I’m sure that funky place is lovely to be inside, but the “hospital” blue is kinda freaking me out. I’m afraid I’d have the I-just-woke-up-from-surgery feeling the whole time I was there.
Luna slept out, and apparently, from the state of her paws, did some major excavating last night. So, to recoup, she’s cold, wet and muddy, and thus, unsnuggled.
Thanks. We’d don’t get bright morning moons that often and this one was something of a gift because it had been very misty/foggy and I was just heading back from my walk when it started breaking up.
Actually, I do love those skinks. The place my dad was born in the MO Ozarks has lots of them – or did when I was last there. They especially seem to hang out on the rocks around what was the old Spring house. Good for warming in the sun, and cooler air if that’s needed too.
there were some tiny orange and black ones,too – maybe salamanders, now that I think of it, but I never could get a picture of them that turned out.
I was just taken by the skinks matching 2ndNatures upholstery
I see I left the pair shot a little bigger than I had intended to. 😉 Although it probably gives you a better sense of their true size. They are big birds, with very large heads, and bill that reminds me of an old shoe form.
I’ve been trying to accomplish something today – but fell tragically short of my goals. I did get out of bed, pick up a prescription, make one appointment, take a kid to the orthodontist, and began preparing for dinner. But that’s about it. I had great plans to clean the house and catch up on about a dozen loads of laundry.
SHe’s driving me nuts. She’s totally nuts. Totally.
She keeps jumping up and grabbing a piece of paper out of the printer and then chewing it up. When I stop her, she barks and barks and barks. Then she runs into the nearest bathroom and chews up a roll of toilet paper or someone’s underwear.
Most of our dogs have been kleenex attackers when they were puppies — they’d get them out of the trash and then rip them up into little pieces (Sniff is the only one that would eat them too).
Our best puppy destruction was when our first puppy ate Jim’s glasses.
I think I’m going to enroll us both in obedience classes (won’t Mr. Nature be pleased?) because the only thing she’s perfected so far is “sit” and only when there is a treat involved. I became crazed today when I was trying to sweep the floor and she kept attacked the broom and I screamed “leave me alone….GAaaaaaa!!!!!!”
because I encouraged you. The dog who ate Jim’s glasses tore up all kinds of things (she was especially fond of paperback books) but once she got out of puppyhood she was the smartest, easiest dog we ever had.
Ursula, my first Pyrenees, ate the rockers off a rocking chair early in her career. I think I was only gone a few hours.
I suggest rope toys, and plenty of them. If I find a dog showing interest in something she shouldn’t. I say very sternly and loudly, “not yours!” Then I pick up one of her toys and say were sweetly, “this is yours,” and encourage her to play with it instead.
She has tons of toys, rope pulls, chewy things, balls, etc…but we have this problem where she pushes them under the couch and then barks maniacally until someone retrieves them. So I ended up collecting all of her toys that are small enough to fit under the couch until she outgrows that particular fun game.
Funny, we have cats that do the same thing – except for the maniacal barking, of course. They just meow plantively, and/or destroy an entire box of Kleenex, or decide at that moment to save the world from an attack of a killer paper towel roll.
I’m glad to hear that you are taking her to classes. It’s hard to correct a puppy, and more importantly your own mistakes, without an outside observer.
I know some people are not fond of crating a dog, but sometimes it works wonders. Dogs naturally retire to their dens, and creating a “den” of their own often quiets them.
Basically, in order to train a dog you have to find a way that puts you in control. HJ has more energy than you do, and has turned that to her advantage. She can out last you (especially with annoying behavior like barking) every time.
If you put her in a crate when she took to barking incessantly, she might keep barking for a bit, but she couldn’t up the ante by chewing or doing something else even more bothersome (and you could leave the house [get way from the noise] knowing that she couldn’t destroy anything). The crate acts as limiter or a brake on her behavior, especially escallating behavior.
Anyway I think crate training works very well for some dogs, and given your description of HJ’s behavior that it’s a tool you should consider.
