ps to Andi: I can smell the weekend too…I can’t believe I’m getting excited because it’s Thursday, but the 6 am wake-up time is a killer after weeks of lounging in bed till 8.
Hi everyone. Where having a dust storm – if anyone’s asking about the weather. It’s actually settled down into a gale in the last hour or so and most of the dirt is staying around ground level. Luna’s buried herself under a bush and the alpacas are cushed down leeward of some trees.
Yesterday was so hot (mid-90’s) that we went to the beach after Imogen got done with work. Luna could not be persuaded to brave the breakers for a swim so Imogen and I took turns swimming while the other minded the dog.
But more to the point I don’t like any equation of sexual acts and body parts with humiliation and degradation. I remember, during the “first gulf war”, seeing a guy, walking along with a woman I presumed was his girlfriend. He was wearing a “bend over Saddam” tee-shirt which had Uncle Sam sporting a missile hard-on. And I remember thinking what does his girlfriend think about that shirt.
If man telling another man to suck his cock is an insult, it is only because to be on the receiving end of a cock is to be a woman – which is the real insult.
Nope we didn’t have any here, just heavy rains. I’m still wondering about that house I used to live in before I moved home. It was only a couple block away from that school that got hit. Then again, the whole town was so small the tornado probably got a good bit of it.
The people I knew then are gone now. I’m still looking through the Internet to see if I can find more pictures. Apparently the tornado touched down in some towns in AL also. This weather is more what I expect in spring or fall, but not Jan.
Hi Andi!
No big plans (yet) – a ‘quiet’ weekend with young asklet – big sister has her own plans.
We’re busy planning an escape to Belize at the end of the month; those mileage cards come in handy some times.
That looks like great fun.
We’ve done a bit of research + a colleague is from Belize and has been very helpful.
It was all really planned & booked a couple of months ago, but at one of our destinations, the main attraction is gone (swimming with dolphins; a second phase construction is starting and they have temporarily been removed for safety reasons). So back to the drawing board to do some rescheduling.
They’re moving to Roatan in Honduras. In fact, the transport is scheduled for today.
Hight of irony; we had initially planned to go to Roatan, then changed to Belize…
No clean pass here…but someone else is on the mend, which means he can be my nurse now. 😉
I actually have a sore throat with mine. Unfortunately, my mom stopped by for a visit yesterday afternoon before I started feeling sick, and now I’m worried I might have given it to her.
Hey boran,
Back home. I didn’t quite believe it when I heard the first distant rumbles in the early morning. Then it became more obvious and I did see some lightening. All over in 20 minutes, or so.
Still gray and dark.
I imagine the stamina will come slower because you have to build it up. But gaining strength and flexibility are really is great. I’m glad it’s going well.
I think I’m going to go gain some mud on my boots and take the dogs for a walk.
The CBs have tennis lessons this morning, and then they’re supposed to be with their dad for the rest of the weekend. It’s a nice day out, albeit a little chilly.
I think we’re taking the Christmas tree down this weekend – we left it up a little longer since we didn’t put it up till the 23rd.
Last night Imogen found a pademelon in our veggie garden. She went in to shoo her out but the little female panicked – jettisoning her joey and trying to leap the fence. She finally got over the fence so we put her joey down outside the fence as well – unfortunately she bolted sans junior.
One of the advantages of being a marsupial is being able to ditch your pouch young if your life depends upon a quick get away. Which is not an option for placental mammals. It may seem cruel, but most females marsupials actually have another fetus in the works and can start over immediately.
We put him in a pillow case surrounded by alpaca fleece to keep him warm during the night. This morning we called Wildlife Rescue, who put us in touch with a woman qualified to raise the little guy (definitely a little boy).
We delivered him to her. Wildlife rescue here is pretty well organized and they had us in touch with a carer within an hour of our leaving an early morning message.
As joeys need frequent feeding at this age, we took his to his new “mama” straight away.
It was about a 25 minute drive – so yeah, close. She already had one pademelon joey, who was a bit more ambulatory, and apparently a great escape artist, since she called him Houdini.
I’ll probably take a course in caring for native wildlife someday, and get set-up to foster some here, but until then we’ll let the experts (with the proper baby bottles and formulas, etc.) have any babies we find. Betty the Blue-tongue is a much easier patient to deal with (she’s slowly healing up in our bathroom infirmary – although yesterday she got out, and subsequently had to be prodded out from under the refrigerator).
I’m sure she does. I rehab-ed a number of wild birds when I still lived in the US, and some were real characters.
