Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
“Time was, a man could go out in the woods, harvest a good mess of squirrels, cook ’em up without a worry. But now, some of our Kentucky neighbors-the ones who eat squirrel brains, have come down with mad squirrel disease…”
In order to have a second choice I’d need a first, and I’m still waiting to see who goes crazy how. I think I could live with any of the candidates, but so far Edwards is the only one who seems to have a significant number of sane people among his followers.
As to your second question… In my world the political discussions stop immediately the guns come out and the only question left is who can get on target and fire first, so you don’t want to waste time talking candidates as you probably won’t live long enough to finish, but I’m thinking Paul. Not because he’s any less repugnant than the others, but because he might be a tiny bit slower to close the exit gates at the borders… and I’ll be leaving directly (if I’m still here.)
Or there’s option 3, pack up and go, which is climbing the charts like a rocket on overdrive. I’m only resident here NOW because of family issues, and there’s a better than good chance those will resolve themselves, one way or another, within the next year.
I think I could live with any of the candidates, but so far Edwards is the only one who seems to have a significant number of sane people among his followers.
That’s funny, because I was chatting with some Clinton and Obama supporters and we all agreed that online, Edwards supporters are just as nuts as Ron Paul supporters. IRL, I’d have to say that Clinton supporters scare me. I went to a Clinton meetup last week and it was like…I don’t know…the idea of thinking was not encouraged. It was, “This is how it is. We haven’t been told to tell you to think.”
I’m going to see John Edwards tomorrow and to another Clinton meetup this weekend, in a different part of town which will be right after an Obama meetup on the same block. So, we’ll see.
The Clinton table people across SoCal have got to come up with better responses than, “It’s time to have a female president!” The Edwards table people are usually on point, except there’s always that one middle-aged lady who seems to like Edwards because “he’s dreamy”. The Obama table people seem to know the Senator’s stances and policies better than he does and they actually leave the table and interact with everyone.
On the GOP side, you know that big tent party? A black or Latino person can’t even get near the table. I tried to get near a McCain table and was blocked by some guy who looked like he thought he was a warrior after he logged 5 hours on Half-Life. Before I got within 5 feet of the table, he yelled at me, “What do you want?” and refused to give me any of the papers or flyers they had on the table. The Romney people are the same, but no yelling. One lady said to me, “Sorry, but we only have so many of these things and we want to make sure someone voting for the Governor will take them.” I asked her how will I know if I want to vote for him if she won’t give me info or answer my questions. She shook her head and ignored me.
Yeah, but how old are the women who will tell you that Obama is hot? I have been hearing college-aged women say that since he spoke at the Democratic Convention in 2004.
In my world, I hear more guys talking about Obama’s hotness than women. I’m sure there are women hot there who think he’s hot, it’s just that the few straight women I’ve met who support him haven’t mentioned his looks.
Not just Edwards online supporters – they all have supporters who are nuts online. And they all have supporters who are perfectly fine until they start blogging for their candidate or against another candidate and then … I don’t know, aliens take over their bodies.
I made a conscious decision in August that I was not going to judge a candidate by his or her online supporters. By September I had to completely stop reading candidate diaries at dKos in order to keep that promise to myself. Then I had to stop reading comments to almost anything at dKos. I’m truly at a loss as to what they hope to accomplish.
And now that the race is heating up they seem to have spread out to other sites.
fwiw, I’ve met lots of R/L supporters of all the candidates who are very normal.
First Choice for President: Kucinich
Second Choice for President: Barak Obama
First Choice for Democratic Nomination: Kucinich
Second Choice for Democratic Nomination: Hillary Clinton*
Gun to Head Choice for Repuglican Nominee: John McCain
While I would prefer Obama as my backup choice for Democratic nominee over Hillary, I don’t believe he has a snowball’s chance in hell if matched up against McCain. Just think about it for a second.
My husband asked me your bonus question the other day, phrased the exact same way!
After about 4 hours of me explaining why each of those nutjobs suck hairy balls, I figured my life is precious to me and that I’d vote for Romney as he’d probably just be ineffective as a president, trying to please everyone therefore canceling out previous actions. Bonus is that there’s no way we’d head into WW3.
