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- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
some desert frost flowers for the new cafe. Old cafe here.
And to answer your question from the other thread about what’s next in the week of disasters, Andi, I’m thinking maybe I’ll change things up today, and go for a work-related boo-boo. Since my printer died over the weekend, maybe I’ll need to print something out and have to go get a new printer today. That would take up extra time and aggravate me just fine.
Of course, the cold that’s starting to settle in my chest is probably bad enough. Still no voice. :/
and delicate. Please give CBtE my compliments on this wonderful photo.
In case you go buy the printer and want to splurge — we’ve got a color laser printer and we like it so much better than the ink jets.
I was eyeing those the last time I was in the office supply store…we had a canon all-in-one here, but of course, it doesn’t work with macs, and the new laptop has VIsta (because hey, it’s not like we ever need to print from the laptop), so the driver isn’t available yet…that was Sunday’s big fun.
What kind do you have? Does it hog ink/toner/whatever a laser printer uses?
We have an HP 2550N (n is for network) — it has a drum and toner cartridge and so far they last a really long time (but we don’t do a huge amount of color printing).
Are HPs generally good printers? and is it really big? I don’t have a lot of space here.
We’ve had several HPs and they’ve all been very good for both quality and reliability.
Yep, it’s pretty big but we’ve had it for about 3 years so maybe they’ve figured out a way to make them smaller.
I’ll pass your compliments along to CBtE – he should be getting up soon.
Sorry to hear that your cold is still lingering. Try to stay warm.
I spent as much of yesterday as possible on the couch under a blanket. Trying not to move and cause another injury. 😉
Hmmm, sounds like you need a steaming cup of ginger and cayenne pepper tea with lots of honey. Hope you feel better, CG!
You’re up and about early — must have got your coffee going early. 🙂
Cayenne pepper in tea? Sounds icky.
I have to second you on the ickiness of that tea.
It’s surprisingly good….not much different from ginger and it helps break up all of the crap in your throat and sinuses.
I’ll keep it under advisement but I think I’ll have to be pretty desperate. Since I had the polyps removed, I haven’t had any problems with my sinuses but the post-nasal drip still shows up on occasion.
how much honey and how much pepper?
BTW, you and maryb and fabooj were cracking me up last night while the debate was on.
Just a sprinkle to give it some heat, and enough honey to complement some grated fresh ginger. As you can tell, it’s sort of an informal recipe. 🙂
Fabooj cracks me up all the time. And maryb is such a fashion maven….
try hot green tea with a nice shot of limoncello in it….or skip the tea…i mean you are sick and all……….
my girlfriend is in bangkok for her sons wedding…while she is there she is getting her teeth fixed….a few implants for the ones that fell out and a straightening…its costing less than $1000….add the plane fair ($900), the luxury hotel room for 10 days ($3000) and thats less than if she got all the dental work done in america….plus she gets to be in freaking thailand for 10 days.
Hi Anna.
That’s a very good idea your friend had. It still amazes me how expensive dentistry is here in the States. In the last two years I’ve been to four different dentist and have yet to find a good one. I wish there were some type of regulations governing dentist, because I know a lot of people go without dental care because of the cost.
Limoncello it is!
I’ve read about people going overseas to get medical care for much less, but never knew anyone who did it.
I could definitely go for 10 days in a luxury hotel in Thailand right now, though. 🙂
How’s your puppy?
Maybe just some vindaloo, extra hot?
The CBs made me tea with honey last night.
At least I have no appetite.
Today’s the first day of exams. I’ll have a very busy five days ahead of me. Lots of grading and trying to keep up with my class.
Great flowers at the top of the diary, by the way.
My sympathies on the grading. 🙁
Good luck with the exams and grading.
CBtE took the picture up top last year when he was on Outward Bound. Hard to believe that was only a year ago – it seems like much longer.
Good morning CG, Andi, Toni and SN.
CG home remedies for colds are sometimes the best. I think I remember hearing Granny Clampett saying one time that steaming possum intestines on your chest would clear it right up. I think it’s more a psychological factor though. You don’t think too much about a cold with that on your chest. :O
Hope everyone is doing fine this morning.
Steaming possum intestines would clear something up, but it wouldn’t be my cold symptoms, that’s for dang shur! Prolly my lunch…
Well no one ever said home remedies were pretty. 😉
You know, the possum thing might have been for stomach flu instead of head colds.
Is that roadkill or fresh-killed possum? 😉
Ah heck Boran, around here roadkill will do. You can always throw them in the microwave to get them steamy.
