Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing

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The day has come and I can’t wait for it to be over. I have said this before but I think it needs repeating – Americans are so hungry for change in their government they somewhat embraced a Presidential campaign that started in 2005.

Here are my “official” predictions. Feel free to call me an idiot tomorrow. (Or start early!)

Hillary – losses big. Huma comforts her. Bill comforts the Iowa State Cheerleaders.

Obama – Finally learns that having a FIRM STANCE on issues is really audacious.

Edwards – wins by a small margin and that changes the face of the campaign for New Hampshire.

Thompson – who?

Romney – does well and find himself with an unlikely competitor.

Ron Paul – finally shocks the shit out of Sean Hannity with a good solid turnout, competing now with Romney.

Rudy – gets issued a one-way train ticket back to New York.

Huckabee – warmly embraced by every crazy, screaming Christian Fascist in Iowa – all of them swinging plastic baby fetuses nailed to a cross.