My second choice…As I mentioned before, Obama was an extremely distant second. On paper, I see no difference between him and Clinton. So if for some reason he’s out. I’d go with Kucinich. Though if Obama is out, then Kucinich would definitely be out. If Edwards or Clinton are on my ballot in Nov. I’d skip that vote and just vote down ticket.
I’ll be voting for my third choice, anyway.
On the rethug side, I’ll pick Grampa Fred over the bullet, on the theory that he’ll be too lazy to do too much damage.
No, I would duck, kick out your knees, take the gun away from you, maybe gouge out your eye if you were struggling too much, and as I am standing over you with your gun I would ask you if you were crazy, since there is no way a rebuglican is going to win the white house this time. Then I would break your gun, remove the bullets, hand it back to you and say Ted Nugent.
And actually, no. Better to live and fight another day, But damn, I would consider telling you to pull the trigger for a few seconds at least.
Sorry about this, but the Huckabee squirrel boiled in the popcorn popper is too much.
A quick Google of squirrel diseases led me to this article
“Time was, a man could go out in the woods, harvest a good mess of squirrels, cook ’em up without a worry. But now, some of our Kentucky neighbors-the ones who eat squirrel brains, have come down with mad squirrel disease…”
Explains alot.
While I know that folks sometimes have to make do (Rabbit, frog, alligator, possum, etc.) but sometimes, silence is golden. TMI!!!
I’ve been looking at my sitemeter wondering why I’m getting all these ‘squirrel’ search hits.
second choice for president
we coulda been choosing between a black man, a white woman, a southern gentleman, and a divorced jew.
now that would have been fun.
as for your second question….id grab your gun and aim it at you and ask “ven do vee return to translyvania, huh?”
That sounds like a bad joke. Oh wait…our election system is a bad joke.
I think Patrick Fitzgerald is a Republican. Can I vote for him?
Obama is my #2 choice of those running.
Gun to my head, ill take Fred. Dunk Dunk.
If I had to pick an R, it would be Ron Paul. It would make a lot of heads explode … fun!
There is no second choice.
Romney, without question. I just cannot stand him. But Gouliani is a close second.
Reading is Fundamental!
Yeah, I would tell you to just shoot. But Romney would have to go first.
In order to have a second choice I’d need a first, and I’m still waiting to see who goes crazy how. I think I could live with any of the candidates, but so far Edwards is the only one who seems to have a significant number of sane people among his followers.
As to your second question… In my world the political discussions stop immediately the guns come out and the only question left is who can get on target and fire first, so you don’t want to waste time talking candidates as you probably won’t live long enough to finish, but I’m thinking Paul. Not because he’s any less repugnant than the others, but because he might be a tiny bit slower to close the exit gates at the borders… and I’ll be leaving directly (if I’m still here.)
But the bulk of the population is not sane, so you have only the choice of the most insane or less insane. 😉
Or there’s option 3, pack up and go, which is climbing the charts like a rocket on overdrive. I’m only resident here NOW because of family issues, and there’s a better than good chance those will resolve themselves, one way or another, within the next year.
That’s funny, because I was chatting with some Clinton and Obama supporters and we all agreed that online, Edwards supporters are just as nuts as Ron Paul supporters. IRL, I’d have to say that Clinton supporters scare me. I went to a Clinton meetup last week and it was like…I don’t know…the idea of thinking was not encouraged. It was, “This is how it is. We haven’t been told to tell you to think.”
I’m going to see John Edwards tomorrow and to another Clinton meetup this weekend, in a different part of town which will be right after an Obama meetup on the same block. So, we’ll see.
The Clinton table people across SoCal have got to come up with better responses than, “It’s time to have a female president!” The Edwards table people are usually on point, except there’s always that one middle-aged lady who seems to like Edwards because “he’s dreamy”. The Obama table people seem to know the Senator’s stances and policies better than he does and they actually leave the table and interact with everyone.
