Things just aren’t going all that well. The Republicans debate as if the surge has been a success, the Democrats as if it has been a failure, and never the twain shall meet.
However, the Democrats are basically correct. At best, the surge may have provided what Nixon and Kissinger referred to as a ‘decent interval‘. Hell of a thing to sacrifice an American soldier’s life for, dontcha think?
dood, iraq is soooo last summer. didn’t ya hear? last september the great petraeus came and slew the moveon dragon and peace rained throughout iraq ever after.
get with the times man! iraq’s now awash in awesomeness. it’s so completely awesome, the american people don’t care about it anymore and want us to stay forever.
my fault. Never mind.
That would make McCaine the Goldwater of this decade. The progress made in 44 years, the Americans more readily would accept his presidency. Or can Obama emulate LBJ’s landslide victory of 1964?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
100 more years! 100 more years! Yee-ha!
Well, you know, with douchebags like Chrissy Matthews proclaiming over and over again that the anti-war crowd was wrong because “THE SURGE WORKED!!!!!!” every chance he gets….
God I wish he’d retire. I’d rather see a wingnut welfare co-anchor of the MSNBC election coverage with KO. Why can’t Fox hire him as one of their token “liberals” – such an annoying tool.
Come on, BooMan, the American soldiers are all volunteers so they’re just asking for it. (Which, as the wife of a vet, if I hear one more time, I may be in need of bail money.)