I released a mockingbird once and watched her fly off. Then when I was walking back to the house, almost at the door, she landed on my shoulder, apparently not ready yet for the world outside. A week later she left the “nest” for good.
I teach American Literature. The Honors classes have just finished The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter. They’ll have an essay exam – focusing on the the role religion.
The “regular” classes have just finished a big Huck Finn test. They’ll get a new story to read and will have to identify themes and discuss conflict. Essay tests are relatively easy to make, but more time consuming to grade.
This is our day that we normally pick up my mom and bring her over for a visit. She’s at assisted living very close to us and enjoys the change of scene, as well as the home cooking. I’m very grateful she’s still able to get out at 90!
That’s great that she’s still active at her age. We’ve had a lot of women in our ‘hood who were active up until their mid 90s (including the bestest nursery school teacher ever, who was at the school every day until she was 96).
I’m brining a couple of chickens for our Sunday dinner. I love having a nice dinner the night before starting off a new week.
A rumor at the county offices last week had the county highway superintendent driving into flood water up to the windows of his pickup. I heard he was soaked to the skin and now the assistant is refusing to ride with him. Fortunately, the truck seems to be ok;-)
Well I’m impressed — I’m trying to figure out where you could drive where there would be water that high — that must be a really deep hollow that would make for a really nice picture when it’s dry. 🙂
It was Salt Creek just south of the Bellsville Pike, Grandview Ridge intersection on Grandview Rd. Not far from you at all. As I remember, there might be a scenic shot or two there.
Very nice. The picture, not the cold weather. 🙂
BTW, I came across some desert frost flowers that CBtE took pictures of last year when he was on Outward Bound (I put them in our calendar for this year). I’ll have to remember to use them this week for the cafe.
He has some great tinaja ones that I used too. Maybe this should be a desert cafe week? Maybe you have pics you want to post too? And by the way, where is this year’s spring adventure taking you?
I upgraded our iPhoto to the latest version so I could do the calendar layouts, but it messed up my photo organization when I imported them off my external drive. What a pain.
I think I’m going to be heading out to yoga in another half-hour or so. I wasn’t going to go because of my cold, but now that I’ve been up for an hour, I don’t feel so congested anymore. Plus I have that new yoga mat that I need to finish breaking in.
A desert theme sounds nice — also sounds like you’ve got plenty of shots without needing any help from me. I think it should be an all CBtE week.
I’m not sure we’re going anywhere this spring — we’ve got a bunch of work we need to get done on the house so we’re thinking we should save some money.
Eek, I don’t like these cold mornings. They make me want to stay in bed all day. OK, I just checked and it’s 41 degrees….I must be completely southernized now because I’m freezing.
Good morning Second Nature! I still miss my old wood stove on mornings like this, even though we moved into town to a home with “modern” heat almost 20 years ago!
Now that you mention it, when I had surgery a few years back, one of the surgical nurses warmed up a blanket in a microwave for me. Now if you can just get someone to get up and do that!
Yep, your blood is permanently thinned. You can no longer consider yourself a Cleveland native, now you when you visit family, you can just think of yourself as Southern interloper. 🙂
I was watching the Green Bay game yesterday with the driving snow, and I sort of missed snow. Well, the appearance of snow anyway. But yes, I am a complete wimp now in every sense of the word.
Drive by good morning to all. I’m in the middle of 2 laundries and various other errands. And we’re supposed to get a bid snowstorm tonight! See y’all later.
Good morning!
I am out of coffee…how could I have forgotten to get more? It’s a necessity around here.
ps to Andi: I can smell the weekend too…I can’t believe I’m getting excited because it’s Thursday, but the 6 am wake-up time is a killer after weeks of lounging in bed till 8.
Well I think you should go out and get the coffee — who knows what great treasure you’ll stumble across. 🙂
I went and got the coffee, but no treasures. Sniff.
Good morning Andi and CG! Pick me up some coffee too, I’m ready for my second cup.
Hi boran! Guess it’s time for happy hour instead of coffee now…
In that case I’ll have a little something extra in my coffee.
Looks like the sky is falling on Family Man. He’s probably been out driving FMom around, dodging the storms in Alabama. Hope he’s okay! 🙂
Hi everyone. Where having a dust storm – if anyone’s asking about the weather. It’s actually settled down into a gale in the last hour or so and most of the dirt is staying around ground level. Luna’s buried herself under a bush and the alpacas are cushed down leeward of some trees.