She’s really good about the crate, but I’m afraid I’m using it too much. I think her previous owner crated her a good part of the day. She sleeps in it in our bedroom, and we have another downstairs for when she needs a time out. She goes in it willingly and then breathes a dramatic sigh – sort of a cross between ‘they’re torturing me again’ and ‘thanks for putting me in here, I really need the rest.’
It sounds like you’ve already got a pretty good handle on the situation.
Remember, young dogs naturally sleep 16 to 20 hours a day. So don’t feel guilty if you are only entertaining them for a few hours. I find most young dogs are actually over-stimulated by human activity, not under-stimulated (as they would have us believe).
Well.. it’s really wild… been a long week. The President of the company and the Director of HR were the ones who interviewed me back in June at the Job Fair. They wanted me in. My paperwork got lost. Didn’t see me at the orientation so the HR/Dave started hunting me down. While I was at an intv. for a deli counter position at another store of theirs… he was calling my house for an intv. I’ve met him again and on Wednesday I’m being offered a choice between two packages from the store.
It’s beyond surreal. When it rains.. it pours LOL
The HR dude wants me at his new store and doesn’t want me behind a deli counter. LOL… I get “profiled” on Tuesday.. even though the President and Director dude like me alot.
I have no idea what I’ll be doing OR how I’m gonna break it to the bakery lady.
But it’s LOTS more money, a progressive, liberal store and tons of bennies and goodies as well as medical and dental 🙂
I gave up on brisket — I couldn’t come anywhere near my mom’s. My mom’s brisket, by the way, is a thing of beauty, a joy forever, and easily worth a flight from Raleigh to Indy.
LOL Hi there DJ!!!!! Add to that no Kinky in the governor;s mansion also. Kinky Friedman the fraud is running in Texas and I do not want that repugnant independent to win.
Hey Baby!!! I’ve been soooooooooo busy. And then I took a day off to read Kansas’ book. Then I got sooooooooo busy again. But Damnit I’ve missed you like cuhhhhrazy
Tell me all the stuff you have planned for the week — so I’ll be all tired out from thinking about all the stuff you’re going to do and can get to sleep easier.
LOL!!!!! I will be designing a brochure, doing some interviews for the podcast, hopefuly doing a group podcast with folks from here, working on some new designs, and also phone banking like there is no tommorow as there is less than 60 days till election day.
About 7/8 weeks ago, I had a yearly yard sale. As I do every year I give away cactus planted in small pots to anybody I meet who I think would enjoy one or two. This morning when I went out to see the new day, I found a cactus in a pot on my porch with this note.
What do you think is behind this note? http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/566/mysterynotedscn2435le8.jpg
What is a quilt complex? Is it something you have in a cold country where everybody goes to live in the warmth. Is the rent high.
Thanks refinish69.
I have people from all over the country who have been here as a result of seeing the yard sale sign on the street, who email me still. Other people come back & remark about when they first came here & what they bought.
It`s always a very nice time so I really feel sorry for that girl who couldn`t even knock & talk. My best wishes for her though.
Well, maybe she realized she couldn’t care for it and decided to return it … which is better than throwing it away or something like that … It’s very odd though!
Why didn’t you tell me how Mark Bell (NHL) was a totaly bum? Dude has another DUI and Felony Hit and Run. Sharks aquired him from the Blackhawks but I think he played for the Sens, right?
Few more weeks and then I’ll be in Joe Thornton heaven!!!
Hi Olivia,
I`ll have to go look at that flower you have as a thumbnail.
As for caring for the cactus, they don`t need care, only love.
Cactus spread when thrown away. They latch on to you & when you wonder what is prickling you, you remove it & throw it away. Thistles, burrs & such seeds depend on being thrown away.
Speaking of which; there`s a really good photo essay on burrs & thistle seeds taken with an electron microscope in the latest issue of “DISCOVER”
magazine. When I perused it the day I received it, I thought of your photos.