Man, I’m even starting to make myself nauseous. 🙂
I think you’ve hit on a new diet trick for me…
Always willing to be of help SN. 🙂
For me I would say it’s more like mid-morning right now. George decided at 1:30 am he wanted to go outside, so he woke me up, and I haven’t been back to sleep since.
It rained all day yesterday and it’s still pretty wet outside, but the temp is only 40F, so it’s not too bad.
We had a snow surprise this morning. There’s was only rain forecast but instead there’s a little over an inch of snow.
I was looking at the radar last night and they had snow in northern Alabama. You would think people would stop being so greedy and share some with us farther south. 🙂
You could hop in the car and drive up and see it before it melts.
Sure Andi. I’ll be right up there…… Maybe in time for breakfast. What are we having this morning? 🙂
but we’d be delighted to have you drop by.
But just in case you don’t make it …
(As you can see, the dogs have already been out looking for your arrival.)
Thinking of all that driving just put me in a most slackerly mood. I think I’ll keep waiting for the snow to come down here one day.
Tell the pack that I’m sorry I couldn’t make it in this morning. 🙂
Ah, they say they’ve all gathered around the stove to mope. (Wonder what the reason is all the other times they try to suck up all the heat it puts out.)
Good morning, FM and Andi!
Second cup almost done. We have rain in the forecast and then a cold spell coming.
I’m on the last cup of the first pot of coffee this morning. Actually I think I’ll cut myself off at one pot today. 🙂
We’ve got a cold spell coming in this w/e, but it’s only for a couple of days. Nothing really spectacular.
Well done if you can nap after a pot of (caffeinated) coffee.
Yep that’s no problem. Just makes dreaming a lot more vivid. However, if I drink any coffee after 2:00 pm, I’d never get to sleep that night. I’ve never understood how I can nap after coffee, but if I drink it after 2:00 pm I can’t go to sleep that night.
We’ve got that same cold spell heading here over the weekend — low of -4 on Saturday. Yuck.
That is cold. Mid/low teens will be our low and I’ll enjoy my new fan heater.
This is what’s called an Alberta Clipper. Fortunately, this one is very fast moving and Sunday night the low is going to be all the way up to 7.
An Alberta clipper, also known as a Canadian Clipper.
I see Olivia is trying to get rid of some of her weather.
We’re supposed to get the bitter cold Saturday night too-but a tropical 16 degree version.
We’re supposed to get it on Sunday.
I was looking for the record lows down here, but couldn’t find it. I’d say though that it has been a decade or more since we’ve gotten into the minuses.
I’ve got a little box fan heater, and from time to time it comes in very handy. Hope you enjoy yours.
Why is everyone up so early this morning? I feel like I’m late to the party.
Good morning everyone!
You are late to the party. 🙂
How are you feeling this morning? Getting any relief from that cold yet?
Hi FM. I’m still congested, and some of it’s in my chest now. I feel okay during the day once I’ve been up awhile, but I think it’s time for me to call the doctor before it gets worse – especially with the weekend coming.
Yep I think it’s time for you to call the doctor too. Once it gets into your chest that the exact time to call the doctor.
So I take it you haven’t tried any of the home remedies from yesterday? Probably a wise thing to do. 🙂
I’ve been doing the tea with honey thing, and like I said, I don’t feel so bad during the day, but it gets worse around dinnertime and into the evening. Ick.
You take it easy at work today, and I hope you get to feeling better.
Thanks. You have a good day too, FM.
Take good care of yourself, CG.
We’re all here at the regular time. You’re up early.
And the week’s definitely on the downhill slide.
Today is CBtY’s last day of the week school-wise, and no school Monday. I feel like singing that song about ‘How can I miss you when you won’t go away?’
I still think you’re all up earlier than usual.
Lucky CBtY. Unlucky us who don’t get the days off.
And I need to get my day on.
See ya later.
I’m off to work too.
Nice picture. Is it rain or ice?
We got snow/sleet/rain yesterday and last night. I’m wondering if CBtE has a bus to school this morning. (CBtY is off for the holiday).
Sort of both — it rained and then turned to snow so the raindrop started to freez
We’ve had snow, rain, and now very cold again and all the snow that melted is now ice.
Andi, that’s amazing! You got a picture of the path my life has taken….:)
Good morning, er, everyone?
Are you suggesting that we may be too small a group for the term everyone to apply? 😉
How are you this morning?
I’m just wondering where “everyone” is! Maybe it’s too cold up there for chatting?
How is your cold?
I was wondering if everyone was sleeping in.
My cold is in this weird limbo. I feel okay for most of the day, and feel lousy in the evening. I sleep okay, but wake up unbelievably congested, and then it drains after I’ve been up for an hour. And I have an annoying cough – after last year’s whooping cough adventure, I think I should be excused from coughing for the rest of my life, don’t you?
