There is an article in the NYT today titled, “Rice Says Bush Authorized Iranians’ Arrest in Iraq” by Sanger and Gordon.  It includes quotes from Rice and Gates stating that US troops are authorized to go after Iranian targets IN IRAQ in order to disrupt alleged supply lines from Iran to Iraqi militants.  I would have to say (putting aside the larger fact that Iraq is an illegal war based on lies) that this is not really objectionable.  If there are “networks” providing weapons to people attacking you, you have the right to try to stop that.

The article also includes assurances from Rice and Gates asserting that the effort will solely be within Iraq, and not include “hot pursuit” into Iran.  

It occurred to me that even if Gates and Rice believe what they are saying, they are probably just playing into CHeney’s hands.  He gets them to defend everything UP TO the Iranian border, and the US is just that much closer to an actual war with Iran, across the border.  

I have to say I have been skeptical about the possibility of war with Iran.  I have thought even Bush is not that crazy.  But I have this sick feeling that CHeney is that crazy and he is going to use his last two years of power to torch the world; Cheney may have become like Hitler in his bunker, or one of those idiots leading the police on a high speed chase on the LA freeways — desiring to go down in a flame of infamy.

At this point, Bush Jr. appears to be drugged up or hypnotized and will do whatever Cheney tells him to.  It seems clear Bush I wants this to stop.  His internationalist/corporate elite constituency does not what the world torched — that will destroy “their” “resources.”  SO they tried to stop Cheney with the Baker commission, they tried to stop him with Rice, they tried to stop him with Gates, they tried to stop him with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  But it’s not working.  The evil genius has Bush Jr. and so far that’s all he’s needed.  So now Bush I may have only one way to save his global corporate dominion and his family name from the disgrace of being the name of Satan’s handmaiden…

So when Cheney is in his undisclosed location these days, maybe who he’s really hiding from is Bush I’s people.  Bush I was head of the CIA, remember.  He and his people know how to take out enemies.  It sounds weird to say it, but our country’s fate may depend on the ability of a former CIA chief to remove a from office our ‘dick-head of state’…