My doctor recently told me that a great exercise is just sitting in a chair, then standing up, then sitting again… repeat over and over. Last night during Bush’s unsurprising and often misleading State of the Union message, the Republican side interrupted almost every statement with standing ovations as the more thoughtful Democrats, for the most part, sat and listened, knowing it was the last time they had to put up with this drivel.

The amount of calories the Republicans burned off must have certainly added to the temperature of the room, if not to global warming in general. But this is not surprising, since they have helped us achieve higher temperatures over all for decades.

We know from the speech that Iraq is still turning into a success, that Iran is responsible for most of what is currently wrong internationally, that taxes should be cut permanently (so we can pay for the war and other things with borrowed funds, I guess) and that underneath the job losses, housing glut, mortgage foreclosures, loss of manufacturing, etc., we have a strong economy.

Where does this guy come from? He mustn’t read the papers or listen to TV news.

And why do the Republicans, who he has led down this disastrous path, applaud and stand for him?

I guess the physical exercise has a value in and of itself.

Under The LobsterScope