So, is it a warm sunny day for you? Its clearing up here and supposed to hit 48 degrees today.
I hope your cold gets better soon. Are you running a humidifier?
Actually, it’s yucky and cold and dreary and we might get, GASP, “a wintry mix” tomorrow which is never a good thing this far south.
I’m running the humidifier, but really need to move it to a more central location.
Oh n, a wintry mix….something for the weather people on the local news to get excited about and a way to drive up grocery store business! Although I’m guessing that might be a welcome change from missing pregnant marines by now?
Well, dead pregnant Marine. That whole thing pisses me off so much I can’t even think about it without sweating.
The CYA press conference put on by the military just made me sick, how they were trying to make sure everyone knew that everything had been hunky dory and they weren’t to be held responsible for not taking steps to protect the victim…and what about that stepmother, claiming that the young woman was a known liar while she was still missing?
I wanted to smack the stepmother. How could she sabotage the integrity of that young girl at a time when neither the military nor the local (buffoon)sheriff’s dept was taking her seriously anyway? It must have been so comforting for that girl to know how solidly her family stood behind her.
I saw something last night that made me think the stepmother is still busy maligning her to the police and press, despite the fact that the guy did indeed kill her.
And what goes on in these people’s minds? Was the guy who killed her thinking “OMG, people are going to know I raped her and I’ll have to pay child support, so maybe I should just kill her instead?” And why the hell wasn’t he reassigned to another base?
Just more evidence that the military higher-ups don’t think there’s anything unusual or serious about women being raped in the military.
sneaking in from work …
Tiny twists that are slick in spots?
… sneaking back to work
Only you could make my life sound like a product description from the Adam and Eve website.
She has a talent for that, doesn’t she?
It’s a slushfest here but at least there was no school delay. Another sleep-deprived night, the boran2 boy was talking in his sleep. Feelin’ better CG?
I’m sorry b2b isn’t sleeping well. Is he stressed about school or something?
I’m hoping that today is the day my cold turns the corner – thanks for asking.
Morning Everyone.
I overslept this morning and waiting on coffee now.
They’re predicting snow even down here for Sat. morning. I don’t believe it. I need coffee!
See ya later.
Yay! Snow for Family Man! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for ya.
Too bad it’s going to be cold to do anything. We’re at today’s high of 18 and going down to -3, windchill of -12.
FM, did you get snow?
Morning Andi.
Nope nothing yet. I watching the weather right now and they’re saying it coming though. It’s almost dawn here and the guy keeps saying we’re going to get 2-4 inches of snow. Yeah sure. 🙂
Well drat. I was really hoping George had had the shock of his life when he went out to pee this morning.
This has happened a couple of times before when they predicted snow. I don’t get too excited about it anymore. FMom is like a little kid about it though. I don’t think she has been to sleep all night waiting on it.
Yep I’m sure George would get a shock. Although when he was younger, we lived north of here and he did see snow a couple of times. I wonder if he remembers how to write his name in the snow. 🙂
Have you checked the radar to see if any if heading your way?
Yep I just looked at it, and it looks like we’ve got some coming. I’m still in the I’ll believe it when I see it category.
Good morning, Andi and FM!
I guess the cold blast will hit us a day later, we have 32, sun – and will get to high 30s. Tomorrow will be a different story.
Morning Ask.
The FSM is playing jokes on me again by promising snow. We’re at 34 with wind chill of 28. Our high today is supposed to be 37.
Perfect weather for snow. I’m crossing my fingers for ya.
Hope you get enough to build a snow man.
I don’t think there will be enough for that ask. Plus building a snowman is too labor intensive. 🙂
You’re right about that. But a snow possum is much easier to build. 😉
Morning SN.
Nope instead of a snow possum, it would have to be a snow George. He’s easier to grab hold of. 🙂
It’s starting to stick to the ground and on the roofs of houses. We’re in a narrow band of snow, where north and south of us they aren’t getting any. I do think one TV channel in B’ham has been on all night with the weather people talking about the snow. This morning they keep showing weather people around B’ham, but no snow. Sort of like they don’t know what to talk about without the snow. 🙂
OMG, they do that here whenever snow is predicted. They have live “eyewitness” reporters out in parking lots and overpasses all over the Triangle…..and then they’ll show a single snowflake that landed on the reporter’s mitten or a little pile of it on the windshield of a parked car. It’s big stuff around here. My son is a cashier at a grocery store and yesterday a lady came through with 7 bottles of wine and said she was stocking up for the snowstorm. Now that would be a fun house to get stuck in…
Same thing here. Snow is such a rare event here that the news is always going on about the precautions to take. You know you’ve got to be stocked up on things, especially wine/beer/alcohol. 🙂
Well enjoy it while you’ve got it. I’m about to go run some errands while it’s still a relatively balmy 17.
