’t feel like there’s a true work ethic instilled in many of them. There’s not much dedication to their academics, or a given cause – or much of anything. There are some here at Penn who are the exception, but I would venture to say most are without any sense of purpose. They live to party, and while it’s great, how far will hedonism get you in life? Will it make anyone’s life better? Not really. A lot of it, IMO, has to do with the messaging of pop culture, aided by shit like MTV that pushes a ‘style over substance’ message. Just listen to music that’s put out today. Pure garbage.
No, seriously, I see what you’re saying but I wonder if this generation is any different than any other generation.
I was in college from ’78-’82 and met very few people (including myself) who had a sense of purpose. Hardly anyone knew what they wanted to do when they got out (and it didn’t really matter anyway since there were no jobs when we graduated — since we were in the middle of a recession).
And college students have lived to party since the days of Socrates. And most of them have ended up being fine members of the community — eventually.
The maturity level of people in college is all over the spectrum. Some people are ready to settle down and focus; other’s aren’t. It seems to be as much of a socialization process as anything.
On the other hand … there will never be another time in your life when you can do this.
You could be mature about it and limit your drunken partying to only 1/2 the days. 🙂
I just can’t get worked up about drunken partying because I did it and I survived and I graduated. On the other hand, it’s true that I did it less my junior and senior years. But I didn’t go cold turkey 🙂
We had the DRAFT, a very dark cloud looming over our future. No long term plans could be made until that was settled, (one way or the other.)
One of the very few positive effects of the draft was that it had the tendency to stimulate and clarify one’s thinking on the current issues of that day.
And it had the effect of politicizing people. When a mass of people have their self interest at risk they have the tendency to take action, as we saw in the recent immigration protest marches.
However, just to be clear, I remain opposed to a draft. I think “youth” will be mobilized when the realization comes to them that they’ve been robbed of their future, whether economically, or environmentally (global warming disaster scenarios).
I remember your generation — you were the older kids 🙂
And I remember that you were very politicized, but not particularly focused on other things — as you say, it was hard to focus on your future with the war and a draft.
My impression was that quite a number of your generation, while very political, didn’t particularly take their college studies seriously.
And I KNOW you all partied 🙂
Psi is worried about partying and hedonism — your generation invented modern hedonism. You didn’t open the doors — you tore them down. By the time I was in college it was simply expected that youth would be hedonistic.
While not knowing what I’m talking about, I think you are all painting with too wide a brush. Not all youth at that time were party animals and not all were focused.
I think it’s the same today. You have the serious focused people and you have the party animals.
I think just as with anything else, you have human nature coming into play. You’ll always have your over achievers and under achievers.
I totally agree with you on that. I look at it as why is there only one king. Why aren’t all the people nobel.
Because the king and nobels were the over achievers. They had focus, saw what they wanted and took it. Not saying it’s right, but that’s the way the world is.
Almost everyone I knew well, and hung out with during univ days partied hard, and after ’69, not just booze… there were other culturally acceptable “alternatives”.
I think what I’d say to any univ student these days is pick the type of party you like, doesn’t really have to be either booze or the aforementioned “alternative”, could some other type of party, group activity.
So great, achieve, get an education, learn something, but above all, enjoy yourelf while your’re doing it,, ’cause in all liklihood you only get to do it once, and if you go back latter in your life, it won’t be the same… never the same intensity as it is experiencing life in the twenties.
I agree — with one modification. It’s not your “twenties” — it’s experiences before the age of 25 that’s the maximum intensity.
I’m convinced that 25 is the turning point. After 25 you can do what you used to do — but you don’t recover at the same rate. And the recovery rate keeps getting slower as you get older 🙂
I’ve never looked at life as being about enjoyment. To me, it’s a mission of sorts. Once you identify what your passion is – what you want to devote yourself to – you focus on that.
Perhaps I can’t multitask on a personal level, but I view it as a tradeoff of sorts. Excel in the academics and become thoroughly knowledgeable in politics, at the expense of partying. To me, it’s acceptable, as I’m not very good socially. I wouldn’t classify myself as happy, because happiness is not something I would say I’ve felt in over a year, and only for a short period of time. But I feel like I’m doing something useful, that I’m fulfilling some purpose – my purpose – in life.
