What states do you think Obama has to win on Super Tuesday in order to maintain the viability of his campaign? What states do you think he will win?
Here’s the list:
- Alabama primary
Alaska caucus
American Samoa primary
Arizona primary
Arkansas primary
California primary
Colorado caucus
Connecticut primary
Delaware primary
Democrats Abroad primary
Georgia primary
Idaho caucus
Illinois primary
Kansas caucus
Massachusetts primary
Minnesota caucus
Missouri primary
New Jersey primary
New Mexico caucus
New York primary
North Dakota caucus
Oklahoma primary
Tennessee primary
Utah primary
my server has been under constant attack for over an hour.
I’m afraid to refresh cause I never know if I’ll get you back. Figured something was going on.
noticed that
I mean…hell, you and most of the rest of the leftiness blogosphere seem to think they are to blame for everything that has gone wrong here in the U.S. that is not the direct work of BushCo, right?
Choose your enemies wisely.
Remember…they’re EVERYWHERE!!!
BWWWWAAAAA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Attack against Linux Apache servers intensifying
He needs to win California. He loses Cali, he’s toast.
And BTW, what DDAY said;
I’m thinking that tomorrow’s primary will tell us alot more about the lay of the land that last week’s caucus. And if the ‘tell’ of this season is that the candidate that’s on the rise in the 48 hrs before an event is the likely winner, then it’s Edward’s turn tomorrow.
As for the rest, I’m still of a mind that like it or not this season is going to go down to the wire with a lot more twists and turns to come.
As for the Rep’s, they’ll get what they wished for; since money wins, it will come down to Romney & Paul.
Illinois, Alabama, California
I’d give Minnesota and North Dakota to Obama as well. Maybe also Alaska. And the Dem’s abroad primary. Of course he’ll carry Illinois. He has a good chance of winning all states that do caucuses.
California will be real close and regardless of who wins the state, the delegates will probably split 50/50 like Nevada did.
Man, there are so many states that day. That should be some interesting coverage. But I don’t think it’s over for a while after that. And if Obama gets momentum that day, he can raise a whole lotta money from his small contributors who aren’t maxed out yet. I just hope Edwards stays in to collect the votes of the racist whites who would never vote black, preventing them from going to Hillary. That appears to be what’s happening in South Carolina, hence his boost as the racists figure out what to do.
A new Arizona poll has Clinton ahead, but not by much
l don’t think there are many ‘gimme’s’ there, with illinois being the exception. he has to do well in almost all the others to keep his viability alive, california especially. l don’t think he’ll walk away with a lot of first place finishes 5 feb.
colorado; l thought l had a pretty good feel for it prior to a couple meetings this week, now, l’m not so sure. l think he’ll do well, but l wouldn’t bet the mortgage on him winning. outside the front range urban areas l think he’s going to get hammered. today, if l had a gun to my head, l’d say clinton, edwards, obama…1,2,3…here. depends on who shows up. big dog’s sniffin’ around we haven’t seen much of anybody else.
it’s very unlikely that this things going to be decided on tsunami tuesday, and some opinions l’ve read are basically saying that it’s nearly impossible, mathematically, for even hillary to clinch it then.
sc, may well turn out to be edwards at the rate the polls are moving. and, as an aside, l see that his campaign, via joe trippi, has essentially conceded that he won’t win the nomination:
sc should be very telling. l’m still hoping for a brokered convention.
Obama needs to win more than half of the contests and have them be worth more than half of the delegates decided that day. Anything else is not winning, and that’s what he’s been doing for a while now.
I don’t think he has to win any except his home state of Illinois. At least a few other wins would be nice but a lot of close seconds keep the campaign alive.
I’m psyched – I think this is the first time ever that my primary vote will actually mean anything! (I’m in CA).