Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Did anyone catch that MIT project re in x number of years we just won’t have enough energy? (Duh.)
I can’t help but think that’s what the Avian Flu scare is all about – prepping us for dramatic population reduction.
When the CIA was doing MKULTRA, part of that program was not mind control, but aimed at targeting viruses to people with certain genetic characteristics. In other words, those kind of thoughts are out there, and have gotten as far as the research stage.
While Global Warming scares me most, the lengths people will go to not to fix it scare me too.
This would be a good time for Obama or Edwards to point out that they would keep on the terror advisors AND listen to them, unlike what Bush did with Richard Clark.
They all seemed more comfortable than at previous debates. Hillary gave some good substantive sounding answers but I think Obama bested her on the Iraq question. I’m still not sure why she threw him that question. Obama wasn’t quite so wooden as he can be and gave a few pithy answers that showed his personality.
The thing is – between Hillary and Obaman, the substantive differences are minute and where they exist they don’t really matter because they are on things that won’t happen anyway (minute differences on plans that have to get through congress aren’t really relevant). So again each voter has to decide based on gut instinct which of them will deliver the kind of presidency that they think we need. Hillary says she’ll be competent. Obama says he’ll be transformative.
I’m happy to discount Chris Matthews’s viewpoint and certainly Tim Russert’s. But even Keith Olbermann seemed to agree that Hillary had somehow dominated the debate and treated the other candidates as they were already defeated opponents.
I thought she did fine. Don’t get me wrong. But that’s completely not the debate I saw.
That’s not the debate I saw either. I’d call it a draw between Clinton and Obama and Edwards didn’t do bad but got less attention.
I meant Matthews. Now my comments are as foggy as my head…
That bizarro gushing about Hillary’s performance – it was insane. I thought she did well enough (they all did), but nothing worthy of Tweety’s drooling on himself the way he did post-debate. And apparently no one else found her performance quite as, um, moving as he did.
How can they say clinton is the antiwar candidate on the basis of a sound bite. Obama conceded nothing she voted to give crazy bush another opportunity in Iran. That was Olberman saying that crap too. I’m disappointed.
fresh thread.
I support a national service program.
Ah, yeah. Three kids in college next year….
Maybe I’ve seen too many debates, but I’m having trouble paying attention to this one.
grates and bridges, grates and bridges.
Edwards tells too much truth; it depresses people.
Because everyone “knows” that talk is cheap and probably not much will ever change.
or maybe he repeats himself too much.
Have I missed anything?
yeah, the whole wardrobe debate. You totally missed it.
paying for meals is hard to believe. Phone calls? Not so much.
This is a dumb question. Do they expect one of these candidates to say “Screw the veterans!”
Even Gravel wouldn’t do that.
Yucca Mtn. is now being discussed. Why don’t we ship our radioactive waste to North Korea or one of those other axis-of-evil countries?
lol, that would be a great answer. Ship it to the axis of evil
They’ve all been opposed to Yucca Mtn for at least 35 years.
oooh, Hillary hits Edwards on his vote.
Edwards just said something negative about the oil companies. I hope he doesn’t plan any open limousine rides through Dallas any time soon.
This debate started out wrong, but it certainly moved into possibly the most substantive debate yet.
Not that substance matters to most voters. And not that most of these plans will EVER get passed in the form presented.
But it’s good to hear them talk about it.
Yeah, this is what I was expecting from the top. But Timmeh just loves horserace chatter
yeah the beginning was brutal. Only your insights on the candidates appearance made it bearable. lol
Great answer by Obama on the Latino voter question.
Dang – missed it. What did he say?
Asked if there was an issue of Latinos refusing to vote for African Americans he said “not in Illinois, they all voted for me.”
i like that answer.
Good! 😉 Thanks!
Obama gave a good answer on education and dropping out – that’s why Hillary had to jump in.
Did anyone catch that MIT project re in x number of years we just won’t have enough energy? (Duh.)
I can’t help but think that’s what the Avian Flu scare is all about – prepping us for dramatic population reduction.
When the CIA was doing MKULTRA, part of that program was not mind control, but aimed at targeting viruses to people with certain genetic characteristics. In other words, those kind of thoughts are out there, and have gotten as far as the research stage.
While Global Warming scares me most, the lengths people will go to not to fix it scare me too.
Did you see russert’s eyes onthe gun question. I think hes an illegal gun dealer.
The court granted cert yesterday in DC v. Heller so the 2nd amendment is going to become a campaign issue.
Whats cert? I know DC had their gun law overturned?
The court agreed to hear the case.
I don’t know why I said yesterday. Probably because I was thinking about it yesterday.
sorry I don’t know why I said yesterday. They did it earlier in the term. But I was reading something about it yesterday.
Got it. It may be being appealed.
The supreme court will decide the case sometime in late spring. So whatever they decide will be a part of the discussion.
Good for Obama for calling Hillary on using fear of a terror attack on day 1 as a campaign issue.
and then Hillary responds by tying in the “operating officer” weakness of Obama
I lose respect for Hillary on that answer. She tries to say Bush was using it for political purposes but she isn’t. Total bullshit.
This would be a good time for Obama or Edwards to point out that they would keep on the terror advisors AND listen to them, unlike what Bush did with Richard Clark.
I hope someone says they decided in kindergarden.
Thats where they all decided. but it gives us a chance to study all of them when we know they are lying.
It’s the spin cycle.
Anyone miss Dennis?
Dennis who?…….just kidding
what the fuck is Tweety talking about?
I don’t know. I was streaming it (no cable, you know) and I lost it.
I have no idea. I thought no one really hurt themselves or helped themselves.
I thought the same. Nobody broke out.
They all seemed more comfortable than at previous debates. Hillary gave some good substantive sounding answers but I think Obama bested her on the Iraq question. I’m still not sure why she threw him that question. Obama wasn’t quite so wooden as he can be and gave a few pithy answers that showed his personality.
The thing is – between Hillary and Obaman, the substantive differences are minute and where they exist they don’t really matter because they are on things that won’t happen anyway (minute differences on plans that have to get through congress aren’t really relevant). So again each voter has to decide based on gut instinct which of them will deliver the kind of presidency that they think we need. Hillary says she’ll be competent. Obama says he’ll be transformative.
Personally I’ve chosen transformative.
I repeat…what the fuck is Tweety talking about?
He tawt he taw a puddy tat?
I don’t know.
Josh Marshall says:
That’s not the debate I saw either. I’d call it a draw between Clinton and Obama and Edwards didn’t do bad but got less attention.
He’s out of his mind .
I meant Matthews. Now my comments are as foggy as my head…
That bizarro gushing about Hillary’s performance – it was insane. I thought she did well enough (they all did), but nothing worthy of Tweety’s drooling on himself the way he did post-debate. And apparently no one else found her performance quite as, um, moving as he did.
How can they say clinton is the antiwar candidate on the basis of a sound bite. Obama conceded nothing she voted to give crazy bush another opportunity in Iran. That was Olberman saying that crap too. I’m disappointed.
And it begins – 3 out of every 4 Black voters in Michigan voted against Hillary Clinton and for “Uncommitted” in the Michigan Caucus…