Yesterday was so hot (mid-90’s) that we went to the beach after Imogen got done with work. Luna could not be persuaded to brave the breakers for a swim so Imogen and I took turns swimming while the other minded the dog.
This is more disturbing than amusing.
awesome…the truth hurts, doesn’t it.
I’d have to agree.
I actually liked Carter. Still do.
But more to the point I don’t like any equation of sexual acts and body parts with humiliation and degradation. I remember, during the “first gulf war”, seeing a guy, walking along with a woman I presumed was his girlfriend. He was wearing a “bend over Saddam” tee-shirt which had Uncle Sam sporting a missile hard-on. And I remember thinking what does his girlfriend think about that shirt.
If man telling another man to suck his cock is an insult, it is only because to be on the receiving end of a cock is to be a woman – which is the real insult.
Good morning Andi.
Is it Friday already? Fridays and weekends are just coming so fast lately. 😉
Nice picture. All the leaves on the ground looks like my back yard.
I was glad to read over at your place that you didn’t have any storm damage.
Nope we didn’t have any here, just heavy rains. I’m still wondering about that house I used to live in before I moved home. It was only a couple block away from that school that got hit. Then again, the whole town was so small the tornado probably got a good bit of it.
Do you still know people over there so you could call and check?
The people I knew then are gone now. I’m still looking through the Internet to see if I can find more pictures. Apparently the tornado touched down in some towns in AL also. This weather is more what I expect in spring or fall, but not Jan.
Good morning, Andi and FM!
The rain hit us overnight as well, and coming down heavily – at times – this morning.
Morning Ask.
We can use all the rain we can get, but I’d like it as a easy steady rain. I can do without violent weather.
Glad you and house escaped injury.
Stay low!
Thanks. I figure I can’t stay lower than napping on the floor. 🙂
Morning ask.
Got any exciting big city plans this weekend (we out in the sticks have to get our thrills vicariously)?
Hi Andi!
No big plans (yet) – a ‘quiet’ weekend with young asklet – big sister has her own plans.
We’re busy planning an escape to Belize at the end of the month; those mileage cards come in handy some times.
What’s going on with Belize? It seems like everyone wants to go there.
I’ve heard that Belize is just gorgeous and has a lot interesting mayan sites.
I have this place on my to-do list…LINK
That looks pretty nifty. I have a good friend who has been several times and she loves the rain forest canopy tours.
And — combining comments — I’m glad there’s someone around to pamper you.
That looks like great fun.
We’ve done a bit of research + a colleague is from Belize and has been very helpful.
It was all really planned & booked a couple of months ago, but at one of our destinations, the main attraction is gone (swimming with dolphins; a second phase construction is starting and they have temporarily been removed for safety reasons). So back to the drawing board to do some rescheduling.
OH NO! Where did they move them to? Is it close enough that you can still do the dolphin swimming?
They’re moving to Roatan in Honduras. In fact, the transport is scheduled for today.
Hight of irony; we had initially planned to go to Roatan, then changed to Belize…
Is it too late to change back now?
Our tickets were paid by miles. Stiff penalties for changes, if you can even get one done.
Good morning everyone!
I’m so glad it’s Friday, I have the icky winter cold now.
FM, I’m glad everything is okay after the storm.
Ask, I can hardly wait to hear about your Belize trip. And please pass along a belated Happy Birthday to curly. 🙂
Morning CG.
Sorry about the winter cold. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Oh and Ask on the Belize trip – pictures please.
Thanks, FM.
I guess I had to get at least one cold this winter.
glad you’re okay. I was watching the weather yesterday and the radar sure looked colorful around your place.
Sorry about the cold — was this a “clean pass” or are there two snotty noses in the house now?
No clean pass here…but someone else is on the mend, which means he can be my nurse now. 😉
I actually have a sore throat with mine. Unfortunately, my mom stopped by for a visit yesterday afternoon before I started feeling sick, and now I’m worried I might have given it to her.
Thunder and lightning!
It’s January 11th!
Hi ask! I haven’t seen the lightning yet but it is aawfully dark here.
Hey boran,
Back home. I didn’t quite believe it when I heard the first distant rumbles in the early morning. Then it became more obvious and I did see some lightening. All over in 20 minutes, or so.
Still gray and dark.
I have a whole day of absolutely nothing planned — my favorite kind of Saturday.
Good morning, Andi!
Hope you truly enjoy it.
Mine is almost similar, except a morning practice session. Then young asklet will come to hang out.