And to me, that’s all that matters. Anything outside of that is just gravy on the mashed potatoes (or whatever the hell that analogy is).
I agree that identifying your passion is a worthwhile goal. On the other hand, part of the University experience is to allow yourself a multitude of experiences in order to (a) identify your passion and (b) give yourself the life experiences necessary to devote yourself to your passion.
But I agree with NDD that you should find some type of socializing that YOU enjoy and you should allow yourself to enjoy it. Maybe you don’t like college partying, that’s ok. Maybe your social experience will revolve around people involved in your political activities. That’s OK too. Just allow yourself to enjoy it and sometimes take time ONLY socialize.
Politics is social. Socializing isn’t a waste of your time 🙂
Personally, I hate small talk in person. I can do it on-line because when I get bored I can walk away for a while and nobody knows. In person — it’s pretty apparent that I’m bored out of my mind 😉
But, politics is all about connections. With voters, with other political types. So to the extent that you can use your college years to work on social skills, it can only help your political skills.
Well, I’ve been doing my fair share to get more acquainted with people. But I hate networking, I really do. That’s one aspect of business school I absolutely hate, and it makes me feel like a tool.
Psi I feel many people look at their life as a mission, and that’s good. However, happiness isn’t just something that comes to you. It’s like anything else in life. You have to work for it. If your mission in life makes you happy, that cool. But don’t let the mission stop you from experiencing everything life has to offer.
I realize that there are other things to do. However, I feel like personal enjoyment gets in the way of other things I could be doing – namely, educating myself more on matters that will improve my ability to contribute to society in a meaningful manner.
It’s really the way I look at things. It’s one of the main reasons I’ve abandoned any sort of pursuit of romance/personal happiness – it takes up too much time, it fucks with your mind and your focus, and with school and politics, I simply don’t have the time for it. Additionally, with partying – sure, getting plastered is good mindless fun, but when you wake up half-drunk and wondering what the point was, you realize that it wasn’t for much of anything. The feeling of euphoria or happiness or whatever you’d like to call it was temporary. Fleeting. And then you’re back to facing reality with a pounding hangover.
Heh, we’ll see. It’s something I consciously put out of my mind at the beginning of last summer. I find it’s a lot easier to operate efficiently nowadays.
Hey, I’ll take that nice compliment and run with it!!
Finding romance goes entirely by the Law of Ironies* (*coined by me as far as I know.)
So for example, when one has made up his/her mind he/she is definitely not looking for romance that is exactly the conditions under which one is most likely to find it. And not only that, but the “right” one besides.
Therefore I say, Psi, I wish you the very best of luck on that one!!!
As I said before, I’m definitely not what one would call ‘happy’. I’ve experienced ‘happy’ before, but it blinded me to everything else that was going on. It came to the point where I was clueless and lost focus completely.
But I do feel as though I’m accomplishing something. And that’s good. It’s not the same as happiness, but there’s a sense of forward movement.
I guess it all depends on what you want. People become monks and never speak, or so I’ve heard. That makes them happy. As long as it’s something you want and it makes you happy.
in the early twenties almost everyone I knew was “not good socially”, including myself. And depending on what experiences we had some got better at it sooner and some later, and some never.
But I would warrant that you would be much more effective at whatever your focus is in life if you are able to make even incremental improvements in your socializing during these and succeeding years.
For example; I sort of keep in tune with socializing with strangers by talking to supermarket clerks as I transact my exchange of money for goods.
Yeah, of course, I try to get in the line with the cutest young lady, which helps. But that’s not always possible, so I talk with whoever I get.
I look at the name tag, and say, Hi Sarah, how’s it going for you today?
‘Cause what I’m thinking is I’ve worked standing on concrete floors for hours on end. And working on concrete floors is miserable work. So nearly ever last one of these workers appreciate someone treating them as a human being.
I try to communicate with almost everyone on the other side of any counter in this way. They appreciate it, and I get to maintain and improve my ability to communicate with strangers, and avoid slipping back into a shy mode.