Here`s an underwater one for you. http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/4732/hexanemonedscn2368ps1.jpg
And the flower is the centre of the second photo down on the b … 🙂
That is interesting how she brought it back. I wondered too about the jealous partner, as I had an experience like that once. Someone gave me a stuffed bear when I was in high school, and when my boyfriend found out about it he mangled it and threw it in the ditch in front of the guys house. How’s that for crazy.
Then the guy comes out & beats up your boyfriend for littering.
I really hope it`s not something like that. Teri thinks it might be the lady who had the rattlesnake killed & that she`s trying to redeem herself. But unless she confronts her reasons why, she is doomed to remain in the position she is in now. Very sad. I`m wishing her the best.
The “Discover” magazine is not on their website yet. The issue is the Oct. one.
Here`s the little rescued finch that is now family. I guess he/she figured if all the other birds are cool with being here, why not. He/she`s taken a liking to COCONUT & they sleep together. Here is the baby checking to see if there might be one last drop of the fresh squeezed vegetable juice I have everyday. After drinking from the straw, it peers down the tube with one eye, just like COCONUT does.
Btw, We had a yellow parrot a green parrot & Coconut who`s white, so they were called Lemon, LIme & Coconut. http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/56/juicebreakwd3.jpg
OMG!!! That’s so sad… there’s a story somewhere behind that note…
I wonder if her “insignificant” other was a jealous bum who she feared would beat her to a pulp…
Just so many odd, sticky, stories one could dream up..
But… other than butterfly bushes.. I have yet to NOT kill cacti. So… I would gladly accept your generous token of A Bitta’ Agave Peace if I could be closer to you. 🙂
It`s very strange you`d have the same thought about her being hurt over an emotion like jealousy. I flashed on that for a moment also but quickly made up my mind to squelch such thoughts. I interact with everyone to whom I give a cactus. I show them what they look like after a few yrs. & show them pix of their flowers. I try & thrill everybody with where each cactus came from & a funny story behind most of them, so it intrigues me as to who, why, when & WHAT.
I`m looking for a special agave I have for you, but maybe this will instill patience till I find it. In the meanwhile, please accept this cactus [ I give away many of these] with Code Pink in the background, for your nice thoughts. http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/3060/codepinkbackgrounddscn4993qd4.jpg
Yeah… I don’t know what made her bring it back… but what I do know from what you shared with us here – you are a kind soul. Grateful you sprouted up in our lives.
Pull up a chair and shoot the breeze.
what’s up? That’s a funky looking place.
I’m sure that funky place is lovely to be inside, but the “hospital” blue is kinda freaking me out. I’m afraid I’d have the I-just-woke-up-from-surgery feeling the whole time I was there.
Nice color scheme!
Now, what to drink, what to drink…
Morning all.
I’ve awakened to fog in the valley and a light frost – and, we’re down to our last bit of firewood. So, you know what I’ll be doing today.
Snuggling with Luna?
Luna slept out, and apparently, from the state of her paws, did some major excavating last night. So, to recoup, she’s cold, wet and muddy, and thus, unsnuggled.
Here’s the photo I took when I got up.
We had a nice bright moon this morning, too. Not quite as in the same league as yours but nice.
Very nice. Looks spooky.
That’s a great shot – well framed. We’ve been in the day-time-moons part of the cycle for most of the last week.
Thanks. We’d don’t get bright morning moons that often and this one was something of a gift because it had been very misty/foggy and I was just heading back from my walk when it started breaking up.
So, does your blue-tailed skink (or whatever he is) change to match the sky?
Nope, it’s iridescent blue all the time.
Actually, I do love those skinks. The place my dad was born in the MO Ozarks has lots of them – or did when I was last there. They especially seem to hang out on the rocks around what was the old Spring house. Good for warming in the sun, and cooler air if that’s needed too.
there were some tiny orange and black ones,too – maybe salamanders, now that I think of it, but I never could get a picture of them that turned out.
I was just taken by the skinks matching 2ndNatures upholstery
Orange probably was salamanders — anyway, that’s about the color of the most of the one’s around here.
Good thing I’m not using the other plentiful skink — it’s a dull brown.
Definitely a keeper Andi.
