Giving up before she even gets started:
DES MOINES, Iowa – Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton issued a call for universal health care on Monday, plunging back into a political battle she memorably waged and lost as first lady more than a decade ago.
“This is not government-run,” Clinton said of her plan to extend coverage to an estimated 47 million Americans who now go without.
In other words, no single-payer health care for you. Oh, hell no!
“I know my Republican opponents will try to equate health care for all Americans with government-run health care. Don’t let them fool us again. This is not government-run.”
Please, please, please, Hillary exhorts, don’t accuse me of advocating single-payer health care.
…aides stress that no new federal bureaucracy would be created under the Clinton plan.
Thank effing God for that. If she tried to get universal single-payer health care she might get criticized. Oh wait…
Republican Mitt Romney, in New York City for a fundraising stop, criticized Clinton’s proposal, saying, “‘Hillary care’ continues to be bad medicine … in her plan, we have Washington-managed health care. Fundamentally, she takes her inspiration from European bureaucracies.”
The plan that Romney helped institute while governor of Massachusetts requires the same individual insurance mandate as Clinton’s and uses state subsidies to help reduce the cost of private coverage. Since then, Romney has said he would leave it up to the states to decide whether they supported such a mandate.
Said Republican Rudy Giuliani’s campaign: “Senator Clinton’s latest health scheme includes more government mandates, expensive federal subsidies and more big bureaucracy — in short, prescription for an increase in wait times, a decrease in patient care and tax hikes to pay for it all.”
You will rarely, if ever, get something unless you ask for it. This is what the candidates should say:
I will pursue the strongest health care plan that I can get through Congress. If I have to compromise on single-payer to insure all Americans, I will do so. But if you give me the White House and a filibuster proof Senate, I can assure you that every American will be fully insured, and businesses will no longer be saddled with crippling medical benefit costs that wind up costing us jobs and crippling economic growth.
Or something along those lines.
$110 billion per year is a band aid.
Good sound bite. Not for ordinary people who are making a choice between food, gas and shelter. With a recession looming, it’s Doomed.
Hillary is a lost cause, as she is still beating the drum for Bill’s old Republican-Lite agenda. The only thing we will get out of Hillary is another four years of moaning and gripping about same old corporatism and changing liberal-socialism as we know it. That means more K Street politics and the shaft for the poor.
another reason to nominate someone else.
This is just a crock of shit pure and simple. She waited all this time to come up with this piece of crap. Just trying to read through the article pissed me off. Does she really think this is some kind of bold plan? And her obsessing that this is NOT a government plan as if all government is bad…no only the corrupt/stupid or clueless people who run government plans/offices make government bad…anyway if she’s so against government plans maybe she’ll come out against Medicare and Social Security next..Did I say this was crap..
FSM help us! She’s been sleeping with Norquist!
Well phrased, BooMan.
I am so annoyed when I hear so-called pundits on TV saying that Hillary proposed single-payer health care in 1993, or that the bizarre puzzle she proposed was actually a national health care plan. This woman has opposed real national health care for her entire political career. Apparently it takes a village to raise a child, but if the child gets sick we’ll call an insurance corporation and offer the parents a tax rebate.
The right has vilified Hillary Clinton as a far-left neo-commie because they want her to be the candidate. If they can convince enough uninformed Democratic and Independent voters that Hillary really is a true liberal they will vote for her in the primary and then they can put Rudy or some other nutcase in the White House to complete the destruction of America.
More of her “lets go back to the way it was” nostalgia driven campaign. What’s this supposed to mean? ” As First Lady, she fought for health care reform, and has the scars to show for it.”.
l think for her to draw comparisons to her failed attempt 14 years ago, and somehow claim that the ‘scars’ from that give her proposal a higher status than other candidates is unwise. The republicans savaged her for years with that failure.
Edwards has jumped right back at her in a speech today in Chicago:
Frankly, l don’t understand why we should be trying to figure out how to restore some fairness, dignity and caring in the country by following the failed strategies of the past. lt didn’t work then, it’s not very likely to work now.
Cl and AliceDem are right…This is just a crock of shit pure and simple…another reason to nominate someone else.
We didn’t get health care, we got NAFTA.
From a Democratic President. Who selfishly and royally screwed members of his own party and merrily triangulated with rethugs to get it.
There are some things that ought to just remain in the 90s: OJ Simpson is one…the Clintons are another.
Don’t diss Bill now; NAFTA is what made him one of the best Republican presidents we ever had… 😉
Bill genuflected at the “Greatness that is Greenspan” and we better not forget that that’s what made Bill Clinton great.
New career for the Booman: SPEECH WRITER!!
Wake me when she has a new plan.
I really don’t want to be a detractor of someone who could become the first woman President of our country, but jeeze….this doesn’t give me a lot of faith, does it?