But I think you make a good point. I think that those of us who aren’t natural socializers tend to forget that there is a human being on the other end. We get all concerned about ourselves and what the other person is thinking of us –rather than what we’re thinking about that other human being, who has worked long hours on a concrete floor.
That’s true. In NDD’s generation they all came together — the serious folk and the partyers.
I’ve always thought that part of the success (to the extent it was succesful) of the anti-war movement was due to the fact that it became a big party — it was all rolled into one – protesting against the war, protesting against the way society was organized, acting for women’s rights and the whole civil rights movement. It attracted large groups of people. I’ve always thought that a large portion of the group was there just as much (if not more) for the party as for any political statement.
So Psi needs to integrate the partying, the politics and the protesting the way NDD’s generation did to have a succesful youth movement.
Or to look at it from the other side — if you’ve got all those underachieving partyers — how do you mobilize them to do what you need them to do? Why you throw a big party that’s how.
Unfortunately for Psi — NDD’s generation threw open the doors on hedonism and they never shut. So partying with drugs and sex isn’t the novelty that it once was. Psi will have to come up with a new kind of partying to manipulate his masses.
The Republicans were smart. They talked about limiting sex, drugs and rock and roll but they didn’t. If they had, the youth would have had something to fight for 🙂
And don’t forget the music, that was a huge part of unifying everyone.
I wonder now where the musicians are for this movement that needs to happen. Or are they out there, and just not heard due to the near total control of the media outlets for music.
I did something really stupid about 2 week ago. Something was wrong with the riding lawnmower and I was picking up the front of it to set it on a stand. Half way up, something went pop in my back and I was down on the ground. Took about 15 minutes to get up. Went to the doctor and she gave me muscle relaxers and Aleve. It’s a lot better than it was, but still can on sleep in one position and sit straight up. I’m going back to the doctor Tuesday.
You were trying to pick up the riding lawnmower? You thought you were Hercules?
You should know that picking up the riding mower should only be attempted when you have an adrenalin surge from seeing a snake near your foot. Otherwise it’s a no no.
I hate to say this, but it’s probably going to take a while to heal. 🙁
A fresh lounge — let’s mess it up!
and maybe Andi could come over here and explain what she’s talking about …
and maybe everybody could stop talking in code tonight ::sniff::
Surely someone who imprisons grocery deliverymen in the basement knows what BDSM is.
so much time in the office and get out with the skeezy folks more so I wouldn’t have to explain these things to you.
But let Mother Wiki explain it all to you.
I suppose.
There’s no bondage or discipline (that’s for sure) going on with me and Psi. And I’m not sadistic. Just unsympathetic. I have no idea if he’s masochistic. I’ll ask him. Let me remove the gag first …
Ah, how quickly you learn.
Andi, Andi
There’s no BDSM going on. It’s just the typical thing.
Men always say that they want to meet a nice girl who loves them and will make them happy. But … it’s the girls who are mean to them who keep them coming back for more. If a man is lucky, the bitch dumps him and leaves him with a broken heart but an unruined life ahead of him. If he is unlucky, he wakes up 10 years later, with 2 or 3 kids, stuck in a marriage with a woman who makes him miserable and will never make him anything but miserable.
Trust me, I’m doing this for Psi’s own good. So that next year at YearlyKos, when we set him up with a nice liberal girl, he’ll appreciate her and not be running around after one of the so-called “snarky” ones.
And of course this works in reverse too. Women say they want a nice guy but it’s the jerks who get their blood flowing. What’s a poor accountant or mechanical engineer to do?
I’ve learned that the hard way
Although, I’m not sure what the profession has to do with it. There are asshole accountants. I know. I’m sure there must be asshole engineers.
Yes, that’s true. I was going for the sterotypical dorky engineer – a type I am intimately familiar with. A very. nice. guy.
at least for me, I always fall for the jerks because at the beginning they are so much less work than the nice guys. They tell you exactly what they think. Nice guys are too busy being nice and you never know what they think and its all so … exhausting.
That’s not true. Sometimes, nice guys (like myself) say exactly what they mean.
Y’all overanalyze a little too much sometimes!
listen and learn
because we don’t analyze any more than any other girls 🙂
Girl talk?
