Before the president gets started I thought I’d ask if I’m the only one that giggles a little bit everytime I see a Netrootser get him/herself quoted in the Beltway press.
“It is unbelievably pathetic that a sensible progressive in Congress will not actually challenge the people blocking their legislation,” Stoller told The Hill. “It’s just remarkable and sad.”
The quotes always sound a little bit different, no? Of course, no one wants to quote the BooMan. The world is not ready.
So, what do you expect from Chimpy tonight?
I’m hoping he addresses the issue that, if this line (from CNN’s story on the big McCain jump in California) is to be trusted, has finally made it onto the radar:
Nice to see that people are finally realizing that terrorism among California Republicans is a major concern (and it truly is). But seriously, what can the president do about it?
I predict a surge in California.
Oh, and the WHOLE WORLD LOVES US because we are such a compassionate nation who helps the African AIDS victims and their families.
The Economy is the greatest. Just look at how well the corporations (The Dow industrial average) are doing! Forget about inflation. That’s nothing. Forget that your raises at work haven’t kept up. Forget that you are about to lose your home. Things are great – and we’re on the RIGHT track!
The war has almost been WON! The “Surge” worked out great and BetrayUs is very pleased. (BTW, if this thing doesn’t work out… it’s his fault, not mine.)
God Bless AMERICA!
Good, now I don’t have to watch it.
I had no idea you were one of Bush’s speechwriters.
Whatever happened to The War Czar?
They replaced him quietly with the Propaganda Czar.
I thought no one would accept the position?
I offered to do so time and again..
yeah. I considered it. After I retired as social director of the Froggy Bottom Cafe I was looking for something a bit less stressful. They pursued me. But I decided to stay retired. 🙂
Succinct and to the point. He could teach Stoller a thing or two.
Condi looks nice.
I’m a connoisseur of pantsuits.
Are the women limited to either red or white suits?
i suppose blue is okay. No orange.
There appears to have been a memo.
Wait … Nancy is in … lavender? Periwinkle?
On ABC and NBC it looks like a shade of purple.
Hmm…looks gray to me. Let’s settle on “bruise” colored.
We need BooMan to decide.
it’s a very nice grey.
Your pantsuit credibility is ruined.
Come on, people. It’s clearly taupe. See my blog sidebars for an example [/shameless whoring]
It’s kind of the shade of the mountains in some of the pictures from your patio.
Clearly it is taupe.
It’s LAVENDER, Dahhhhhlink!
I don’t plan on applauding at all.
Just stand up at the appropriate parts.
It’s Skeletor.
Hasn’t “The Ownership Society” turned out GREAT?
We broke it, now you own it.
You bought it, now WE own you.
You decide.
entre chimpy.
Blue Tie around the neck of a sociopath
I have to say that he always had nice ties.
I LOVE the sound of that!
The President of The United States….
Kennedy and Obama are chilling together.
Obama hanging with Teddy. Where’s Hillary?
Barack and Teddy are hangin’ out together side-by-side tonight!
What say ye?
Is that really Cheney or a reanimated robot?
I think Cheney’s upper lip is still in an undisclosed location.
In my world, they all just applauded because this is the last time they have to listen to his jibberish. In reality, there’s a whole group of people in that room who are too nice to give him the finger that he deserves
vigorous debate? Like in the Senate today where the Republicans wouldn’t allow debate?
I don’t know how long I’ll be able to take this. I can’t look at the smirk and the voice … ugh.
What makes it even worse for me is that he reminds me exactly of my ex. My kids pointed that out several years ago and I can’t get past it.
I hate your ex.
Thank you Maryb. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
the important part is that he is your ex.
someone didn’t have his V8 today, he’s leaning sideways on the podium
I was going to try to watch it, but I got so nauseated by the standing ovation that the war criminal received from everyone present that I’ve got to walk away from the teevee.
what is the philosophy that made us great?
oh yeah, trust people with their own money. Got it.
…EMPOWER them to improve their lives…
Wages are up!
Seriously, where is Cheney’s upper lip!?!?
I hope the republicans have been taking their shark cartilage, because they’re knees are gonna be shot when this is over.
look at those greedy relif for the my tax dollar end the war in iraq
“Balance the budget, but give me my bombs or else”
Yeah, George! veto those tax increases.
Scrap the social programs! Fuck the poor! Yes, fuck them right in the ear!
earmarks are only a problem when Bush doesn’t control the theft.
2008 SOTU = veto threat masturbation
What a fucking SCUMBAG!
Look at that smirk! He’s loving this. Chuckle Chuckle.
two claps for health care.
republicans yeahs for tax yeahs for mortgage relief..
Hillary looks impossibly bored.
Tonight I love the “evil Hillary” face. Total disgust.
Hillary is just clapping away, not so excited but she loves his programs.
Oh yeah – medical lawsuits are the problem.
wonder if he’ll mention gynecologists this year?
I’m going to speculum….I mean speculate that he won’t.
The doctor cut the wrong arm off… “JUNK Medical Lawsuit…”
No one can deny NCLB results – record dropout rates in high school
And test scores go up when you only teach the test.
But is our children learning?
TEST SCORES are high, so our children be lerrrnin’ good now! No Child Left Behind werks, you see.
Ah yes attack public schools….vouchers are the way.
I hope that when Nancy finally throws up that she does it in Dick’s lap.
“break down barriers to trade and investment”
translation: as long as it screws them and not us.
Free trade agreements work, you see? Now we don’t have those tacky factories anymore. Good Riddance!
Mikulski brought a book to read.
wonder if anyone has an i-phone video
now he hates chavez..must be chavez is dating namoi campbell
Clean COal twchnology… Rinse it with water. LOOK! It’s Clean now!
nu-c-u-lar power.
Charlie Rangel must be listening to Chris Rock on his iPod
Alito was picking at his nose. That should be the headline tomorrow
It’s hard work to be a justice. You can’t clap too much. Picking your nose is a good excuse. Very creative of him.
He’s a strict constructionist booger picker.
You anticipated Bush. Whim of the gavel …
Okay, I’m watching it now that This Old House is over. Here’s a littany of things that he will never accomplish.
Why does Nancy clap?
Hillary is redder than most.
Someone forgot to put a tricycle in the aisle for Lieberman.
So George… WHAT IS THE STATE OF THE UNION? No More than three word answer, George…
Double the funding for scientific research into snowflake babies and finding noah’s ark.
Embryos are more important than adults, or children, for that matter!
“Respect for human life” – unless it resides in the Middle East.
How does he remain so arrogant and combative in the face of his complete impotence? I have to give him kudos for that.
Lots of drugs.
Cause he knows congress is even more impotent.
New Orleans? Huh? He noticed?
he has the audacity to treat his treatment of NOLA as if it was dignified. BLECH
I know.
Thank god this is the last year we have to hear that black is white and up is down.
“Catch and release” are they people or trout?
“trout” would be a complement compared to the way the hardliners treat migrant peoples.
The U.S. only has one border, apparently.
how far in are we 15 mins. no mention of Iraq, until just now
The reason you don’t get quoted more often, Booman, is obviously because you don’t have your own special wikipedia page, replete with uber-geeky file photo. Like duh…