Dennis Kucinich lost his court case and will not be debating tonight on MSNBC. I think that’s kind of shitty, but the debate will be a cleaner affair without him. I hope the debate is lively and that no one pulls hair.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Our election system is such a farce. I’m streaming CNN right now and they just showed the Dem. ballot for MI. They listed Clinton, uncommitted and Kucinich. Gravel is on the ballot too, but CNN managed not to list him and they had the room to do it too.
Gravel gets dissed again. He had the best debate line evah!
“These people frighten me.”
Hillary just stole Edwards’ “son of a mill worker” line. Now what will he say? Ah well, I still like him….
I didn’t realize this was an NBC/Tim Russert production again. groan.
It could be Chris “Look at MEEEEEE!” Matthews.
Clinton and Obama were clearly study buddies before this debate. Finally Edwards is talking about “issues”.
Good answer by Edwards on gender/race. And that should have been enough. But no, we have to have more questions. sigh
This isn’t a debate it’s fucking marriage counseling. I’m going to go watch Yo Gabba Gabba! with the kids.
you’re right. This is ridiculous.
this is so far the worst debate I’ve ever seen.
what is it about debates in Las Vegas?
everyone wants to get back to the craps tables.
They forgot this was a presidential debate and thought they were doing a special Jerry Springer show.
How fucked up is this with the incessant focus on internal spats. How about the issues…..?
I’m sitting here going, “Why you bringin’ up old shit?”
you said this, he said that, she said this.
Jesus effing Christ this is bad.
Ooh, a heckler! These are race-based questions…
Wonder how the focus group line reacted to that? 🙂
I stopped the streaming on my computer because it’s like 7 sec. behind the TV. But my TV is in a different room, so I couldn’t hear him.
Time to get shallow. Edwards has a better tie than Obama. And whoever did Hillary’s eyes should be fired.
yeah, great tie – but I hate that tongue-thrust thing that Edwards does.
that just invites a nasty response.
I’m losing it. I should have seen that one and I just didn’t.
it was a big softball.
I did, but I refrained … cuz this is the new me.
you and armando should get together.
I wasn’t even going to touch it. But those eyebrows are horrendous. And this is a fine example of why I don’t get my eyebrows done in Vegas. That’s they way they make you look. Weird dark boxy things rigidly stuck to your head. You should see my wedding photos…shudder.
The dark crease shadow is what is creeping me out. I think she used Julia Roberts’ makeup artist from Charlie Wilson’s War.
Edwards has the best lapel pin evah.
And Hillary should no better than to wear black and red with her coloring.
Edwards – cotton ballon-seat boxers
Obama – knit boxer briefs
Clinton – Spanx
I disagree:
Edwards: Fruit of Loom boxers
Obama: Jockey or Calvin Klein boxer briefs
Clinton: Thong with fancy lace.
what’s wrong with you? Bad visual.
I see people like these candidates shopping all the time. I see what they buy. I’m sticking with my choices!
ooh I missed this diversion
Edwards: Boxers – silk with little windmills on them
Obama – definitely the Calvin Klein briefs
Hillary — red silk tap pants
OMG, now I have a little dance number in my head…
Beer all over my monitor…dammit, second time today I got this thing wet!
at the risk of being heckled..she has “chola” eyebrows for this debate
how much do you think that necklace costs?
I’m stuck working, so I can’t swig the real stuff, but I think we all need to gulp every time Edwards says, “with every fiber of my being”.
Russert got so much bad feedback from his last debate that he’s now decided to use standard questions from a job interview book.
He said, “What is this a job interview for administrative assistant?”
I was thinking the same thing. Is he going to ask them why they left their former jobs?
When I’m president, I’m going to kick open the doors of Congress and crack some skulls to get some work done.
shrill alert.
Calling Edwards ‘shrill’ is sexist.
Smart of Hillary to talk about what a bad manager W was. The whole CEO thing.
oops, she blew it by saying “really hard”.
This is a GREAT answer by Obama about W.
brian williams got spam in his inbox.
Brian Williams can’t wait to get back to his hotel room to reply to that Nigerian king with no bank account. And is eagerly awaiting instructions on how to make his penis grow.
Ivory Coast. Dude is from the Cote d’ivoire.
Finally – the Obama is a Muslim thing
oh. my. god.
Let’s just bring up every crazy rumor.
I’m glad at least he got a chance to debunk it. Not that anyone who is likely to believe shit like that is actually watching…
hey, a good question.
fingernails on a chalkboard alert.
I think it was a good answer.
if her voice goes over a certain octave or she sounds defensive I can’t take it. Sounds like my mother when she was pissed.
Hey, mother issues are not Hillary’s fault…
never said they were. It’s not her fault at all.
She reminds me of my mother too. I half expect her to do that Vulcan death-grip on my thigh if I start to laugh during Mass.
the real answer is:
she gave specifics and sounded compeytent. it was good for her.
i thought obama gave a good answer too.
yeah, it was substantive, but why sound defensive about it?