I think that’s my cue to leave… 😉
Chicken …
More like it’s not something that interests me in the least. That’s the truth.
you can pick the topic then
just move to a new thread when you do
I don’t think that’s really a worry. I’d rather prefer someone with substance over style, anyways.
Oh don’t worry, the snarky girl will have substance. It will be part of the attraction.
Don’t worry, by the time next year comes around … the women of the froggybottom lounge will have made sure you’re thinking straight.
BDSM? Does the SM stand for sadomasochism?!
I wondered that, but what does BD stand for? Boy Dog? Blonde Dark?
Well, the answer’s above. I do not believe I agreed to any of this! 😛
Enjoy yourselves — but do make sure you have your safe words agreed upon.
ha ha
g’night Andi
Sunset a few weeks back.
Hey you! I’ve been wondering where you were! How’ve you been?
I’ve been good. Especially because I’ve been spending lots of time out in the boonies, looking at the stars and listening to the coyotes howling.
However, dialup had deteriorated from 31.2K to 24 and even 19 one night, and I was getting dropped alot. So I finally complained to the phone company, and now it’s back to 31.2 again pretty consistently.
Not great, but I was about to pull the plug on them. Made it hard to load BT especially.
Especially with all the pictures, I bet. I’m glad they fixed it for you.
Have you been out in the boonies for a reason or just because it’s summer?
Project, and a preference for the country both.
So far I’ve replaced a 4’X 11′ deck off the 2nd story with a 8’X 11′ cedar deck, prior to June 11 BBQ, 50 people.
Then new back steps prior to two sets of relatives visiting the area.
Now I’ve just finished the north side of the roof of the “bunkhouse”, about a 16’X 16′ story and a half.
The building was built some 95 years back and used by my grandfather at the farm just 1/2 mile south of here. (It was moved over here a few decades back with the neighbor’s haystack mover.)
Is the bunkhouse where we stay when we come to visit?
You’ve been very, very busy! I’m impressed by all of this. I feel like a slacker compared to everything you’ve been doing — since everyone can see the tangible result of your work.
I spent 10 days up in Minnesota at the end of July. Fortunately I was way up at the top of the state where the weather was lovely. It was hot as hades in the twin cities and it was 103 in Duluth. I assume you were hot too?
No big musical events this summer. I seem to do it more in the fall and winter.
Eventually we hope the bunkhouse will be available for the visitor overflow from the house. There’s still considerable work left on the building prior to that however, new double-hung windows, new siding, etc. So maybe by next fall it will be ready for visitors.
[Oh, a little tangential side story: I found a spot where my two cousins Ann and Jean wrote their names on the inside of the bunkhouse roof boards, dated Aug 7, 1945. I took digital shots of it and will send it to them soon, as they’re both still kickin’. Ain’t that somthing?]
Yeah, one of the pleasures of that type of 3d, physical work is seeing the results.
This summer was definitely the heat from hell. It just went on and on and on. We’ve had some rain recently, and now the grass looks like it normaly does in the spring. From about mid June through the end of Aug it had not just been brown, but more like crunchy white. The only thing growing in the yard during that time was Canadian Thistle and native prairie “weeds”.
My hairdresser/(barber) says she’ll never complain about winter again, ha! I’ll reminder her if she does.
That’s very cool about finding those names. I love when those things happen.
Did you see the info on the Midwest meetup in the Midwest thread. Are you still considering? pleeeeeeeeze?
OK, enough begging 🙂
I’m leaving for Italy on Thursday …
I haven’t checked the midwest thread for quite a while. And up until recently I was still leaning towards going… but then my chainsaw died, new # 290 Stihl plus acc = 480. Then took my old Chevy in for a tuneup, and ended up with auto tran servicing, front disc brakes pads, front shocks, steering linkage parts, repack grease in front wheel bearing, etc.
Then when they call to say it’s ready they can’t get the key out of the ignition to shut it off. Accckkk! New key tumbler mechanism and labor another 75, so now we’re up to 620. (Sidenote: this is a very reliable mechanic I’ve done business with for decades, so I have no doubt all the work was necessary.)
