I’m not much impressed by endorsements, typically, but there are few people I DO listen to, because I feel so in line with their own actions and words.

Senator Patrick Leahy is one of them. He’s been a real progressive champion of the people, not just in his home state of Vermont, but nationally.

So I read with great joy today that he is endorsing Barack Obama!

Over at the Swamp, Christi Parsons quotes Leahy, and comments:

“I believe many around the world have lost respect for America,” Leahy said. “We can restore that respect, but we need a president who can reintroduce America to the world.”

Drawing a not-so-subtle parallel to contestants in the 1960 Democratic primary, Leahy said that, as a college student, he supported John F. Kennedy over Lyndon Johnson.

“Nobody doubted the great experience of Lyndon Johnson,” he said. “But I never questioned my commitment.”
