This struck my funny bone:
Down the hall, in the school cafeteria, Republicans from the 8th precinct were preparing to take their own straw vote.
“We’re for Mitt Romney, said Stan Wilcox.
“Ahem, no we’re not,” said his wife Geneva.
“Well, we’re a broken home,” he quipped. Their son had talked Geneva into supporting Paul. Mr. Wilcox had only decided for Romney in the last month. “I was for Fred,” he said. “But he doesn’t want to be president. And I don’t force anybody to do anything they don’t want to do.”
Poor Fred. And I think there are a lot of women out there saying ‘Ahem, no we’re not’ when it comes to supporting patriarchal a-holes like Mitt Romney.
Sure sounds like they chose the tried and true Republican method used this election cycle for selecting a
yeah, but I don’t think they hit the bullseye.
Maybe they did…………….
For us!!
Hillary didn’t like the process either. Disses Iowa
and going negative:
“Beware False hopes.”
Asked how disappointed she was about Iowa, Clinton said: “I was never a front-runner of any significance in Iowa. Iowa, I knew, was always going to be hard for me.”
Poor Hillary. She can’t help herself. She’s done.
From your link in Iowa caucus –
Twenty-seven-year-old Joshua Turek, who plays for the Spanish Professional Wheelchair Basketball League in Madrid, Spain, was sitting at the table for the site’s Democratic precinct. He was changing his party registration from GOP so that he could support Barack Obama.
“I voted for Bush the first time, but I’m just a bit upset at the direction the country is going. The second time, I voted for Kerry, even though I didn’t change my party affiliation. Obviously, the war is to me the most important part. But there’s the economy as well. And then health care. After living in Europe, I think it’s embarrassing that 40 million Americans don’t have health coverage.”
Moreover, in contrast to Republicans, who have agonized over selecting the least-bad choice, Democrats were happy with their choice of three liberals.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
This is a good article about Obama, for those who want to learn more about his background, and approach.
It seems to me there a number or patriarchal aholes running on the Republican side.
A post from Andrew Sullivan today about Romney that made me laugh…