Anyway, travelling funds are a tad pinched at the moment, but… I never say never either… although it is looking somewhat doubtful at this point. 🙁
um … it might have been cheaper to buy another car?
I’ll continue to keep my fingers crossed. But I understand that money doesn’t grow on trees. It’s a shame southwest doesn’t fly north — because then you could just come in for the day.
I can’t believe that you’ve been separated from your favorite coffee shop for so long. Will you go back to tbe city in the fall?
Hey NDD. I’ve been wondering how you’ve been doing.
and how’s that lutefiskchit factory running these days?
And to mb, I’ve make intermittent trips to the city, so the coffee crew didn’t totally go into withdrawal symptoms at my abscence.
Headed to the city tomorrow, for example. Then this Saturday, Bob Dylan concert. (More $s bye bye)
The lutefiskchit still hasn’t taken off. Don’t know why I can’t get anyone interested in it.
Bob Dylan. You know, I’ve never really liked Bob Dylan.
I know, I know … but I don’t.
But I want to hear about it 🙂
Any music events that stand out in the memory?
Anyone else still around? Or did Mary take my denounciation of ‘girl talk’ hard? 😛
pfft. You can’t scare me off. What’s the topic?
I don’t know. What would you like to chat about?
see? They tell you exactly what they think. Nice guys are too busy being nice and you never know what they think
what’s the topic?
Well, if it were my way, the topic would be politics. But that’s boring…since it’s the point of this site!
So what’d I’m interested in is this…how much faith do you have in today’s youth? I feel like they’re a rotten bunch (well, excluding myself, I hope).
That’s a hard topic for me because I don’t see much of the youth, except for some of my friends kids.
And I’m not sure what you mean by youth — how old before you don’t count as youth? I don’t see young people at my office until they’ve been out of college at least a year and have a year of law school under their belts — and even they are rare. Usually we have 2nd year clerks — so they’re all about 24. And by the time they start full time they are at least 25.
They seem hardworking — but of course, they’re all overachievers or they wouldn’t have gone to law school. They don’t seem at all interested in politics, which I find somewhat disturbing. For a while I wondered if they just didn’t want to express an opinion to me because I was a partner — so I stared to ask questions. I think they just aren’t very politically active.
It certainly is a problem. Most of my close friends are not into politics. Sure, there’s a general antipathy towards Bush and his policies, but nothing too specific. It’s a problem that needs to be fixed somehow.
But since you’re not around us young folk much, are older Americans any better?
Actually yes, older Americans are better if we are talking only about the small demographic that is my office. A group of mostly male, highly educated Americans aged 25-80ish. In general, the older people are better informed and will talk about politics. That doesn’t mean that they have rational opinions or that they get off their asses to do anything political. But I can have a political discussion or argument with the older men (they’re almost all men) but not with the younguns.
Granted, this is a small demographic, but I find it disturbing that someone who has been through law school is uninterested in expressing opinions about those person who make the laws.
Why do YOU think young people are a bad lot?
As you said, they don’t care.
In addition, though, I don’t feel like there’s a true work ethic instilled in many of them. There’s not much dedication to their academics, or a given cause – or much of anything. There are some here at Penn who are the exception, but I would venture to say most are without any sense of purpose. They live to party, and while it’s great, how far will hedonism get you in life? Will it make anyone’s life better? Not really. A lot of it, IMO, has to do with the messaging of pop culture, aided by shit like MTV that pushes a ‘style over substance’ message. Just listen to music that’s put out today. Pure garbage.
You need to go to some parties 🙂
No, seriously, I see what you’re saying but I wonder if this generation is any different than any other generation.
I was in college from ’78-’82 and met very few people (including myself) who had a sense of purpose. Hardly anyone knew what they wanted to do when they got out (and it didn’t really matter anyway since there were no jobs when we graduated — since we were in the middle of a recession).
And college students have lived to party since the days of Socrates. And most of them have ended up being fine members of the community — eventually.
The maturity level of people in college is all over the spectrum. Some people are ready to settle down and focus; other’s aren’t. It seems to be as much of a socialization process as anything.
I guess. As a junior now, though, I feel like drunken partying for days on end at the beginning of a new school year…well, it’s kinda beneath me.
