With Joe Biden given qualified tenative support, we see that Dennis’ leadership on the impeachment issue may be bearing some fruit.  Now Dennis has announced another major initiative, which is called The Constitutional Convention Initiative!

The Constitutional Convention Initiative

To Reaffirm and Defend the Founding Principles of Our Country  

The Constitutional Convention Initiative will address the real underlying challenges facing our nation:

I. Abuse of power caused by a disintegration of Constitutional checks and balances.

II. Corrupting influence of money, wealth and power on our government (suggesting a constitutional amendment to create public financing of elections).
About the initiative.

Needless to say on I, the abuses of W’s administration (and many of the administrations since and including LBJ and Nixon) have challenged the foundation of our Constitution and our form of government. On II, even if your candidate is rolling in cash, I think most of us can agree that money is having a bad influence on our political process.  The Constitutional Initiative will look to counter these problems.

How will we proceed …

I.  National forums will be held, each of which will:

            A) be broadcast at a minimum on the Internet via www.KucinichTV.com

            B) have a panel format with a moderator

            C) be interactive via e-mail (during or prior to) or phone (during)

            D) address one of the key elements of our Constitution that are under assault, including

                  1)  checks and balances between branches of government

                  2) the right to habeas corpus

                  3) the obligation of the Congress to impeach and try under certain circumstances

                  4) international agreements signed by the U.S. being the supreme law of the land

                  5) the Bill of Rights

            E) Wrap up / synopsis written and posted on the site from each event

Anyone may suggest a forum or plan one to be broadcast – contact us at townhall@kucinich.us

Mind you, while the other candidates are speaking about a few of these issues, Congressman Kucinich is doing something about it, and you can help.  You can help to organize one of these events.  You can help bring the discussion about these important issues.  The great thing is, you don’t even have to support Dennis to be involved in the process (although, of course, you will by the time you’re finished!).

II.  Local forums / town hall meetings are encouraged to expand the debate into local communities.  

III.  Information will be provided at each national forum about the Constitutional element in question, including

            A) the intent of the Framers in crafting it

            B) its historical context

            C) the current assault on it

            D) its relevance in our society toda

            E) what participants can do in order to defend it

An informed citizen is better able to make good choices about how he or she is to be goverened. Also always remember that the people, not the government, are sovereign!

III.  To complete this process, a two-day constitutional convention will be held at which there shall be

            A) at least one delegate from each state

            B) A reaffirmation of the constitutional principles currently under assault as indicated via petitions, local / state resolutions, letters of support, etc.

            C) a national call to action – the road map to protect our constitution and demand real change  

The convention is to bring together activists from all over the country to help support and defend our Constitution.  Who knows?  It might even be able to suggest amendments to the Constitution which can be carried forth to the Congress, or to an Article V Convention!

IV.  Participants will be better enabled to defend the Constitution by completing this initiative as we:  

Educate,  Organize,  Activate

Knowledge is power!  A good knowledge of how the Constitution works and how important it is to defending our liberty and freedom is a must for all citizens!

For more information, please contact Dr. Herb Hoffman at:  pala@maine.rr.com

Indeed, the Constitutional Convention Initiative is a way for us as citizens to fight back against the forces which have been trying to strip us of our rights.  There’s more information at http://kuicnichtv.com and http://dennis4president.com.

And just in case you think Dennis has forgotten about impeachment:

Impeachment in the United States Senate is a multi-step process, first resulting in an inquiry and a trial of a federal elected official. At this point, and in the case of Vice President Cheney and the Bush administration, this is not necessarily about removal. The question is, does the evidence warrant an inquiry?
“The best option to prevent an unnecessary war with Iran is to impeach the Vice President, the lead cheerleader of the war…This isn’t about my campaign. This isn’t a Democratic-Republican issue. This is about the Constitution. This is about the rule of law.”

-Congressman Dennis Kucinich
About Impeachment

I’m glad to have at least heard one other candidate, Joe Biden, mention the possible impeachment of W tonight.  Welcome aboard, Joe!

As always, now more than ever,

Go Dennis!
Choose Peace!