On the GOP side, you know that big tent party? A black or Latino person can’t even get near the table. I tried to get near a McCain table and was blocked by some guy who looked like he thought he was a warrior after he logged 5 hours on Half-Life. Before I got within 5 feet of the table, he yelled at me, “What do you want?” and refused to give me any of the papers or flyers they had on the table. The Romney people are the same, but no yelling. One lady said to me, “Sorry, but we only have so many of these things and we want to make sure someone voting for the Governor will take them.” I asked her how will I know if I want to vote for him if she won’t give me info or answer my questions. She shook her head and ignored me.
Yeah, but how old are the women who will tell you that Obama is hot? I have been hearing college-aged women say that since he spoke at the Democratic Convention in 2004.
In my world, I hear more guys talking about Obama’s hotness than women. I’m sure there are women hot there who think he’s hot, it’s just that the few straight women I’ve met who support him haven’t mentioned his looks.
Not just Edwards online supporters – they all have supporters who are nuts online. And they all have supporters who are perfectly fine until they start blogging for their candidate or against another candidate and then … I don’t know, aliens take over their bodies.
I made a conscious decision in August that I was not going to judge a candidate by his or her online supporters. By September I had to completely stop reading candidate diaries at dKos in order to keep that promise to myself. Then I had to stop reading comments to almost anything at dKos. I’m truly at a loss as to what they hope to accomplish.
And now that the race is heating up they seem to have spread out to other sites.
fwiw, I’ve met lots of R/L supporters of all the candidates who are very normal.
If I HAD to vote Republican, I’d pick Ron Paul. His desire to reform our money system is the reason.
assuming you mean from the current slate of candidates,
RATpub: no fucking way! like stormkite, you’ll have to use your passport to find me.
Shoot! Or name one R who admits a belief in evolution.
Yeah, Boxer would be nice.
Limited to hats in the ring:
First Choice for President: Kucinich
Second Choice for President: Barak Obama
First Choice for Democratic Nomination: Kucinich
Second Choice for Democratic Nomination: Hillary Clinton*
Gun to Head Choice for Repuglican Nominee: John McCain
While I would prefer Obama as my backup choice for Democratic nominee over Hillary, I don’t believe he has a snowball’s chance in hell if matched up against McCain. Just think about it for a second.
My husband asked me your bonus question the other day, phrased the exact same way!
After about 4 hours of me explaining why each of those nutjobs suck hairy balls, I figured my life is precious to me and that I’d vote for Romney as he’d probably just be ineffective as a president, trying to please everyone therefore canceling out previous actions. Bonus is that there’s no way we’d head into WW3.
My second choice…As I mentioned before, Obama was an extremely distant second. On paper, I see no difference between him and Clinton. So if for some reason he’s out. I’d go with Kucinich. Though if Obama is out, then Kucinich would definitely be out. If Edwards or Clinton are on my ballot in Nov. I’d skip that vote and just vote down ticket.
#1, dreamland version: Kucinich first, Edwards second.
#1, realityland version: Edwards 1st, Obama 2nd.
#2, Ron Paul.
Edwards is my #2. Kucinich is my first pick.
I can’t decide. Just shoot me.
This is a head scratcher. Hillary, no way in hell.
Edwards, I would only puke a little.
So I will have to say, Kucinich.
Republicans. Huckabee Probably because he cracks me up sometimes.
was stopped…anyone hear anything different?
paypal/romney screws the pup
haven’t seen anything else anywhere.
I surely hope it’s not true!
my 1st and 2nd choices were interchangeable.
First: Obama
Second: Edwards
Gun to head for Republican?
Ron Paul, at least we’d be out of this Iraq mess and could see about ending the “war” on drugs.
Of course he’s still a Libertarian wacko and we’d be screwed, but better to live on and fight another day.
(please be kind)
Clinton, but only if you have the gun out already.
Rethug? Can I have a head start toward Europe? I’ll swim if I have to.
I’ll be voting for my third choice, anyway.
On the rethug side, I’ll pick Grampa Fred over the bullet, on the theory that he’ll be too lazy to do too much damage.