How’s that going — have you gotten past the sore muscle stage? Are you enjoying it?
Much better now – I’m rarely sore, though I injured my knee last Monday.
Strength and flexibility are noticeably better; stamina – not so much.
Never underestimate the importance of flexibility… 🙂
My Sunday yoga class starts up again tomorrow after a hiatus for the holidays, and I can’t wait to get back to it.
I imagine the stamina will come slower because you have to build it up. But gaining strength and flexibility are really is great. I’m glad it’s going well.
I think I’m going to go gain some mud on my boots and take the dogs for a walk.
Have a good one.
Sounds perfect.
The CBs have tennis lessons this morning, and then they’re supposed to be with their dad for the rest of the weekend. It’s a nice day out, albeit a little chilly.
I think we’re taking the Christmas tree down this weekend – we left it up a little longer since we didn’t put it up till the 23rd.
Sounds like you can plan some nothing (or something) for later.
Hope your cold is better.
I guess I am going to do something because Giddy is pointing out we should go walk.
See ya.
We had a very exciting trip to Trader Joe’s. Woo-hoo.
MY cold is putting a damper on my enthusiasm today.
Last night Imogen found a pademelon in our veggie garden. She went in to shoo her out but the little female panicked – jettisoning her joey and trying to leap the fence. She finally got over the fence so we put her joey down outside the fence as well – unfortunately she bolted sans junior.
One of the advantages of being a marsupial is being able to ditch your pouch young if your life depends upon a quick get away. Which is not an option for placental mammals. It may seem cruel, but most females marsupials actually have another fetus in the works and can start over immediately.
We put him in a pillow case surrounded by alpaca fleece to keep him warm during the night. This morning we called Wildlife Rescue, who put us in touch with a woman qualified to raise the little guy (definitely a little boy).
He’s very cute. Has the woman come to get him yet?
We delivered him to her. Wildlife rescue here is pretty well organized and they had us in touch with a carer within an hour of our leaving an early morning message.
As joeys need frequent feeding at this age, we took his to his new “mama” straight away.
He really is cute. is the pademelon-raiser close by?
It was about a 25 minute drive – so yeah, close. She already had one pademelon joey, who was a bit more ambulatory, and apparently a great escape artist, since she called him Houdini.
Wow, what a cutie. I’m glad there’s an good way for you to get the baby taken care of.
I’ll probably take a course in caring for native wildlife someday, and get set-up to foster some here, but until then we’ll let the experts (with the proper baby bottles and formulas, etc.) have any babies we find. Betty the Blue-tongue is a much easier patient to deal with (she’s slowly healing up in our bathroom infirmary – although yesterday she got out, and subsequently had to be prodded out from under the refrigerator).
Good luck to the little guy. A woman who works in our office also does animal rescue. She has lots of interesting tales.
I’m sure she does. I rehab-ed a number of wild birds when I still lived in the US, and some were real characters.
I released a mockingbird once and watched her fly off. Then when I was walking back to the house, almost at the door, she landed on my shoulder, apparently not ready yet for the world outside. A week later she left the “nest” for good.
Good morning to everyone. I’ve mid-term exams to make today, so I’m trying to get an early start.
Good morning, TT!
What’s the topic for the exams?
Morning ask!
I teach American Literature. The Honors classes have just finished The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter. They’ll have an essay exam – focusing on the the role religion.
The “regular” classes have just finished a big Huck Finn test. They’ll get a new story to read and will have to identify themes and discuss conflict. Essay tests are relatively easy to make, but more time consuming to grade.
CBtE has his exams this week too. Which means a lot of short days and driving for me this week.
What class?
I posted just as you did so I missed you in my other ‘good morning’ — I guess that’ll teach me to be more inclusive. 🙂
American Literature
What classes is CBtE taking?
He has World History and Spanish exams tomorrow. Science Tuesday, Algebra and English on Wednesday.
Algebra was a constant struggle for me in school. Glad I’m not him this week! Tell him good luck!
That’s his least favorite subject too. “Why? Why do I have to learn this? When will I ever use this again?” is a common refrain…
What are you and the missus up to today?
This is our day that we normally pick up my mom and bring her over for a visit. She’s at assisted living very close to us and enjoys the change of scene, as well as the home cooking. I’m very grateful she’s still able to get out at 90!
That’s great that she’s still active at her age. We’ve had a lot of women in our ‘hood who were active up until their mid 90s (including the bestest nursery school teacher ever, who was at the school every day until she was 96).
