As usual the MSM talking heads refuse to address the issues that were discussed this evening while instead talking about personalities ad nausem like this was a hollywood gossip programmer. Here is why Edwards shined this evening: his answer on his wrong vote on the never passed 2002 Bankruptcy bill and his clarifing position on Iraq.
First, his vote on that 2002 Bankruptcy bill. Let me get this out of way by saying Edwards did miss an opportunity to explain why this bill failed in committee. He voted for the bill initially because of the raise in minimum wage provision which is also the reason it died. The GOP just would not have anything to do with a raise in the minimum wage.
Hillary acted confused or forgetful on why it failed and tried to explain her mea culpa as well. But Edwards did did tie the bankruptcies in this country with catastrophic medical illnesses.
As usual the MSM talking heads refuse to address the issues that were discussed this evening while instead talking about personalities ad nausem like this was a hollywood gossip programmer. Here is why Edwards shined this evening: his answer on his wrong vote on the never passed 2002 Bankruptcy bill and his clarifing position on Iraq.
First, his vote on that 2002 Bankruptcy bill. Let me get this out of way by saying Edwards did miss an opportunity to explain why this bill failed in committee. He voted for the bill initially because of the raise in minimum wage provision which is also the reason it died. The GOP just would not have anything to do with a raise in the minimum wage. Hillary acted confused or forgetful on why it failed and tried to explain her mea culpa as well. But Edwards did did tie the bankruptcies in this country with catastrophic medical illnesses.
Studies have continually shown that catastrophic medical illnesses are the core of bankruptcies that are filled. The 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act, which was called the “Bankruptcy Abuse Bill” by the right was passed even though studies showed it had nothing to do with abuse and every thing to do a majority of them due to medical catastrophy.
Edwards consistently ties these two together and then treats them as separate problems that heve everything to do with one another. He shows how it consistently exposes the broken health care system in this country. The talking head may not be talking about it but the average American was reading Edwards all the way this evening.
Then there was Iraq. Both Clinton and Obama have repeated positions linking combat troops being left in Iraq as a residual force to handle border issues and to prevent a regrouping Al Queada(sp?). Edwards, as he has continously done so, talked about combat troops being on the ground in Iraq, no matter in what capacity, and the problems they pose for pragmatic and effective policy formulation in the Middle East. Obama and Clinton have never mentioned the serious policy implication for the rest of the Middle East the combat troops pose in thier capacity as occupiers. The general population at large throughout the Middle East clearly sees the connection as a threat to their cultural and religious sovereignty and is reminded on a daily basis that Iraq is a country that is occupied by a western foreign force. This doesn’t even touch on the internal issues where major segments of the population sees us as an invading occupying force posing a threat to their cultural dominance.
Not one co the talking heads discussed this. But you can bet the average American voter heard Edwards loud and clear with nodding heads.
Edwards will always win, if people will listen, and not just hear ; )
unless of course their just greedy…then….
Edwards 08
He may have won the debate. Now I want him to win a primary!.