Does anyone else think the New York Giants have a chance to win the Super Bowl? I wouldn’t bet on them, but I think that the Giants have a chance. Am I crazy?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Hmmm. When is this “Super Bowl” thing you speak of? I have heard that the commercials are really good. Yes?
Not a sports fan, eh?
Nope. I was always the sissy that got picked last for the team… “Well, we’ll take Randy if you take the crippled girl.” So sorry, but I have little respect for jocks since those days.
well, I’m an athlete, or was, but I was never a jock. I have respect for people that can’t play sports, or who have no interest in them. But I see no reason to disrespect those of us that excel at athletics or enjoy watching them.
I don’t disrespect sports fans or those who excel in athletics. In fact, I have great respect for them. I just lost interest in the whole matter personally, when those jerks excluded me based on what I was. I really hope that’s not acceptable anymore in elementary school, etc. But when I was growing up, picking on (and beating the shit out of) the queer kid was the way you proved yourself to be one of the guys. So I never felt welcome to participate in any of the games.
I don’t mean to insult you, Booman. In fact, as an adult, I have really grown to appreciate watching baseball. None of the the sports though. Not yet, anyway.
…none off the other sports though…
…But I really get into individual sports. I’m glued to the Olympics when they’re on.
Yes. Sadly, yes to both questions.
Eli is going to choke. Booman you will look back on 2008 as the high tide of the NY football Giants. By 2009 NYC will be gone wiped out by a nuclear device planted by our own CIA. Eli Manning and Plaxico Burress will be drafted into the war against Islamofacism. Eagles will win the division. Just sayin…
Check this out another 70 billion.
Gosh — I only just realized from the other comments: When you asked if the Giants had a chance to win the Super Bowl, you meant this year’s?
Yeah, you’re crazy.
The Superbowl is usually a game in which anything can happen. A couple of interceptions or fumbles can decide the outcome. Often a blowout one way or another. Bottom line: The Giants are capable of winning…with a few breaks.
Yes and no. I personally am rooting for the Patriots, but I do know that the Giants gave the Pats a terrific contest up in the last game of the season. Some breaks in the Giants favor and they might very well have won. The Pats know that this will be real game, against a team they just played eight weeks ago. In that regard, the Pats differ from the Cowboys and Packers who had played the Giants early in the season before the Giants jelled into a pretty decent team and might have kept thinking they were playing the inept Giants of the early season. Let’s just hope its a good, clean game and that no one gets injured.
I watched the GB game again the other night and I counted seven plays, any of which if they had gone another way, would have caused the Giants to lose. The Dallas game wasn’t much different.
The Pats D has not been particularly impressive of late but the Giants will likely need more than 40 points to win. And they will likely need zero turnovers and a dominating ball control offense. Manning will need to be perfect, but not necessarily brilliant, ie., no mistakes. Finally, the Giants D will need to force a few mistakes and turnovers,
And then they will need some luck. But its possible.
I certainly hope the Giants can win – if they win then we never have to hear from the ’72 Dolphins again (Patriots eclipsed their 17-0 run) and we don’t have to hear from the 2007 Patriots for the next 50 years. It’s the best of all possible worlds, and this is beginning to look like a year where hopes are rewarded so I definitely hopeful that the Giants will indeed win.
If David Brooks can wax rapturous over Ted Kennedy then it is certainly possible for the Giants to beat the Patriots…
For many years I would never watch the Super Bowl, or any sports at all, really. All hype, marketing, and advertising. Many years I couldn’t have even have told you who played or even who won.
Of all of the sports, football is still my least favorite. I still find it incredibly dull, and the players all seem like prima donas – hardly the best role models for the kids in our society.
I must admit a feeling of schadenfreude whenever the Redskins lose.
They will beat the spread.
I’m rooting for the Pats. But I counted the Giants out against the Bucs, the Cowboys and the Packers. So it would be foolish to think the Giants couldn’t pull off a win.
Of course the Giants are going to win.
reality is painful! 31-13 pats.Tragically!
Would have posted last night but the chimp put me to sleep.
By the way- watched about half of the sotus and was wondering- Are the chimps facial expressions a clear sign of a disturbed mind and did anyone else notice that the script had the Applause Signs writen into it?
Crazy? Not at all. The Giants could do this thing, providing they stop Brady’s long pass, keep his vision blurred, and get him to throw a few interceptions.
Miracles do happen.
The Giants are on a roll; they play very well on the road; their quarterback has finally grown up a little; the Pats have been relatively unimpressive in their last several victories; Brady has a tender ankle and Obama is coming on strong against the previously undefeated (by anything other than female sex objects) Clinton Machine.
I’m rooting for them only because Brady and Bellichick are such roaringly conservative assholes.
At least the Giants don’t trumpet their conservatism.
I don’t like ANY of the goddamned Patriot Acts.
Surveil THIS, Bellichick!!!
Of course…Eli baby may revert to least favored son status again…but at least that asshole Shockey is out of the picture.
I never had too much use for Tiki Barber either. Yeah, I know he could run. Too slick by half for my tastes. All front, no inside game.
Let us this day remember and honor the Lawrence Taylors of this world.
Crazy motherfuckers you could HANG with just so long as you didn’t get them too mad at you.
And the Bill Parcells too. Tough Jersey boys who take no shit.
Giants in an upset.
Obama in ’08 too, it looks like maybe..
Have fun…
I am.
Pretty strong stuff, Authur. Hope your take is correct. Just a disclosure: I’m a Giants fan for jew two weeks on loan from the Packers. Emotionally, it is all confusing to me. But that’s the way it is. Democrat for underdogs, anyone will do.
I read somewhere that the superbowl was going to be canceled and that the aggregate salaries of the players and coaches, (as well as the money that would have been spent on advertising, and the salaries from TV, advertising, and related corporate execs), were going to be spent on rebuilding the public school systems of gulf coast states destroyed by hurricanes and callous government responses to them. And the leftover money would go toward drug rehab.
Where was that?