I’m brining a couple of chickens for our Sunday dinner. I love having a nice dinner the night before starting off a new week.
We’ll probably do brunch. Mom is very partial to my French Toast recipe.
Ugh, Toni. It’s one thing to be up early on a weekend but it’s pretty bad to be early and be grading. My sympathies.
Sadly, grading is my life!
No more record highs for us.
Nice shot Andi!
I’m beginning to suspect she has the pack trained to lead her to those lovely photo ops;-)
Good morning and good luck with the grading!
I suspect your right.
BTW, I hope grading is your “hobby” and Andrew and hubby are you life. 😉
Good morning Andi! Nice ice crystals. Looks like light rain outside our house at the moment.
The picture was yesterday (a gorgeous morning).
And yep, it’s raining here too.
A rumor at the county offices last week had the county highway superintendent driving into flood water up to the windows of his pickup. I heard he was soaked to the skin and now the assistant is refusing to ride with him. Fortunately, the truck seems to be ok;-)
Well I’m impressed — I’m trying to figure out where you could drive where there would be water that high — that must be a really deep hollow that would make for a really nice picture when it’s dry. 🙂
It was Salt Creek just south of the Bellsville Pike, Grandview Ridge intersection on Grandview Rd. Not far from you at all. As I remember, there might be a scenic shot or two there.
I used to bike over there a lot and there are some really beautiful places (and really steep ones, too).
Very nice. The picture, not the cold weather. 🙂
BTW, I came across some desert frost flowers that CBtE took pictures of last year when he was on Outward Bound (I put them in our calendar for this year). I’ll have to remember to use them this week for the cafe.
Have you been out with the pack already today?
Wow. Can’t wait to see those.
Nope, it’s raining and still mostly dark here. The rain’s almost through though so we’ll go in a half-hour or so.
He has some great tinaja ones that I used too. Maybe this should be a desert cafe week? Maybe you have pics you want to post too? And by the way, where is this year’s spring adventure taking you?
I upgraded our iPhoto to the latest version so I could do the calendar layouts, but it messed up my photo organization when I imported them off my external drive. What a pain.
I think I’m going to be heading out to yoga in another half-hour or so. I wasn’t going to go because of my cold, but now that I’ve been up for an hour, I don’t feel so congested anymore. Plus I have that new yoga mat that I need to finish breaking in.
A desert theme sounds nice — also sounds like you’ve got plenty of shots without needing any help from me. I think it should be an all CBtE week.
I’m not sure we’re going anywhere this spring — we’ve got a bunch of work we need to get done on the house so we’re thinking we should save some money.
Eek, I don’t like these cold mornings. They make me want to stay in bed all day. OK, I just checked and it’s 41 degrees….I must be completely southernized now because I’m freezing.
Good morning Second Nature! I still miss my old wood stove on mornings like this, even though we moved into town to a home with “modern” heat almost 20 years ago!
I’m going to have to arrange for someone to warm up my clothes and have a cup of coffee waiting for me before my feet touch the floor. 🙂
Now that you mention it, when I had surgery a few years back, one of the surgical nurses warmed up a blanket in a microwave for me. Now if you can just get someone to get up and do that!
Yep, your blood is permanently thinned. You can no longer consider yourself a Cleveland native, now you when you visit family, you can just think of yourself as Southern interloper. 🙂
Rain just changed to snow here.
I was watching the Green Bay game yesterday with the driving snow, and I sort of missed snow. Well, the appearance of snow anyway. But yes, I am a complete wimp now in every sense of the word.
41? You know that’s not cold…bless your heart.
Well, if I had some hand-knitted socks on my feet I’d feel a little better, bless your heart.
Ah – the old Southern Disclaimer.
Yep. Now Elly Mae, bless her little heart, has a rear end that needs its own zip code….
So far I’ve avoided saying bless your heart and y’all….and I’ve instructed family members to intervene swiftly and violently if I do.
Heh – I’m originally from LI, NY, but after several decades in Hoosierland, no longer say fuggedaboudit. Good luck with that!
I can’t quite imagine you as a bless your heart kind of person — now a piss off kind of person I have absolutely no problem imagining.
It’s snowing very gently now, which I love to go walk in so I think I’ll give in to Giddy’s pestering.
See ya later.
I’m sure you would. 🙂
I’m off to yoga – see y’all later!
Drive by good morning to all. I’m in the middle of 2 laundries and various other errands. And we’re supposed to get a bid snowstorm tonight! See y’all later.
I guess I can try to brighten it a little.