Great picture keres. I love the fog in the background.
There’s a vert photogenic pair visiting at the moment.
That should read “very.”
I had my camera out trying to get a photo of the Eastern Spinebill, but no luck with that one (they’re too damn fast).
Wonderful bird pictures — as usual.
I see I left the pair shot a little bigger than I had intended to. 😉 Although it probably gives you a better sense of their true size. They are big birds, with very large heads, and bill that reminds me of an old shoe form.
Look! Viagra pill-OWS 🙂
is blue and white?
IIRC (not from personal experience, mind you) it’s just blue.
How’s by you today?
I’ve been trying to accomplish something today – but fell tragically short of my goals. I did get out of bed, pick up a prescription, make one appointment, take a kid to the orthodontist, and began preparing for dinner. But that’s about it. I had great plans to clean the house and catch up on about a dozen loads of laundry.
Sound plenty enough to me. Besides, if you clean the house, you’ll undue all the hard work the cats and HJ have done to mess it up.
SHe’s driving me nuts. She’s totally nuts. Totally.
She keeps jumping up and grabbing a piece of paper out of the printer and then chewing it up. When I stop her, she barks and barks and barks. Then she runs into the nearest bathroom and chews up a roll of toilet paper or someone’s underwear.
Most of our dogs have been kleenex attackers when they were puppies — they’d get them out of the trash and then rip them up into little pieces (Sniff is the only one that would eat them too).
Our best puppy destruction was when our first puppy ate Jim’s glasses.
I think I’m going to enroll us both in obedience classes (won’t Mr. Nature be pleased?) because the only thing she’s perfected so far is “sit” and only when there is a treat involved. I became crazed today when I was trying to sweep the floor and she kept attacked the broom and I screamed “leave me alone….GAaaaaaa!!!!!!”
because I encouraged you. The dog who ate Jim’s glasses tore up all kinds of things (she was especially fond of paperback books) but once she got out of puppyhood she was the smartest, easiest dog we ever had.
My other puppies weren’t half as, um, energetic, and they were labs!
I think it’s worse since we didn’t get her until she was 8 months old -she’d learned bad behaviors that are hard to break.
Ursula, my first Pyrenees, ate the rockers off a rocking chair early in her career. I think I was only gone a few hours.
I suggest rope toys, and plenty of them. If I find a dog showing interest in something she shouldn’t. I say very sternly and loudly, “not yours!” Then I pick up one of her toys and say were sweetly, “this is yours,” and encourage her to play with it instead.
She has tons of toys, rope pulls, chewy things, balls, etc…but we have this problem where she pushes them under the couch and then barks maniacally until someone retrieves them. So I ended up collecting all of her toys that are small enough to fit under the couch until she outgrows that particular fun game.
Funny, we have cats that do the same thing – except for the maniacal barking, of course. They just meow plantively, and/or destroy an entire box of Kleenex, or decide at that moment to save the world from an attack of a killer paper towel roll.
I’m glad to hear that you are taking her to classes. It’s hard to correct a puppy, and more importantly your own mistakes, without an outside observer.
I know some people are not fond of crating a dog, but sometimes it works wonders. Dogs naturally retire to their dens, and creating a “den” of their own often quiets them.
Basically, in order to train a dog you have to find a way that puts you in control. HJ has more energy than you do, and has turned that to her advantage. She can out last you (especially with annoying behavior like barking) every time.
If you put her in a crate when she took to barking incessantly, she might keep barking for a bit, but she couldn’t up the ante by chewing or doing something else even more bothersome (and you could leave the house [get way from the noise] knowing that she couldn’t destroy anything). The crate acts as limiter or a brake on her behavior, especially escallating behavior.
Anyway I think crate training works very well for some dogs, and given your description of HJ’s behavior that it’s a tool you should consider.
She’s really good about the crate, but I’m afraid I’m using it too much. I think her previous owner crated her a good part of the day. She sleeps in it in our bedroom, and we have another downstairs for when she needs a time out. She goes in it willingly and then breathes a dramatic sigh – sort of a cross between ‘they’re torturing me again’ and ‘thanks for putting me in here, I really need the rest.’
