Let me be clear. I think George Bush is all wet regarding this prediction:
The US president, George Bush, today said he expects a peace treaty to be signed between Israel and the Palestinians by the time he leaves office.
At a press conference with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah, the upbeat US leader told his host the “status quo is unacceptable.”
He praised Abbas as a “good man” who has already improved the lives of ordinary Palestinians and the security situation in the West Bank.
In contrast to the “misery” Hamas had delivered to the people of Gaza since seizing the territory last summer, he said he was “convinced this government will deliver a hopeful future.”
Abbas returned the compliment, saying Bush’s visit “gives our people great hope.” […]
The US president argued the emergence of a prosperous and democratic Palestine would defeat extremists.
He said: “Is it possible for the Israelis and Palestinians to work out their differences on core issues so a vision of peace can emerge? My vision is it’s not only possible – it’s necessary.
“I’m looking forward to helping. I believe there will be a signed peace treaty by the time I leave office.” […]
The US president, who appeared to be in an optimistic and at times jocular mood, said he would push both sides to honour their obligations in the “road map” which formed the basis of the Annapolis talks.
Referring to Israel, which has refused to rule out further construction in the West Bank, he said the US has “made our concerns about settlements known”. He stressed a Palestinian state had to consist of contiguous territory if it was going to be viable and said “Swiss cheese isn’t going to work.”
Who knows. Abbas may sign a peace treaty with Israel. But it won’t bring peace unless Hamas is on board. And any treaty acceptable to the Olmert government (which I can’t see agreeing to a reduction in settlements or a contiguous Palestinian state) isn’t likely to be acceptable to Hamas. In fact, I don’t see Abbas signing any treaty unless he wants to be known as the Petain of the Palestinians. He’d be signing his own death warrant if he did. And notice that nowhere in this report does Abbas claim he would sign such a treaty.
No this is just Bush blowing smoke once again.
“Blaming the Palestinians” is only the latest Israeli-US propaganda as to why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues, only the latest red herring in a long line of red herrings as to why the military occupation persists and Palestinian lands continue to be confiscated, even though we seldom hear about them.
And Hamas is at the forefront in this line of reasoning. No, the right wing Israeli government will just wait out Bush until Hillary is elected, and they can get on with the Apartheid solution, because no other one fits in with Israel’s intention of annexing Judea and Samaria (West Bank), or provides for Israel’s security.
You are absolutely wrong. There will definitely be a signed agreement before the chimp leaves office. Remember, we are talking about the bastards place in history. He could care less what happens after jan 9 09. All he wants is to be able to say that he got the agreement! Then he can go off and then blame the future for failing to get it done.
This is the person who signs both passed bills and signing statements at the same time!
calm down bill. Bush can’t sign this particular treaty. Well, he can, but it kind of doesn’t mean anything unless the principle parties do the same.
If Bush follows through on this promise, I pledge to forgive him for 50% of the everything he’s ever down. Only some kind of aerial pasta beast can forgive the rest.
Oh they will both sign on. Money and materials. If I gave you the impression of not being calm Boo, please forgive me. Right now, I am disgutingly calm. That daoesn’t mean however that I am not angry as hell as the sincere belief that once again,we are about to be coopted. the medias roll wis going to be total support of this idiot. The pundidtry will spew out the talking points. And the lemmings will say-“How Far?”
I know that you realize just how unbelievingly important this election is and given the simple fact that I am now a grand parent, I tremble with the anger that ny grand daughters future is being determined by the traitors that care in control.
And while I am at it- what do you think regarding the Bradley Effect? I gotta tell ya, that’s where this country is.Anyhow- You keep it up. I will also!!!!
to force the Israelis to stop the settlements, only someone not running for office can stand up to American Zionists.
Bush actually said “no swiss-cheese Palestinian state either”….tell me one of our candidates that could say that…..look what happened to Dean after he mentioned “even handedness”.
Looking for more ponies, I guess.
And probably about as successful as the search for Iraq’s WMDs: the only time he even got close was when he was checking under cushions in the Oval Office.
More political theater.
Yup. It’s a traditional ritual for departing presidents to try to forge a last-minute solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. The fact that they think they can speaks volumes to why they can’t.