I’m not much impressed by endorsements, typically, but there are few people I DO listen to, because I feel so in line with their own actions and words.
Senator Patrick Leahy is one of them. He’s been a real progressive champion of the people, not just in his home state of Vermont, but nationally.
So I read with great joy today that he is endorsing Barack Obama!
Over at the Swamp, Christi Parsons quotes Leahy, and comments:
“I believe many around the world have lost respect for America,” Leahy said. “We can restore that respect, but we need a president who can reintroduce America to the world.”
Drawing a not-so-subtle parallel to contestants in the 1960 Democratic primary, Leahy said that, as a college student, he supported John F. Kennedy over Lyndon Johnson.
“Nobody doubted the great experience of Lyndon Johnson,” he said. “But I never questioned my commitment.”
LAS VEGAS (Reuters) – A federal judge on allowed Nevada Democrats to hold presidential voting in casino hotels on the Las Vegas Strip, potentially helping Sen. Barack Obama in the next round of the campaign on Saturday.
For the first time, Nevada Democrats planned to set up nine locations for Saturday’s vote so casino shift workers, who are largely represented by a union that endorsed Obama, could attend caucuses and vote for a presidential candidate.
A large turnout of casino workers could boost Obama, of Illinois, in his tight race against New York Sen. Hillary Clinton because he is backed by the Culinary Union, which represents 60,000 hotel service workers.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thanks. Had to LOL at this, from a Reuters report, of all things:
I hope they go to the caucus en massee, and not to a nearby Catholic church! 😉
I meant masse! I swear that had one e when I saw it last! 😉
Endorsement Update Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) endorses Obama.
a great Latino endorsement. go read.