It sounds like you’ve already got a pretty good handle on the situation.
Remember, young dogs naturally sleep 16 to 20 hours a day. So don’t feel guilty if you are only entertaining them for a few hours. I find most young dogs are actually over-stimulated by human activity, not under-stimulated (as they would have us believe).
Hang in there. They do get better with age.
blue and white?? The pillows are blue the cushions are white. 🙂
there are blue and white pillows in the picture.
So you wanna talk more about your upcoming job or do you want to wait till it’s a done deal?
Well.. it’s really wild… been a long week. The President of the company and the Director of HR were the ones who interviewed me back in June at the Job Fair. They wanted me in. My paperwork got lost. Didn’t see me at the orientation so the HR/Dave started hunting me down. While I was at an intv. for a deli counter position at another store of theirs… he was calling my house for an intv. I’ve met him again and on Wednesday I’m being offered a choice between two packages from the store.
It’s beyond surreal. When it rains.. it pours LOL
The HR dude wants me at his new store and doesn’t want me behind a deli counter. LOL… I get “profiled” on Tuesday.. even though the President and Director dude like me alot.
I have no idea what I’ll be doing OR how I’m gonna break it to the bakery lady.
But it’s LOTS more money, a progressive, liberal store and tons of bennies and goodies as well as medical and dental 🙂
Do me a favor and don’t tempt the Evil Eye — wait till you’re sure you have the other job before you quit the bakery.
You do the jewish mother thing very well. Remind me to get your recipe for brisket.
I gave up on brisket — I couldn’t come anywhere near my mom’s. My mom’s brisket, by the way, is a thing of beauty, a joy forever, and easily worth a flight from Raleigh to Indy.
Mmmmm….briiiiiiissssket. Is that a passover thing?
Passover is usually chicken but brisket is doable — wanna go to a seder?
I want to go to a sender, be it chicken or brisket. 🙂
You’re welcome to come to the seder — you just have to get your lazy ass out of Alabama.
She’s feeling all right at the moment. Then again, she just took some more pain med.
As for the sender, ya’ll don’t send care packages do you?
You want food from the seder, you gotta read from the haggadah
So I guess it’s show up or dream of your Mom’s brisket.
You know I don’t think I’ve ever had brisket before. I think I must have, but don’t remember it.
Bad Karma 🙂 I haven’t quit.
I have to go get my daughter. XOXOXOX
Hi Folks!!!! Hope everyone had a decent Monday adn that tomorrow is much better. LOL
Here’s to ‘no kinks in yer plans” just “plans to be kinky” 😀
LOL Hi there DJ!!!!! Add to that no Kinky in the governor;s mansion also. Kinky Friedman the fraud is running in Texas and I do not want that repugnant independent to win.
That’sa why it wasn’t capitalized 🙂
Long time no see!!!
Hey Baby!!! I’ve been soooooooooo busy. And then I took a day off to read Kansas’ book. Then I got sooooooooo busy again. But Damnit I’ve missed you like cuhhhhrazy
And I’ve been thinking of you!!! :*
Tell me all the stuff you have planned for the week — so I’ll be all tired out from thinking about all the stuff you’re going to do and can get to sleep easier.
LOL!!!!! I will be designing a brochure, doing some interviews for the podcast, hopefuly doing a group podcast with folks from here, working on some new designs, and also phone banking like there is no tommorow as there is less than 60 days till election day.
About 7/8 weeks ago, I had a yearly yard sale. As I do every year I give away cactus planted in small pots to anybody I meet who I think would enjoy one or two. This morning when I went out to see the new day, I found a cactus in a pot on my porch with this note.
What do you think is behind this note?
Someone who has a quilt complex and does not feel worthy of nice things in life. I feel sorry for her.
What is a quilt complex? Is it something you have in a cold country where everybody goes to live in the warmth. Is the rent high.
Thanks refinish69.