On the other hand … there will never be another time in your life when you can do this.
You could be mature about it and limit your drunken partying to only 1/2 the days. 🙂
I just can’t get worked up about drunken partying because I did it and I survived and I graduated. On the other hand, it’s true that I did it less my junior and senior years. But I didn’t go cold turkey 🙂
Is this the only thing you two can find to talk about?
The late night cafes are going down hill.
drunken partying? isn’t that what the cafe is for?
Oh — you mean we should BE drunkenly partying, not talking about the effects of drunken partying.
You could do both.
FM, I’m a reasonable person…I’m not into the debauchery that you older folks seem to have a soft spot in your heart for. 😛
Yes debauchery is all we have left in our old age. 🙂
Well, if you’re going to acknowledge, I can now call you a dirty old man (in addition to a slacker, of course). 😛
There you’re wrong. It takes work to be a dirty old man. A slacker would never go to all that trouble. 😛
and the last, (or mine, shall we say.)
We had the DRAFT, a very dark cloud looming over our future. No long term plans could be made until that was settled, (one way or the other.)
One of the very few positive effects of the draft was that it had the tendency to stimulate and clarify one’s thinking on the current issues of that day.
And it had the effect of politicizing people. When a mass of people have their self interest at risk they have the tendency to take action, as we saw in the recent immigration protest marches.
However, just to be clear, I remain opposed to a draft. I think “youth” will be mobilized when the realization comes to them that they’ve been robbed of their future, whether economically, or environmentally (global warming disaster scenarios).
I remember your generation — you were the older kids 🙂
And I remember that you were very politicized, but not particularly focused on other things — as you say, it was hard to focus on your future with the war and a draft.
My impression was that quite a number of your generation, while very political, didn’t particularly take their college studies seriously.
And I KNOW you all partied 🙂
Psi is worried about partying and hedonism — your generation invented modern hedonism. You didn’t open the doors — you tore them down. By the time I was in college it was simply expected that youth would be hedonistic.
While not knowing what I’m talking about, I think you are all painting with too wide a brush. Not all youth at that time were party animals and not all were focused.
I think it’s the same today. You have the serious focused people and you have the party animals.
I think just as with anything else, you have human nature coming into play. You’ll always have your over achievers and under achievers.
From what I’ve seen, though, as I’ve gone through high school and now college, there are far more underachievers.
I totally agree with you on that. I look at it as why is there only one king. Why aren’t all the people nobel.
Because the king and nobels were the over achievers. They had focus, saw what they wanted and took it. Not saying it’s right, but that’s the way the world is.
Almost everyone I knew well, and hung out with during univ days partied hard, and after ’69, not just booze… there were other culturally acceptable “alternatives”.
I think what I’d say to any univ student these days is pick the type of party you like, doesn’t really have to be either booze or the aforementioned “alternative”, could some other type of party, group activity.
So great, achieve, get an education, learn something, but above all, enjoy yourelf while your’re doing it,, ’cause in all liklihood you only get to do it once, and if you go back latter in your life, it won’t be the same… never the same intensity as it is experiencing life in the twenties.
Exactly what NDD said!
I agree — with one modification. It’s not your “twenties” — it’s experiences before the age of 25 that’s the maximum intensity.
I’m convinced that 25 is the turning point. After 25 you can do what you used to do — but you don’t recover at the same rate. And the recovery rate keeps getting slower as you get older 🙂
I’ve never looked at life as being about enjoyment. To me, it’s a mission of sorts. Once you identify what your passion is – what you want to devote yourself to – you focus on that.
Perhaps I can’t multitask on a personal level, but I view it as a tradeoff of sorts. Excel in the academics and become thoroughly knowledgeable in politics, at the expense of partying. To me, it’s acceptable, as I’m not very good socially. I wouldn’t classify myself as happy, because happiness is not something I would say I’ve felt in over a year, and only for a short period of time. But I feel like I’m doing something useful, that I’m fulfilling some purpose – my purpose – in life.
And to me, that’s all that matters. Anything outside of that is just gravy on the mashed potatoes (or whatever the hell that analogy is).