My theory of debate is that the moment you sound defensive you lose. That’s why Kerry beat Bush in the debates and Gore did not.
He seems to be repeating by rote what was pumped into him. He turns into a robot when it gets to numbers.
Al Gore takes over his body.
I thought Obama was best
.. or ‘Reflation’: cut taxes, constrain the budget but ‘spend’ via incentivizing the next bubble.
But make the bubble a fruitful one: alternative energy and carbon markets. When it bursts, we will be left with advancements and innovations that will not only create wealth for a lucky few, but just might save the Earth.
The premature bankruptcy of American petro-capitalism has precluded waiting for our trade imbalance to even out and for our manufacturing sector to recover to start this reinvestment. Waiting for more favorable market conditions that haven’t even begun to arrive is a mistake.
For those tired of bubbles: this time pay attention, get in early and make decisions based on a balance of good information and the stated predilections of the next President the second it is obvious who that is.
I think Chuck Todd is blogging from the blackjack table:
At 9:05
At 9:17
blam!! Russert NAILS Edwards on his former New Democrat persona.
He seems to be running on his Senate record, but constantly tries to distance himself from his Senate voting record.
This guys is a farce and if the MSM has been sidelining him, it just might be that they know he is a farce who’s ego won’t just let go of the fact that his judgment and behavior during the critical moments of his term in the Senate was a complete failure and much of the ill we have met as a nation came at his preening and unworthy hand . I personally will not vote to relieve even the cutest guy in the world’s guilt.
And then he touts his experience?
If Bush is unforgiveable, then so is this rubber stamp for imperialism; this pretty face who would put himself in charge of disappointing Progressives.
Edwards voted for the bankruptcy bill and the war??? WTF were is the outrage people.
He’s apologized. Unlike Hillary.
At least that’s the line the Edwards people at DK have been feeding me for a year.
I think he’s changed. He’s toughened up…
NOT the same bill. As Hillary pointed out when the same question came to her, the bankruptcy bill in 2001 never became law. The bankruptcy bill that was truly horrendous and DID pass and become law was in 2005, and Edwards was no longer in the Senate then.
But if she hadn’t pointed that out, who else might have realized that little detail? Certainly the moderators didn’t mention it (and Edwards should have).
I wish someone would ask why they haven’t introduce bankruptcy reform bill.
Or is Clinton’s ‘country’ coming out? She’s been dropping a lot of “got to’s” and she said, “Countrywaaahde”.
Hillary, I voted for it but was happy it didn’t become law? What was she talking about – I blanked out
bankruptcy bill.
she was sorry she voted for the bill about bankruptcy and interest rates.
I’ve been proven right again. All my friends can bite my big, black ass!
Obama: Opposed bankruptcy bills because they were proposed by the credit card companies.
I told my friends that and they just stared at me dumbly, and said, “Oh, well I don’t know about that.” fuckers.
Obama on a progressive tax structure here we go. Good go after the non-patriotic self-centered aristocracy.
wish I could blog while I watch I miss to much dammit!
best answer for Hillary so far. And she kept her voice under control.
I wish I was a better liveblogger, but honestly from what I’ve heard all their economic policies will help me, especially now that it seems like we’re dropping back to poverty level for the year.
Hillary has been good. If you want a President who is a technocrat, she’s your man.
Hillary grabs the war as an issue.
Nicely played, Ms. Clinton, nicely played.
very good. On the other hand, she handed him the ability to give a long answer about the war.
see – she lost control of the question and had to grab it back.
Good point to bring up the Republican candidate.
Wow…never heard of that legislation before.
I’m looking it up. This is the first I’ve heard of it. It’s another symbolic piece. I mean, that’s still not going to put food on my table and I’m sure Reid will find some way to defeat it.
I find hillary’s a long answer to no where..just de fund the Iraq war.
Boston Legal is on. And Nip/Tuck.
new episode?
yes – both!
But in Oct. I watched all 3 seasons of Lost and I’m now counting down the days.
How’d protecting that Ho Chi Minh City embassy work out?
Edwards is going to do it from Kuwait with non-combat troops.
I have my favorite, but honestly I’d be thrilled with any of them after the past 7 years.
I always like Edwards.
I always think Hillary is very efficient and competent.
I always end up thinking that Obama could best improve our standing in the world.
I found myself wishing we could have a 3 person team, one pres. and 2 vp’s maybe, because I think we need all three of these guys.
I agree
I think this level of detail on this question is a loser and voters tune it out (except Chris Bowers.)
Obama kind of ran out quickly…that’s what he gets for drinking all that water…
Very perceptive lib.
Hillary refuses to drink water or take any food while running her debate software.
lol 🙂
She’s no longer, ‘I’, but ‘Ah’. She sounds like my Cousin Racine.
Quick meeting with her advisers and she made the change.
Now that they don’t have much time to dick around, they’re actually answering the questions and fully, without too many soundbite lines.
Why does she keep saying that? Are black or brown men the only people who abandon their children? Are black or brown kids the only ones to drop out? The only people who care about education? That’s a strange frame to use.