This post was inspired by Steven D’s wonderful recent post I was a Stranger in a Strange Land. In it he describes his reaction when forcibly confronted by the TV-driven disinfo system of America after a long absence from its clutches.

Bread and Circuses.

Or in our case, Burger King and CNN.

He found it shocking.

Me too, only I have been there more regularly than has he. Been there, seen that.

Too MUCH of that.

I travel a lot. Fairly low level. Motel 6 style. The dues we pay to perform real art.

Motel 6 TV.


Bet on it.

Mass hypnosis.

Mass disinformation.


Weapons of Mass Delusion.

Bigger and better than ANY previous disinfo systems.

Harder to escape than Roman Catholic religious training at a young age.

Or Communist/Nazi training at a similar age.

Read on for more.

And remember…the mass media IS the enemy. The face of the enemy.

Its names…and faces…are legion.


It is the ONLY way.
From the Gospel of Mark. Jesus meets one who is possessed. (All following emphases mine.)

5:1. And they came over the strait of the sea, into the country of the Gerasens.

5:2. And as he went out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the monuments a man with an unclean spirit,

5:3. Who had his dwelling in the tombs, and no man now could bind him, not even with chains.

5:4. For having been often bound with fetters and chains, he had burst the chains, and broken the fetters in pieces, and no one could tame him.
5:5. And he was always day and night in the monuments and in the mountains, crying and cutting himself with stones.

5:6. And seeing Jesus afar off, he ran and adored him.

5:7. And crying with a loud voice, he said: What have I to do with thee, Jesus the Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not.

5:8. For he said unto him: Go out of the man, thou unclean spirit.

5:9. And he asked him: What is thy name? And he saith to him: My name is Legion, for we are many.


Luke 4:5-8 :

4:5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

    4:6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

    4:7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

    4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Now I am not pounding religion per se here…I believe that ALL successful religions are at their root attempts to make clear by the use of metaphor the vast workings of the universe on a scale small and simple enough to be understood by mankind in general.

And to me these two quotations above pertain directly to the situation that is at hand here.

“My name is Legion?

We have thousands upon thousands of news outlets and cultural bridles/blinders…network series, movies, advertisements…that relentlessly hypnotize Americans into obedience to the norms set up by the corporate ruling class.

“Get thee behind me, Satan?”

” It is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve?”

The answer?


The ONLY way to put that devil behind you.

“Devil” you may say? Who…or what forces that could conveniently be summed up by the use of a metphorical Satan…do YOU think that they are serving?

More material for thought regarding the general hypnotic effect of the media on our minds? Even those of the best and brightest among us?

Read Mr. Chomsky.

THEY provide the context

Thus they control the thought.

HE knows.

On Iran, Iraq, the Democrats and Climate Change
An Interview with Noam Chomsky
February 22, 2007

Some quotes. (Emphasis mine.):

To say that the United States has pursued diplomacy with North Korea is a little bit misleading. It did under the Clinton administration, though neither side completely lived up to their obligations. Clinton didn’t do what was promised, nor did North Korea, but they were making progress. So when Bush came into the presidency, North Korea had enough uranium or plutonium for maybe one or two bombs, but then very limited missile capacity. During the Bush years it’s exploded. The reason is, he immediately canceled the diplomacy and he’s pretty much blocked it ever since.

They made a very substantial agreement in September 2005 in which North Korea agreed to eliminate its enrichment programs and nuclear development completely. In return the United States agreed to terminate the threats of attack and to begin moving towards the planning for the provision of a light water reactor, which had been promised under the framework agreement. But the Bush administration instantly undermined it. Right away, they canceled the international consortium that was planning for the light water reactor, which was a way of saying we’re not going to agree to this agreement. A couple of days later they started attacking the financial transactions of various banks. It was timed in such a way to make it clear that the United States was not going to move towards its commitment to improve relations. And of course it never withdrew the threats. So that was the end of the September 2005 agreement.

That one is now coming back, just in the last few days. The way it’s portrayed in the U.S. media is, as usual with the government’s party line, that North Korea is now perhaps a little more amenable to accept the September 2005 proposal. So there’s some optimism. If you go across the Atlantic, to the Financial Times, to review the same events they point out that an embattled Bush administration, it’s their phrase, needs some kind of victory, so maybe it’ll be willing to move towards diplomacy. It’s a little more accurate I think if you look at the background.


Viewpoints and very accurate analysis that I GUARANTEE you will not hear on mass media outlets of ANY kind.

Shank: So when the United States considers a potential invasion you think it’s under the premise of gaining control? That is what the United States will gain from attacking Iran?

