Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit organization (one of many) dedicated to the protection of native wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Yesterday afternoon, they sent out this news and a call for support.

You can tell a lot about the character of person by the way he/she treats his/her animals or pets. I think this truism extends to political parties. You can tell a lot about the character of a political party by the way it advocates for the environment, nature, and the animals we share this planet with, including those we eat. Even buying cage-free eggs helps to free some chickens from a tortuous life crammed in a cage.

Supporting organizations like Defenders of Wildlife is liberal-socialism at its symbolic best.
Return of the Ferrets!

Photobucket  Larry and Bette Haverfield and other pro-conservation ranchers have fought long and hard to bring the endangered black-footed ferret back to the Kansas prairie. Last month, their efforts paid off.

The Haverfield ranch contains the largest prairie dog colony in Kansas, making it a prime site for reintroducing the once-thought-to-be-extinct ferrets into the wild. And thanks to the support of 16,000 Defenders activists, last month U.S. Fish and Wildlife officials released 24 black-footed ferret kits on private ranchlands — including the Haverfield’s.


Un-Bear-able Drilling

Photobucket  Federal officials last week announced plans to sell offshore drilling rights on nearly 46,000 square miles in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea — vital habitat for one of two polar bear populations in America. The bewildering and potentially disastrous plan was revealed just days before the Department of Interior once again delayed the announcement of new federal protections for the nation’s struggling polar bearsHelp save polar bears. Urge Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne to delay the sale of drilling rights that could disrupt polar bear habitat and extend America’s dependence on fossil fuels that cause global warming.


Fighting for Rights

Photobucket  Nearly hunted to extinction by the turn of the 20th century, the North Atlantic right whale still struggles to survive. Defenders and our partners are once again petitioning federal officials for emergency protections for these ocean giants as ship collisions and fishing gear entanglements take their toll on the remaining whales — and with fewer than 300 left, every individual counts.

Helping Farmers Help Wildlife

Thanks to tens of thousands of Defenders activists, the Senate passed a Farm Bill last month that will help farmers help wildlife. Your actions helped pass key amendments that will conserve vital wetland habitat and protect wildlife in the U.S. and beyond.


Manatee Win in Florida

Thanks to the encouragement of thousands of Florida wildlife supporters, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission voted last month to delay a decision to reduce state protections for manatees. The Commission also requested a reexamination of Florida’s flawed criteria for evaluating and safeguarding its imperiled species — a huge victory for manatees and other imperiled animals across the Sunshine State!

Adoptions for a Cause

Photobucket  Giavanna Parmer, a student at Maryland’s Howard High School, wanted to make a difference for wildlife. So, during the Holiday Season, Giavanna teamed up with Defenders’ Wildlife Adoption Center and classmates in her environmental club for her school’s first Adopt an Animal program. For four days last month, Giavanna and her team offered Wildlife Adoptions to friends and family, raising funds for her school’s conservation efforts and Defenders’ wildlife-saving programs.


Now on to South Carolina, or is it Michigan?