As I walk through
This wicked world
Searchin’ for light in the darkness of insanity.
– Elvis Costello
This wicked world
Searchin’ for light in the darkness of insanity.
I ask myself
Is all hope lost?
Is there only pain and hatred, and misery?
And each time I feel like this inside,
Theres one thing I wanna know:
What’s so funny bout peace love & understanding? ohhhh
What’s so funny bout peace love & understanding?
And as I walked on
Through troubled times
My spirit gets so downhearted sometimes
So where are the strong
And who are the trusted?
And where is the harmony?
Sweet harmony.
cause each time I feel it slippin away, just makes me wanna cry.
What’s so funny bout peace love & understanding? ohhhh
What’s so funny bout peace love & understanding?
– Elvis Costello
helping to catapult the propaganda at WashPo
Gosh, isn’t the US great, running the Islamic equivalent of vacation bible school in Iraq?
Considering they’re detainees! ….equates to bending hearts and minds at the point of a gun. Democracy at the point of a gun didn’t work either.
I’d like to know just how many of these young prisoners-not detainees, that sounds so refined doesn’t it-are being in held in the truly hideously named ‘House of Wisdom’. I’ll just bet those 11 year olds and other young ones are feeling the Wisdom daily aren’t they now. Nah, we’re not on any Crusade are you think there will be one Iraqi left that doesn’t hate us…that we didn’t ‘bend them back to our will’? I suspect the blowback on this fucked invasion is going to last forever.
I’m afraid to even go read the linked article because just this little excerpt is really sickening by itself.
I just love what the GOP thinks is a pressing matter for the house: The HIll
What someone paid for an ad is now worthy of congressional investigation? While the politicization of the justicve department and subsequent contempt of congress is not? While habeas corpus has been thrown out with last year’s newspapers? While torturing and starting another war to cover up the disaster that’s been created in the middle east is not?
I am so sick of these A-holes.
As in all business advertising, there are scaled pricings. Pick the day, and page…biggest price. Tell them run it on any day you want within this week, and any page…another price. This ad was not selective, so it was cheaper. This is a big pile of guano over nothing.
Why this hasn’t been put to pasture yet shows just how bad the traditional media is at showing the truth.
The rethugs do seem to have a genius for picking up on the inane and unimportant don’t they. I guess I can only consider it a good thing that the moveon ad got them so riled up.
US diplomats grounded in Iraq row
Is this an indication that if Blackwater is unavailable, there is no security detail for the ‘diplomats’? I would love to see some transparency about how many mercenaries we’ve hired to do the fighting in Iraq. Or even some acknowledgment that this is the case by the corporate media.
Iraqi Report Says Blackwater Guards Fired First
I saw a little piece in Norwegian which states that (my translation):
(“* I april oppga det amerikanske forsvarsdepartementet at det var om lag 129 000 kontraktører fra mange ulike nasjoner i Irak. Det tilsvarer nesten det samme antallet amerikanske soldater som før styrkeoppbyggingen ble iverksatt i år.
* Om lag 4600 av kontraktørene er i stridsroller, det vil si at de har som oppgave å beskytte konvoier som ferdes rundt om i Irak.”)
may not go very far, as the Iraqi government is beginning to push back:
just another day in BushWorld™.
like more fun than a Southwest flight: USA Today
Here’s my suggestion for the in-flight movie its one of our favorites;-)
This morning the local MSM (Illuminati) channel “suggests” I get my winter flu shot. I thought it was particularly nice of them to frame the “request” by adding the threatening meme of
“manufacturers may cut back production next year if the current levels are too high”. In other words you best get one this year if you want one next year.
I’ll take the flu, thank you.
Russia calls arms move serious signal to West
U.S. spy chief: 9/11 could have been prevented
Watch Mike McConnel testifying.
The spin over this Florida tazer incident from both “left” and “right” political pundits has all the markings of organized damage control marketing techniques. I strongly recommend people take an interest and research psychology, modern marketing, negotating “skills”.
Andrew could be your son, daughter, hell even your grandmother. That’s what six years of thuggery has brought, institutionalized police brutality.
seems her status as an emissary of the US has reached a nadir at the vatican:
and she’s having a fit of pique over Mr. ElBaradei’s “muddying the message” to Iran:
tsk, tsk….shameless behaviour for a SecState.
Oh well, there’s always Stanford…or maybe not.