Chomsky: There are several issues in the case of Iran. One is simply that it is independent and independence is not tolerated. Sometimes it’s called successful defiance in the internal record. Take Cuba. A very large majority of the U.S. population is in favor of establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba and has been for a long time with some fluctuations. And even part of the business world is in favor of it too. But the government won’t allow it. It’s attributed to the Florida vote but I don’t think that’s much of an explanation. I think it has to do with a feature of world affairs that is insufficiently appreciated. International affairs is very much run like the mafia. The godfather does not accept disobedience, even from a small storekeeper who doesn’t pay his protection money. You have to have obedience otherwise the idea can spread that you don’t have to listen to the orders and it can spread to important places.

If you look back at the record, what was the main reason for the U.S. attack on Vietnam? Independent development can be a virus that can infect others. That’s the way it’s been put, Kissinger in this case, referring to Allende in Chile. And with Cuba it’s explicit in the internal record. Arthur Schlesinger, presenting the report of the Latin American Study Group to incoming President Kennedy, wrote that the danger is the spread of the Castro idea of taking matters into your own hands, which has a lot of appeal to others in the same region that suffer from the same problems. Later internal documents charged Cuba with successful defiance of U.S. policies going back 150 years ­ to the Monroe Doctrine — and that can’t be tolerated. So there’s kind of a state commitment to ensuring obedience.

Going back to Iran, it’s not only that it has substantial resources and that it’s part of the world’s major energy system but it also defied the United States. The United States, as we know, overthrew the parliamentary government, installed a brutal tyrant, was helping him develop nuclear power, in fact the very same programs that are now considered a threat were being sponsored by the U.S. government, by Cheney, Wolfowitz, Kissinger, and others, in the 1970s, as long as the Shah was in power. But then the Iranians overthrew him, and they kept U.S. hostages for several hundred days. And the United States immediately turned to supporting Saddam Hussein and his war against Iran as a way of punishing Iran. The United States is going to continue to punish Iran because of its defiance. So that’s a separate factor.

And again, the will of the U.S. population and even US business is considered mostly irrelevant. Seventy five percent of the population here favors improving relations with Iran, instead of threats. But this is disregarded. We don’t have polls from the business world, but it’s pretty clear that the energy corporations would be quite happy to be given authorization to go back into Iran instead of leaving all that to their rivals. But the state won’t allow it. And it is setting up confrontations right now, very explicitly. Part of the reason is strategic, geo-political, economic, but part of the reason is the mafia complex. They have to be punished for disobeying us.

More on media cooperation:

Shank: But why haven’t we turned our sights more toward Venezuela?

Chomsky: Oh they’re there. There’s a constant stream of abuse and attack by the government and therefore the media, who are almost reflexively against Venezuela. For several reasons. Venezuela is independent. It’s diversifying its exports to a limited extent, instead of just being dependent on exports to the United States. And it’s initiating moves toward Latin American integration and independence. It’s what they call a Bolivarian alternative and the United States doesn’t like any of that.

This again is defiance of U.S. policies going back to the Monroe Doctrine. There’s now a standard interpretation of this trend in Latin America, another kind of party line. Latin America is all moving to the left, from Venezuela to Argentina with rare exceptions, but there’s a good left and a bad left. The good left is Garcia and Lula, and then there’s the bad left which is Chavez, Morales, maybe Correa. And that’s the split.

In order to maintain that position, it’s necessary to resort to some fancy footwork. For example, it’s necessary not to report the fact that when Lula was re-elected in October, his foreign trip and one of his first acts was to visit Caracas to support Chavez and his electoral campaign and to dedicate a joint Venezuelan-Brazilian project on the Orinoco River, to talk about new projects and so on. It’s necessary not to report the fact that a couple of weeks later in Cochabamba, Bolivia, which is the heart of the bad guys, there was a meeting of all South American leaders. There had been bad blood between Chavez and Garcia, but it was apparently patched up. They laid plans for pretty constructive South American integration, but that just doesn’t fit the U.S. agenda. So it wasn’t reported.


You can’t mention Hezbollah in the U.S. media without putting in the context of “Iranian-supported Hezbollah.” That’s its name. Its name is Iranian-supported Hezbollah. It gets Iranian support. But you can mention Israel without saying US-supported Israel. So this is more tacit propaganda. The idea that Hezbollah is acting as an agent of Iran is very dubious. It’s not accepted by specialists on Iran or specialists on Hezbollah. But it’s the party line. Or sometimes you can put in Syria, i.e. “Syrian-supported Hezbollah,” but since Syria is of less interest now you have to emphasize Iranian support.

There is more.

LOTS more.

Read it.

Chomsky…a hard read, admittedly…is ALWAYS worth the effort.

ANYONE who survives the nightmare of the academic/industrial complex and can still accurately state the plain fact that the U.S. is simply using Mafia neighborhood tactics on a grand scale is worth your attention.

Bet on it.