Update [2008-1-15 21:3:46 by BooMan]: NBC calls Michigan for Romney.

This is from National Review Online, so all caveats apply.

And The First Exit Polls in Michigan Say…

I’m surprised no one else has put this up yet. I’m hearing the first round of exit polls have Romney 35, McCain 29, Huckabee 15, Ron Paul 10, Giuliani 4. This doesn’t count absentee ballots.

If this holds, the networks will be able to announce shortly after 9 p.m. eastern time…

Of course, all the standard disclaimers apply, and the later voters may differ from the early rounds, and the polls are still open, so if you’re a Michigander, go out and vote for your favorite.

I’ll be quite pleased with such a result.

Update [2008-1-15 20:39:15 by BooMan]: The official results will be posted here but it may be quicker to check with CNN for updates as the results roll in.

Update [2008-1-15 20:57:55 by BooMan]: With 7% reporting:

Romney 29,961 38%

McCain 24,656 31%
Huckabee 12,608 16%