Let me be clear. I think George Bush is all wet regarding this prediction:

The US president, George Bush, today said he expects a peace treaty to be signed between Israel and the Palestinians by the time he leaves office.

At a press conference with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah, the upbeat US leader told his host the “status quo is unacceptable.”

He praised Abbas as a “good man” who has already improved the lives of ordinary Palestinians and the security situation in the West Bank.

In contrast to the “misery” Hamas had delivered to the people of Gaza since seizing the territory last summer, he said he was “convinced this government will deliver a hopeful future.”

Abbas returned the compliment, saying Bush’s visit “gives our people great hope.” […]

The US president argued the emergence of a prosperous and democratic Palestine would defeat extremists.

He said: “Is it possible for the Israelis and Palestinians to work out their differences on core issues so a vision of peace can emerge? My vision is it’s not only possible – it’s necessary.

“I’m looking forward to helping. I believe there will be a signed peace treaty by the time I leave office.” […]

The US president, who appeared to be in an optimistic and at times jocular mood, said he would push both sides to honour their obligations in the “road map” which formed the basis of the Annapolis talks.

Referring to Israel, which has refused to rule out further construction in the West Bank, he said the US has “made our concerns about settlements known”. He stressed a Palestinian state had to consist of contiguous territory if it was going to be viable and said “Swiss cheese isn’t going to work.”

Who knows. Abbas may sign a peace treaty with Israel. But it won’t bring peace unless Hamas is on board. And any treaty acceptable to the Olmert government (which I can’t see agreeing to a reduction in settlements or a contiguous Palestinian state) isn’t likely to be acceptable to Hamas. In fact, I don’t see Abbas signing any treaty unless he wants to be known as the Petain of the Palestinians. He’d be signing his own death warrant if he did. And notice that nowhere in this report does Abbas claim he would sign such a treaty.

No this is just Bush blowing smoke once again.