I’ve been moody lately. I have a lot of anger built up. I feel like I have been waking up each day for years and, like Sisyphus, trying to push the same rock up the same hill, only to see it come crashing back down. But I admit to feeling a little tingle of hope over the last two days. I feel like if we can just somehow defeat the Clintons and nominate Barack Obama that we will not only win the White House with about 40 states, but also 10 or more senate seats and lord knows how many House seats…30…50?

It’s just feels that way to me. Seeing the Democrats bring more voters to the polls in South Carolina than the Republicans kind of solidified this feeling. Watching the Kennedys pass the banner of liberalism to Obama today gave me further reason to believe.

Don’t get me wrong…I am a stone-cold cynic when it comes to this politics thing. And just three days ago I was despairing that we were headed for a Clinton-McCain race that I would have to sit out on basic principle. That race would leave me no one to root for and leave us locked in the suffocating red/blue nightmare that has exhausted us all.

Today things look somewhat different. I think Mitt Romney is going to win Florida by a small margin tomorrow. And I think the polls are going to swing Obama’s way in a big way over the next week. It’s a better looking landscape. But the hill is still so steep and the route so uncertain. Can we muster the strength for one big last thrust to get this damn rock over this damn ridge?

And can we finally, now that he has given his last State of the Union address to no effect, stop fearing the man in the White House?