I have people from all over the country who have been here as a result of seeing the yard sale sign on the street, who email me still. Other people come back & remark about when they first came here & what they bought.
It`s always a very nice time so I really feel sorry for that girl who couldn`t even knock & talk. My best wishes for her though.
guilt. chalk it up to my bad typing and spelling. LOL
I read it as guilt complex… because I saw the word complex and my eyes just skimmed and assumed the word quilt was guilt…
That’s my life in a coconut shell… ROFL
Well, maybe she realized she couldn’t care for it and decided to return it … which is better than throwing it away or something like that … It’s very odd though!
Why didn’t you tell me how Mark Bell (NHL) was a totaly bum? Dude has another DUI and Felony Hit and Run. Sharks aquired him from the Blackhawks but I think he played for the Sens, right?
Few more weeks and then I’ll be in Joe Thornton heaven!!!
He wasn’t w/ the Sens — just part of that weird 3-way trade. He did play for our junior A team though — the Ottawa 67’s.
Woo Hoo!I went to my first game last Friday night — the 67’s played their first exhibition game … 🙂
Hi Olivia,
I`ll have to go look at that flower you have as a thumbnail.
As for caring for the cactus, they don`t need care, only love.
Cactus spread when thrown away. They latch on to you & when you wonder what is prickling you, you remove it & throw it away. Thistles, burrs & such seeds depend on being thrown away.
Speaking of which; there`s a really good photo essay on burrs & thistle seeds taken with an electron microscope in the latest issue of “DISCOVER”
magazine. When I perused it the day I received it, I thought of your photos.
Here`s an underwater one for you.
And the flower is the centre of the second photo down on the b … 🙂
That is interesting how she brought it back. I wondered too about the jealous partner, as I had an experience like that once. Someone gave me a stuffed bear when I was in high school, and when my boyfriend found out about it he mangled it and threw it in the ditch in front of the guys house. How’s that for crazy.
Then the guy comes out & beats up your boyfriend for littering.
I really hope it`s not something like that. Teri thinks it might be the lady who had the rattlesnake killed & that she`s trying to redeem herself. But unless she confronts her reasons why, she is doomed to remain in the position she is in now. Very sad. I`m wishing her the best.
The “Discover” magazine is not on their website yet. The issue is the Oct. one.
Here`s the little rescued finch that is now family. I guess he/she figured if all the other birds are cool with being here, why not. He/she`s taken a liking to COCONUT & they sleep together. Here is the baby checking to see if there might be one last drop of the fresh squeezed vegetable juice I have everyday. After drinking from the straw, it peers down the tube with one eye, just like COCONUT does.
Btw, We had a yellow parrot a green parrot & Coconut who`s white, so they were called Lemon, LIme & Coconut.
OMG!!! That’s so sad… there’s a story somewhere behind that note…
I wonder if her “insignificant” other was a jealous bum who she feared would beat her to a pulp…
Just so many odd, sticky, stories one could dream up..
But… other than butterfly bushes.. I have yet to NOT kill cacti. So… I would gladly accept your generous token of A Bitta’ Agave Peace if I could be closer to you. 🙂
It`s very strange you`d have the same thought about her being hurt over an emotion like jealousy. I flashed on that for a moment also but quickly made up my mind to squelch such thoughts. I interact with everyone to whom I give a cactus. I show them what they look like after a few yrs. & show them pix of their flowers. I try & thrill everybody with where each cactus came from & a funny story behind most of them, so it intrigues me as to who, why, when & WHAT.
I`m looking for a special agave I have for you, but maybe this will instill patience till I find it. In the meanwhile, please accept this cactus [ I give away many of these] with Code Pink in the background, for your nice thoughts.
Here`s my offering of the Agave. You asked for a bitta gave. Here`s a whole lotta love. It`s big love.That`s my wife Teri [who is never fond of being in any pix] to show the scale of it.
That is beautiful!! As is Terri 🙂
Now that’s alot of tequila 🙂
Yeah… I don’t know what made her bring it back… but what I do know from what you shared with us here – you are a kind soul. Grateful you sprouted up in our lives.