The Las Vegas Review-Journal’s endorsement of Barack Obama is unintentionally hilarious. The best line?
Suffice it to say there are dozens of issues that Americans happily dismissed as “water under the bridge” as the Clinton era came to a close, but which would quickly ensnare Sen. Clinton and her party in a presidential race that would soon look like a struggle to escape the La Brea tar pits.
Indeed. The rest of the endorsement is considerably less witty and hardly amounts to an endorsement of anyone. Will it make a difference? Who knows. It certainly won’t make anyone enthusiastic about voting.
The phrase “damning with faint praise” comes to mind…
Just curious, anyone know whether the editorial page of this paper leans to the right?
Sounds like way more than a lean. Pure Goldwater.
Yes. Las Vegas Sun is more to my liking.
Los Angeles Times (H/T: The Daily Dish)
Obama gets major labor endorsement
“The head of the politically powerful Los Angeles County Federation of Labor said Tuesday that she is endorsing Barack Obama for president.
The endorsement by Maria Elena Durazo is a coup for Obama that could help the Illinois senator in his uphill struggle against Hillary Rodham Clinton to win substantial support among Latino voters in Southern California. Obama has won the backing of other Los Angeles-area Latino leaders, but this is probably his biggest such endorsement yet, given the broad reach of the county labor federation.”
Just in case you missed this hilarity
via Huffpost
Bill, you could fool me.
He can feel your change?
fool me once shame on you; fool me twice…um…wait a minute, that’s your pal 41‘s sons’ line.
also in the USAToday article, these lines
Guess Bill didn’t get Hillary’s memo. He’s still playing race and gender cards. But insurgents being for Hillary? Wow! must be the WoT fatigue.
Guy’s losing it.
he lost it a long time ago in my estimation.
they’re running a 20th century RATpub campaign in a 21st century environment.
l can only hope that it goes down in flames and we can be rid of them once and for all.
an interesting aside from the mi. d primary results: note the correlation between the d vote by gender and the clinton vote %…
click image to enlarge
l’m no statistician and l haven’t gone back and reviewed the final results, but that’s a very interesting alignment, imo.
Dada, Thanks for the info.
Why is the media reporting she won the MI primary- as 15% over uncommitted? Silly.
some take-aways are the Independents were against HRC.
and this By Tom Edsall
Michaigan Results reveal Some Dangerous Trends for Clinton
Karl Rove is smiling.
Check out the vote by race. Clinton only got 30% of the black vote in Michigan. 68% voted for uncommitted. Most of my family in Detroit either voted uncommitted or voted for a Republican just to undermine the GOP primary.
The media is barely talking about it at all. To be sure, there are posts, but they’re little more than blurbs. But no one is asking how it will effect the NV caucus on Sat. or the upcoming SC primaries. I have family in MI, SC and NV. You think we don’t talk to each other about stuff like this? Family in MI were talking to NV people about what Clinton or Obama had done in NV. <i?Everyone’s</i> telling the SC folk to pretend Clinton isn’t on the ballot. Though my entire family maybe a bit more political than most families, our sheer spread around this country isn’t all that different from most black families. That’s something few campaigns really consider.
yup…when 70% of black voters, in a “throw-away election”, choose uncommitted over hillary, there’s some big problems when it comes to message and electability:
it would not surprise me to see her finish 3rd in nevada. watch the wheels come off if that happens.
There’s something really degrading about a former president hitting the campaign trail for a family member. It just grates.
Blow-back from the Monica thing – he has no choice. Besides, campaigning is his natural environment – he loves saying, “Vote for Clinton!” He’s been doing it all his life, shamelessly.
And choked on my coffee. Talk about rewriting history. How do yo tout “35 years of experience” in online and then call someone you deem a newbie “establishment”. Is that even possible?
Experience is not one of Hillary Clinton’s assets
Hillary’s “Experience” Lie
If that’s her selling point, put me down for Obama.
By Timothy Noah (H/T: Sullivan)
Just before the NH primary, Hillary was on ABC Nightline claiming to have been the prime mover behind the Northern Ireland peace accords. This assertion was not questioned. I’m still waiting for her foreign policy creds to come under the scrutiny they deserve; I wonder if they ever will.
Most major newspapers are owned by large corporations and have their own agendas. Why should we pay any attention to what they have to say? They’re not concerned about what is in the best interests of ordinary working Americans.