See ya later — providing I don’t freeze first.
Yuck. We’re supposed to have that type of weather for tomorrow, and I’m not looking forward to it. Do you still have snow too? Most of ours is melted.
Nothing big, but I can see snow falling outside my window. The ground is still wet and nothing is sticking.
Yay! I’m so glad it’s you and not me!
I’m glad it’s me too! This might not happen for another 10-15 years. 🙂
Get your camera out!!!
The one thing I forgot last night is batteries. I’m going to have to scrounge around the house to see what batteries I can pull from something so I can get pictures.
The snow is sticking and I’d say we’ve gotten about 1/2-1 inch now. I just took George out and he loves it. 🙂
I only sing that song if I know we’re getting enough to close school. Otherwise, forget it!
Morning Toni.
Down here if snow is predicted within 100 miles, then everything closes. I’m looking at the ticker at the bottom of the news now, and it’s just continually running on all the schools and everything else closed for the day. 🙂
So, schools are already closing for Monday?
Nope there are some schools that always have events planned on the w/e. Some high schools and a lot of the colleges. I just talked to my brother up in Birmingham and he says they haven’t gotten anything, but it has been snow here since 6:30 this morning and it’s still coming down fairly hard.
Now if I could just find some damned batteries for my camera!
Run up to the nearest 7-11. They’ll have some!
Hah! You forget it’s snowing here and one flake, much less the inch on the ground is enough to make everyone stay home. Plus I’ve driven in snow many times, but do you think I want to go on the road with people who never have? 🙂
I just thought – what the heck. I’ll run up and see if anything is open. I’d hate to miss getting pictures of this.
Back later – hopefully. 🙂
It’s still snowing here and it’s coming down pretty good at the moment. Here’s a picture out by the pond.
Right click for larger.
And on the trees.

Right click for larger
I couldn’t believe it when I went downtown for batteries. All the stores are open, but the grocery store was packed.
Ooh, that looks so pretty, FM! I’m glad you and FMom and George all got to experience snow.
It’s still coming down now. The news is saying for about another two hours. It kind of amazing how there is just this thin band of snow going through the state and we’re in the middle of it. I’m beginning to believe the FSM does listen to prayers. I will boil a pot of pasta in its honor today. 🙂
Morning SN. I’m guessing you’re not the least bit jealous of that snow.
You are correct, although the same thing is forecast for this afternoon here. I have a certain Cajun friend who has only seen snow once in his life and he’s dying for it to start. I told him it was snowing in Alabama and now he’s thinking he’s going to have to do a naked snow-dance in his backyard for it to start here.
Hey SN, tell him it worked for me. 🙂
I know. George sent me the pictures. 😉
No I sent you the pictures of George dancing naked in the yard. They say that people that have dogs sometimes favor them. Go figure. 😛
I should have known that wasn’t you. The willie warmer wasn’t nearly as large as I thought it would be.
George says if I hadn’t had him fixed, then you would be going wow! 🙂
What a great thing to greet me as I just got back from errands (and boy is it cold here).
Hi Andi.
Yep I’m still amazed by it. we’re at 31 right now, but it’s supposed to get down to 18 tonight. Of course all the snow here will be gone by Monday, but it’s still nice.
Well no matter how much you get, I think you should go out there and build a snowman and take a picture of it.
Andi you forget who you’re talking to. Me put that much effort into something? Hah!
When I drove into town, I did see one house already had a snowman made though. I might do like I did at the last place I lived and drive around and take pictures of snowmen or snowwomen. 🙂
But this is a very special occasion — all normal slacker rules do not apply.
I beg to differ. Now is the perfect time to slack. I would hate to have someone say, “The old fool tried to build a snowman and fell over from a heart attack.” Nope, I’ll do what I always do when it snows. Sit in a warm house and admire it. 🙂
My next door neighbor had a heart attack and died after shoveling snow when the kids were little. It was a scary experience with the ambulance and all of his family running around screaming. I don’t think anyone over 50 ought to shovel, especially if you’re not used to it.
I don’t think anyone over 50 should have to anything concerning a yard or sidewalks. Breathing, eating and the other necessities are all that should be required of someone over 50. 🙂
You could be like Homer Simpson and get yourself hooked up to a ventilator so you don’t have to use your lungs like a loser.
That Homer always was a smart guy.
You got quite a bit of it too … 🙂
Hi Olivia.
You finally listened to me and sent some. 🙂