1. Barack Obama was a good progressive when he was an organizer and state legislator in Illinois and has a good telecom policy.
2. John Edwards has done a tremendous amount of work to highlight inequality and corporate power in our society and has a good agricultural policy.
3. Hillary Clinton has worked for many years on the good side of a spectrum of human rights issues and has a decent energy plan.
Now your turn. Can you come up with something genuinely nice to say on issues that matter to you, not a backhanded compliment, about each of our Democratic frontrunners? I know you can.
I really can’t say anything sincere that is positive about Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Sure, I can find things in her past to compliment, and I can find elements of her policy positions with which I agree, but I see both of those things is almost wholly irrelevant to my decision making process.
What I see is an effort to turn Obama into a black-identity politician and an effort to disenfranchise culinary workers and an effort to benefit unfairly by not taking her name off the Michigan ballot and an a lot petulance from both the candidate and her husband, and a posse of surrogates that are trying to bring out the worst in the electorate with all their might.
I am so far beyond disgusted that, as I said, if she is the nominee I will not sully myself by endorsing her. 1992 was the last time a Clinton would get my vote.
wuss. this isn’t an endorsement. natasha isn’t asking you to say hillary is your gal. she’s just seeing if everyone can find something good in every candidate.
at the very least you can always fall back on the “first woman president” thing. even if you don’t like clinton overall, wouldn’t you admit that it would be nice to break that particular glass ceiling?
Breaking that glass ceiling is great, but as my wife asks, why does it have to be HER?
I’ve said that countless times.
Edwards is a working person’s hero
Clinton is smart connected and compassionate
Obama is the most inspiring leader to come along in two generations
(1) barak obama has the best iran policy (engage them directly)
(2) john edwards has the best iraq policy (everyone out, as soon as possible)
(3) hillary clinton would be likely to make really stellar judicial appointments.
not without resorting to hollow platitudes and inane drivel.
l’ll pass.
really? you can’t come up with anything that isn’t a platatude and/or drivel?
i mean, i can even do it for george bush:
-i like the fact that his administration enacted the federal do not call list.
that’s about all i approve of, but if i could come up with something good from him there’s no excuse for you not being able to come up with something for john/barak/hillary.
thank you for making my point.
how did i make your point? was my W line platatude or drivel? i was referring to a specific decision his administration made.
Three things, huh.
I’ll go with “None of them are Rudy Giuliani”.
Seriously, we’re well past the “nice things” stage. Fuck that.
We’re well into the “What the hell are you going to do to correct the gross injustices and abuses of power the man in office now has committed with your implied if not tacit consent?”
When one of these guys starts pushing a platform that seriously curtails the “plenary executive” let me know.
Hillary Clinton seems like a nice woman.
Barack Obama has an engaging smile.
John Edwards is completely qualified for the Presidency of the United States.
Natasha, thanks for trying to bring some positive energy to the pond.
I can’t wait for the primaries to be over.
Oops, I guess not…
I’ll bite:
Hillary Clinton is extremely knowledgeable about policy details. If she becomes president, she will actually think about the consequences of her administration’s policies (unlike the current occupant).
John Edwards’ has directed some much-needed attention towards the problems of inequality and poverty in America, problems that most politicians have preferred to ignore.
Barack Obama is one of the most inspiring politicians in a generation, and as such has the potential to unite democrats and independents behind a progressive agenda.
Edwards has a spouse who is a woman of great personal courage
Hillary has a spouse that may be the most effective politician in America
Obama has a spouse who is also an inspirational person.
Come to think of it, all three have spouses who would have something important to contribute…
Okay, all three dress very well. That’s all I’ve got.
Okay. Lets see. While all of them have acceptable policy proposals…
Barack Obama is easily the most inspirational political leader of my lifetime. He is willing to listen and consider all points of view, even those he flatly disagrees with, which is a refreshing change from the last 10 years or so.
John Edwards genuinely cares about average citizens who are so often forgotten about by many other politicians. He seems determined to change trade policies and force changes upon our corporate overlords.
Hillary Clinton will work really really hard at running the entire government all by herself. It’s hard work!! It’s really personal to her, you know.
By the way, with all the controversy over Barack Obama’s interview with the Editorial Board of The Reno Gazette Journal where he dared discuss political history and mention past presidents like Kennedy and – gasp – Reagan… He won their endorsement. And they were particularly impressed with that part of the interview because they actually watched the whole thing.
from their endorsement:
Honestly? I can’t. I can’t.
oh wait, yes I can.
John Edwards would not try to fit the US Constitution to the Bible, like Mike Huckabee.
Unlike Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton is pro-choice.
Unlike John McCain, Barack Obama won’t keep our troops there for one hundred years or more.
Furthermore, all opf the Democratic candidates believe in evolution, but I’m not sure they’re due any credit for grasping that obvious fact.
Hey folks, go along here – we may have to have a health helping of crow to go if the one we’re insulting ends up being the nominee and we have to support him/her….
In that spirit:
Obama’s health plan is a good start and probably has the best chance of actually making it through Congress.
Edwards is spot on with his ‘Two Americas’ (or whatever he’s calling it now) – we have to recognize that fact before we can start moving towards one America.
Hillary – “If George Bush doesn’t end the war before he leaves office, I will.”
…and I can wholehearted support, work to elect and vote for every one of them if they win the nomination.
And I am also seeing that I have this sudden aversion to the letter “y”….
No, I won’t be eating crow – I’ll go with Plan B if it’s available, otherwise, like others, I’ll just sit it out.
Put simply … NO, I can’t.