I agree that identifying your passion is a worthwhile goal. On the other hand, part of the University experience is to allow yourself a multitude of experiences in order to (a) identify your passion and (b) give yourself the life experiences necessary to devote yourself to your passion.
But I agree with NDD that you should find some type of socializing that YOU enjoy and you should allow yourself to enjoy it. Maybe you don’t like college partying, that’s ok. Maybe your social experience will revolve around people involved in your political activities. That’s OK too. Just allow yourself to enjoy it and sometimes take time ONLY socialize.
Politics is social. Socializing isn’t a waste of your time 🙂
Oh, I can socialize about politics for days on end, I’m sure. But I’m not the kind who’s very good at shooting the breeze.
Personally, I hate small talk in person. I can do it on-line because when I get bored I can walk away for a while and nobody knows. In person — it’s pretty apparent that I’m bored out of my mind 😉
But, politics is all about connections. With voters, with other political types. So to the extent that you can use your college years to work on social skills, it can only help your political skills.
I agree with this also. You’ve got to start networking early and college and potlitcs are the perfect places.
Well, I’ve been doing my fair share to get more acquainted with people. But I hate networking, I really do. That’s one aspect of business school I absolutely hate, and it makes me feel like a tool.
Psi I love the analogy. 🙂
Psi I feel many people look at their life as a mission, and that’s good. However, happiness isn’t just something that comes to you. It’s like anything else in life. You have to work for it. If your mission in life makes you happy, that cool. But don’t let the mission stop you from experiencing everything life has to offer.
Your are quite the philosopher. That was REALLY good.
Who me? Just a little slackerly logic. 🙂
I realize that there are other things to do. However, I feel like personal enjoyment gets in the way of other things I could be doing – namely, educating myself more on matters that will improve my ability to contribute to society in a meaningful manner.
It’s really the way I look at things. It’s one of the main reasons I’ve abandoned any sort of pursuit of romance/personal happiness – it takes up too much time, it fucks with your mind and your focus, and with school and politics, I simply don’t have the time for it. Additionally, with partying – sure, getting plastered is good mindless fun, but when you wake up half-drunk and wondering what the point was, you realize that it wasn’t for much of anything. The feeling of euphoria or happiness or whatever you’d like to call it was temporary. Fleeting. And then you’re back to facing reality with a pounding hangover.
Oh ROMANCE! Well yeah, it fucks with your mind.
Romance will find you whether you want it or not 😉
When it does, don’t shut the door in it’s face. Even if it messes with your mind.
Heh, we’ll see. It’s something I consciously put out of my mind at the beginning of last summer. I find it’s a lot easier to operate efficiently nowadays.
I think I’ll romance counseling to NDD — he’s the romantic of the bunch 🙂
“…NDD — he’s the romantic of the bunch…” -mb
Hey, I’ll take that nice compliment and run with it!!
Finding romance goes entirely by the Law of Ironies* (*coined by me as far as I know.)
So for example, when one has made up his/her mind he/she is definitely not looking for romance that is exactly the conditions under which one is most likely to find it. And not only that, but the “right” one besides.
Therefore I say, Psi, I wish you the very best of luck on that one!!!
I’ve opened a new cafe, come on over.
I understand what your saying. Look you’ve got something I wished I had in my youth – focus. If this is what makes you happy, then good for you.
But you’ve got to have some fun from time to time.
As I said before, I’m definitely not what one would call ‘happy’. I’ve experienced ‘happy’ before, but it blinded me to everything else that was going on. It came to the point where I was clueless and lost focus completely.
But I do feel as though I’m accomplishing something. And that’s good. It’s not the same as happiness, but there’s a sense of forward movement.
I guess it all depends on what you want. People become monks and never speak, or so I’ve heard. That makes them happy. As long as it’s something you want and it makes you happy.
May as well just say it – happiness is overrated.
Those are my final words for the night!
in the early twenties almost everyone I knew was “not good socially”, including myself. And depending on what experiences we had some got better at it sooner and some later, and some never.
But I would warrant that you would be much more effective at whatever your focus is in life if you are able to make even incremental improvements in your socializing during these and succeeding years.
