If Hugo Chavez thought he could come to America and belittle our President without there being any consequences, he was wrong.

President Hugo Chavez said his foreign minister was detained by U.S. authorities at a New York airport Saturday for more than hour as he tried to return to the South American country.

Chavez told Venezuela’s state TV broadcaster that U.S. officials alleged that Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro had links to a failed coup that Chavez led in Venezuela in 1992.

“They have held him accusing him of participating in terrorist acts here,” Chavez said in Venezuela. “He didn’t even participate in that patriotic rebellion.”

Both Venezuelan politicians were in New York this week attending the yearly U.N. General Assembly, where Chavez attracted attention with a speech calling President Bush “the devil.” He later criticized the U.S. leader during a stop in Harlem before returning home.

There was no immediate comment from U.S. officials and it wasn’t known if Maduro has since left for Venezuela.

Maduro told CNN Espanol shortly after being released that he was confined to a small room and told to remove his clothes.

Maduro said that when he explained that he was the Venezuelan foreign minister and showed his diplomatic passport, he said he was threatened, pushed and yelled at by immigration and police officials.

“They were violating diplomatic conventions,” he said.

Maduro told Venezuela private TV station Globovision separately that U.S. authorities said a code on his airplane ticket identified him as “almost a terrorist.”

This is a little like the Valerie Plame incident. Don’t go after the person that is annoying you, go after their wife, or their foreign minister. It’s pure thuggery, designed to send a message to anyone that might think about sticking up to this bully of a President. It should be beneath a head of state to engage in this type of behavior, but almost nothing is below this President.