Now this is interesting. As I look over the Washington Post this morning as Iowa gets ready to decide, I see Novakula accuse Hillary of being too centrist, Dana Milbank compare Obama to Howard Dean, and Dan Balz drop a left-hander about if Edwards has a “second act” after Iowa.
Meanwhile, we have their campaign blog on the eve of Iowa talking about what you’d expect: McCain’s chances in New Hampshire of course (and bonus points for the sidebar Fact Checker segment on the “shadowy organization” behind Edwards’ angry anti-special interest platform.)
Nice guys, those WaPo folks. You’d almost think they had something against the Democrats or something silly like that. But in the media? C’mon!
Like Bush’s surprise, “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.”
And Rice’s incredulity, “I don’t anybody could have anticipated terrorists flying planes into buildings.”
And Rumsfeld and Cheney’s wonderment that they“had not anticipated the strength of the insurgency”
I am shocked, absolutely shocked, that the media, our precious liberal media, would give the appearance of anti-Dem bias!!!
Why………I don’t think anyone could have anticipated that, either!!
Boy, now I know how the administration felt!!
Somebody better call Somerby and let him know. He might want to write something about the subject!!
It’s not just WaPo, Newsweek and CNN are doing it too. The rate of hit ariticles going up on their sites is amazing and of course, the disputed lies…I mean GOP talking points are popping up. Again.
I meant, ‘refuted’, not disputed.