For example; I sort of keep in tune with socializing with strangers by talking to supermarket clerks as I transact my exchange of money for goods.
Yeah, of course, I try to get in the line with the cutest young lady, which helps. But that’s not always possible, so I talk with whoever I get.
I look at the name tag, and say, Hi Sarah, how’s it going for you today?
‘Cause what I’m thinking is I’ve worked standing on concrete floors for hours on end. And working on concrete floors is miserable work. So nearly ever last one of these workers appreciate someone treating them as a human being.
I try to communicate with almost everyone on the other side of any counter in this way. They appreciate it, and I get to maintain and improve my ability to communicate with strangers, and avoid slipping back into a shy mode.
cutest young lady huh?
See, I knew you were the romantic in the group.
But I think you make a good point. I think that those of us who aren’t natural socializers tend to forget that there is a human being on the other end. We get all concerned about ourselves and what the other person is thinking of us –rather than what we’re thinking about that other human being, who has worked long hours on a concrete floor.
It all comes down to how self conscious you are. It’s the people who really don’t give a crap that are the good socializers.
yep. I just care too much 🙂
That’s true. In NDD’s generation they all came together — the serious folk and the partyers.
I’ve always thought that part of the success (to the extent it was succesful) of the anti-war movement was due to the fact that it became a big party — it was all rolled into one – protesting against the war, protesting against the way society was organized, acting for women’s rights and the whole civil rights movement. It attracted large groups of people. I’ve always thought that a large portion of the group was there just as much (if not more) for the party as for any political statement.
So Psi needs to integrate the partying, the politics and the protesting the way NDD’s generation did to have a succesful youth movement.
I agree with you on that. I feel you can become to focused and forget what life is about.
now that’s the partying attitude!
Or to look at it from the other side — if you’ve got all those underachieving partyers — how do you mobilize them to do what you need them to do? Why you throw a big party that’s how.
Unfortunately for Psi — NDD’s generation threw open the doors on hedonism and they never shut. So partying with drugs and sex isn’t the novelty that it once was. Psi will have to come up with a new kind of partying to manipulate his masses.
Yeah I know. Sex, drugs and alcohol are old hat. It would seem the kids now of day could find something new.
Then again, if you look back to the mid 1800 when there were no drug or alcohol laws, they would probably be thinking been there, done that.
The Republicans were smart. They talked about limiting sex, drugs and rock and roll but they didn’t. If they had, the youth would have had something to fight for 🙂
I think they tried at the beginning, but it became so overwhelming they knew they had better step aside.
But really as far as the attitudes of back then, there’s none of it now. Back then was our Cultural Revolution and it came from the roots.
And don’t forget the music, that was a huge part of unifying everyone.
I wonder now where the musicians are for this movement that needs to happen. Or are they out there, and just not heard due to the near total control of the media outlets for music.
It won’t work. I’m not going to say anything nice about Bob Dylan 😉
FM — why aren’t you asleep?
Hi Mary. I was, but I turned in my sleep and my back woke me up. It’s more comfortable sitting up right now.
I’d offer you sympathy but it would be out of character 🙂
I’m glad you’re here visiting rather than being in pain alone. What did you do to your back?
I would never ask for smypathy from Mary. 🙂
I did something really stupid about 2 week ago. Something was wrong with the riding lawnmower and I was picking up the front of it to set it on a stand. Half way up, something went pop in my back and I was down on the ground. Took about 15 minutes to get up. Went to the doctor and she gave me muscle relaxers and Aleve. It’s a lot better than it was, but still can on sleep in one position and sit straight up. I’m going back to the doctor Tuesday.
You were trying to pick up the riding lawnmower? You thought you were Hercules?
You should know that picking up the riding mower should only be attempted when you have an adrenalin surge from seeing a snake near your foot. Otherwise it’s a no no.
I hate to say this, but it’s probably going to take a while to heal. 🙁
Well I sometimes forget I’m not Psi’s age. I think I had more of a stupid surge than anything else.
Yeah I know it’s probably going to take a long time, but it’s really cutting into my naps.
I opened up a new cafe to be nice to NDD who is on slow dial up.
Come on over.