Via Kevin Drum, we get this from Lisa Schiffren of NRO:
You know what? Deep in my psyche, in the place that kind of misses the toothache I’ve been prodding at with my tongue, I am having a tiny little pang of missing Hillary. Not her, but hating her. Hating Hillary has been such a central political impulse for so long now â 15 years â and I have had to work so hard to keep it up as she became more appealling looking, less shrill, more human â I don’t really know what I will do with that newly freed strand of energy.
I suppose it’s slightly premature to start talking about ‘missing Hillary’ although I think her campaign is toast. What I’m more interested in is your reaction to this kind of Hillary-hate. It makes Kevin Drum defensive. He goes so far as to point to this confession as his reason to support Clinton.
As long as we’re laying our cards on the table, this is one of the things that keeps me on Hillary’s side regardless of anything to do with issues or tactics or rhetoric or anything else. I just hate the idea that the fever swamp has been able to turn a perfectly decent liberal woman into such an object of malign loathing. If she loses, then she loses. But by God, I don’t want her to lose because millions of Schiffren’s fellow travelers have carried on a 15-year vendetta of sick-minded smears and hatred. Enough’s enough.
Psychology is a tricky thing. I read Lisa Schiffren and I think a) she’s a moron, and b) thank god I won’t have to read all this Hillary hating crap for the next eight years (fingers crossed).
I’ve never been a fan of melodrama.
“I don’t really know what I will do with that newly freed strand of energy.”
Maybe she can use that newly freed energy to get a life.
thank god I won’t have to read all this Hillary hating crap for the next eight years
but then it will be a bunch of obama-hating or edwards-hating crap. i don’t think the primary battle is over yet, but even if hillary goes away, the hating will live on, no matter who it is directed at! after all, it’s not like john kerry got a free ride because his name wasn’t clinton.
bile-laced irrational hatred is what those guys do best
hillary hatred had to do with some boomer shit from the 1960’s that never interested me…not even in a defensive way.
kerry hatred had to do with some boomer shit from the early 1970’s.
In both cases, the hatred was real, not manufactured.
Look around the intertubes today. See any hate for Obama?
Looking at the tiresome Clinton-haters today, now I know how I sounded going on and on about Nixon for decades after he was gone from DC…
Only I was right, LOL!
What more proof than last night do we need that America is fed up with the Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush era and wants to turn the page and begin to recover its reputation?
Years from now, the 2008 election will be seen as the real beginning of the 21st century, and the last eight years as the typical fin-de-siecle/end of millennium madness running its course. Just look at what the sturm-und-drang has been about: religious zealotry in an age of nanotechnology and DNA reprogramming; the dying gasps of Big Oil attempting to hold onto power for one more presidential term; the machinery of global capitalism running smack into planetary limits that will lead to radical transformation or collapse.
he’s a black man. if they’re in the market to tap into some real hatred, it’s there for the taking.
I’ve never understood, nor seen a good explanation for, the rabid Clinton-hate from the right. Is it a case of hating most what is most like you, as with the Sunnis and the Shiites or the poorest whites and the poor blacks? Of all the prominent Dem pols, the Clintons have done the most to keep things comfortable for the military/corporate complex. Is the problem that they trespassed on GOP turf? Or just that they shattered the Dream of the Permanent Republican/Conservative Majority?
Or is it that they’re too uppity — don’t have the kind of parasite genealogy that makes them deserving of great power? If that’s the answer, look out Barack — the Clinton travails will look like a love-in.
As for me, the Clinton saga proves once and for all that being hated by my enemy does not, contrary to cliche, make you my friend. Maybe that only works when the enemy is a sane and rational human being.